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    • День 20

      Kaupanger Stavkirke

      13 июля 2022 г., Норвегия ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Die größte Stabkirche in Sogn (ca. 1140 erbaut) wurde mehr als 850 Jahre lang ununterbrochen als Pfarrkirche genutzt. Die mittelalterliche Konstruktion ist bewahrt, und der Kirchenraum ruht auf 22 „Stäben", also Pfählen. Dies ist die höchste Zahl an Pfählen, die in einer Stabkirche festgestellt wurde. Der größte Teil des Interieurs stammt aus dem 17. Jahrhundert.Читать далее

    • День 79

      2022-11-16 Stabkirche Kaupanger

      16 ноября 2022 г., Норвегия ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

      Nach drei Tagen Flåm mit dem Highlight, der Fajrt mit der Flåmbahn, war es wieder an der Zeit, weiterzuziehen. Unterwegs haben wir wieder an einer Stabkirche kurz Halt gemacht.
      Der Stablirche Kaupanger.

      Die Kirche ist ein Nachfolgebau einer Vorgängerkirche, die in den Jahren 1183 und 1184 urkundlich in der Sverris Saga erwähnt wurde. Nachdem die Bevölkerung einen königlichen Boten ermordet hatte, wurde der Ort zur Strafe geplündert und samt der Kirche niedergebrannt. Einer archäologischen Untersuchung von Hans Emil Lidén zufolge gab es insgesamt 3 Vorgängerkirchen auf dem Grundstück. Die heutige Kirche wurde vermutlich kurz nach dem Brand gegen Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts errichtet. Sie war ursprünglich eine Langkirche mit rechteckigem Schiff, einem schmaleren Chor und wies auf jeder Seite einen Laubengang auf. 1350 wurde das Schiff halbiert und verrückt. Ein neuer Mittelteil wurde eingefügt, die Kirche wurde so um 3,5 Meter verlängert (Wikipedia
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    • День 19

      Hiking in the Sognefjord

      17 июля 2018 г., Норвегия ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We have spent three glorious days here in the Sognefjord in our little boat house. It was sunny for the first two days and much of the third. Supposedly they have had no rain for a month which is typically the daily norm. Having exhausted the museums the first day it was time to do some hiking. I have been trailing my hiking boots through Scandinavia so I thought it should be time to put them to use. My right ankle is very weak from an old volleyball injury so I am always worried that I could roll it again. Therefore I really need to wear the hiking boots. One of my colleagues wives broke her ankle while hiking in running shoes a few years ago which has further increased my anxiety about not having hiking boots. For our first hike I chose one called Bjorahaug outside of a small town called Hermansverk. It was described as a Norwegian stroll which I thought would be a good warm up hike. It was only 1165 metres long. What I didn't realize was that the elevation gain was 500 metres. It was a hike up the side of a fjord. I don't think I have ever hiked so steeply. It certainly did give me an appreciation of how steeply the sides of the fjords rise from the water. There were ropes in areas to help oneself up. At one point my son Andrew told me that he thought that his mother had fallen. I quickly backtracked to check up on her but she had just lost the trail and was calling us to see where it went.The kids had no problem. They must be part billygoat. The hike was rated as 70 minutes. At the 70 minute mark we were very high up but not at the top of the fjord. The trail started to go down before I suspect it would go up again. I was absolutely drenched in perspiration. After all that work I decided that I didn't want to lose any of the elevation we had worked so hard for. We stopped for lunch. The view of the fjords was spectacular. On a sunny day I think it looks prettier then the west coast of BC.

      After our warm up day, we decided to try something a little more difficult although we had set the bar pretty high the first day. We decided to do the Mount Molden which was a small mountain looking out over an arm of the Sognefjord. The arm is known as Gaupnefjorden. One can also see the glaciers to the north from the top. It was a longer hike with an elevation of 600 metres. We reached an elevation of 1116 metres. It was a pretty hard hike although probably not as hard and definitely not as steep as the warm up hike. We were well above the tree line at the top. The view from the top was even more breathtaking. When we were at the top we realized that there was a storm system coming in from the south. We were 9/10s of the way down when we were hit with a wicked rain storm. Gale force winds, snapping branches etc. We only had to walk 15 minutes in the rain. I wouldn't have wanted to be on the top of the mountain when the storm hit.

      Last night this huge yacht maybe 60 metres long came into our bay and stayed for 24 hours. It was owned by Jade yachts so I checked it out online. People can rent this yacht for a week for 362k Cdn. Chris and I paddled a canoe out to it to check it out. I felt like a polynesian native checking out the ship of James Cook. I couldn't believe just how large it was. It was bigger than my house.
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    • День 20

      Taking it easy for a day

      18 июля 2018 г., Норвегия ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      It started raining pretty hard yesterday afternoon and kept up all night. We had planned to do another hike today but it seemed unlikely that it was going to let up. I let everyone sleep in. The kids were pretty tired after the hiking. By 10 the rain had slowed so Cheryl and I went for a Canadian stroll around town and within 30 minutes the sun was out again and shining very brightly. In Kaupanger they have 5 and 3 meters diving platforms on the water. With the rain yesterday we had to take a miss on the platforms but with the sun out the kids really wanted to use the window to give the platforms another go. It was low tide so the platforms were more like 6.5 metres. This is pretty high. They actually talked me into doing it. It is a long drop. I talked with a local while watching the kids. I told that at home in Canada they would never have such an unsupervised structure as someone would get hurt. She told me that no one had ever been seriously hurt. I told her that we were just a bunch of worriers at home. I suspect that there must be something in the viking blood that makes Norwegians more risk takers. We had a late lunch and there were some more showers. Videl came over with his kids and took my little ones fishing again and then towed them around on inflatables behind the little boat. It was very kind of him. Just when I thought things were going to quiet down another mega yacht came into the bay. Forever one. 54 metres long and owned by billionaire Bruce Grossman who was heir to the Mexican Coca Cola bottling group. It is interesting what you can find out online. Chris and I went to check it out in the canoe. Just a beautiful yacht.

      With some time on my hands today I have had time to reflect on one of my colleagues dilemma. My colleague owns a vintage BMW. It is a wonderful looking car but unfortunately its time is coming to an end. My colleague has enjoyed the image and prestige of a European built vehicle but may not be able to afford a new one. I think though that this vacation that I have stumbled on a solution to my colleague's problem. We have been privileged to drive a Skoda Octavia station wagon since Oslo. Skoda is a Czech build vehicle which is actually built in Europe. No Mexican content here. It drives wonderfully and is probably much cheaper then a Mexican built BMW. My colleague would be the first to own a Skoda at the RAH. It would really improve his image amongst the staff parking such a car in the Doctors car park.
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    • День 6

      Viikingite aegne kirik Kaupangeris

      16 июля 2016 г., Норвегия ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Käisime uurimas Norra teist kõige suuremat puidust kirikut. Saime ka ühe noore poisi käest guided touri, ta tundus olevat ajaloo huviline. Rääkis kõigepealt sellest kuidas kunagi Norras oli igal maakonnal enda kuningas ning pmst toimus koguaeg kodusõda siin kuningate vahel. Üks kuningas(vist kuningas) põletas kogu selle Kaupangeri linna maha, ainult kiriku ümber mässis märjaks tehtud laeva purde, et see maha ei põleks, sest see olevat patt ja viivat põrgusse (inimeste tapmine mitte). Kaupanger oli vanasti suur linm. Seda kirikut on restaureeritud põhjalikult ja kuju ja pikkus on aegade jooksul muutunud. Samuti on lisatud aknad, õigel viikingi aegsel kirikul polnud üldse aknaid, ainult paar topsi suurust auku kõrgel laes. Sellepärast polnud vaja ka ühtegi kaunistust. Hiljem lisandusid aknad ja siis joonistati kaunistuseks ümisemise noodid sise seintele - norra algsed kiriku laulud ei sisaldanud sõnu.

      Puidust kirik oli vanasti vaese inimese kirik. Kui sul oli raha siis ehitasid kivist kirkiku. Tegelikult Norrakad pole kunagi väga usklikud olnud ja ei olnud ka vanasti. Viikingite ajal oli kirik küla kogunemise koht, kus joodi õlud ja mängiti kaarte - nagu baar põhimõtteliselt.

      Ta rääkis ka kuidas neid ehitati. Kõigepealt valiti välja metsas parim saadavalolev mänd (tollel ajal olid suured ja jämedad puud veel), kooriti see ära ning jäeti püsti metsa kuivama. Alles paari aasta pärast raiuti surnud ja kuiv puu maha.

      Ehitusstiililt on 3 varianti: postid maa sees, mis aga mädanevad ruttu ära, postid kivide peal, mis peab paarkümmen aastat kuni sada vastu või täis vundamendi ja tuulutusega põhi millele laotakse palgid. Viimane variant on kõige kestvam.

      Lisaks saime teada, et norra vanem põlvkond tahab jubedalt et lapselapsed käiks leeris (või ristiks) ning annavad selle eest hiigel summasid lastelastele (alates 60000NOK ehk 6000€) ning kui vanavanematel selleks raha ei ole, siis saab riiklikku toetust taotleda selle jaoks.
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    • День 18


      16 июля 2018 г., Норвегия ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We drove from Oslo to Kaupanger on the 14th of July. We were right at the car rental place in downtown Oslo at 9 am to pick up the car. The process was painfully slow. I had gotten a very good deal on the car rental. 1200 Cdn for 13 days. They had told us the day before that a walk in rental for two days with drop off in Bergen would have cost the same amount. I think they wanted to scrutinize everything extra carefully as they could have rented our car to a walkin for much more. Finally after 30 minutes we got the car but not after realizing that Cheryl's license had expired in March. By then there was a massive line up out the door. I wonder now that the government isn't sending out notifications how many Albertans are driving with expired licenses.By the time we were done there was this very long line up of people behind me. We got back to the hostel by 10 and the kids were all ready for us. We packed and headed out of town and within 30 minutes we were at a standstill in traffic. After this our trip was punctuated by a long stop for groceries and an unsuccessful grocery stop. We drove over a mountain range with an elevation of 1200 metres before descending to the fjord. Travel time was an astounding 7 hours. My highlight of the trip was stopping at a gas station with some old Volvos one which looked like it was from the early 70s and it reminded me a lot of the Volvo my parents had bought in 1968. My parents 1968 Volvo looked good but was a terrible car always breaking down when on holidays and rusted out very quickly. This early experience with Volvos scarred me for life. I don't think that I could ever own a Volvo.

      Our boathouse in Kaupanger is right on the fjord with a million dollar view. As soon as we arrived Videl the brother in law of the owner who has two children took my two youngest out on a boat with his kids fishing in their little motor boat out into the centre of the fjord. It is a little rustic by Muskoka standards but for us it is perfect. Kaupanger is very quiet and there are few tourists here. I have had two great sleeps here. The fjords are quite spectacular. The sides in areas rise quite sharply up from the water. It reminds me of BC but it is different. Cheryl keeps saying that it reminds her of Saskatchewan but I am not sure how and I don't think she is being a smart alek when she says this. The water has a lot less salinity than seawater so It doesn't taste very salty nor does one's skin feel salty after swimming in it. It really doesn't even smell like the ocean. Yesterday we drove to a very picturesque town on an even prettier fjord called Solvorn home of the Walaker hotel a historic expensive looking hotel. We took a ferry across a fjord to Urnes home of the world's oldest wooden church. It was a 20 minute hike up to the church from the ferry. It wasn't a hike by our definition as we saw some girls doing it in flip flops.These old wooden churches are known as Stave churches as the old Norwegian word for the supports were known as Staves. This one dated from 1100 AD. It looks impressive now but probably looked even more impressive when it was built. There were wood panels on the outside carved with snakes and dragons which were felt to be from the 900s. The wood carvings looked like Celtic meets Scandinavian. We ate our lunch at the museum before hiking down and catching the ferry. We were all pretty hot by the time we made it to Solvern which fortunately had a beautiful swim area with platforms for jumping and diving off. We were all tired but had a good day. My son Chris said that he would have given it a 7.5/10 which by his standards is pretty good.
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    • День 53


      9 августа 2022 г., Норвегия ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      I only wanted to have a look at the church, but then I got curious and had a walk along the fjord in Kaupanger, where I found a beautiful campsite at the end of the village. I decided to stay here for the night and enjoy that quiet spot. 😄
      I even improved my card shuffle skills. 🃏😎🤪
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    • День 14


      30 августа 2020 г., Норвегия ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Der Tag begann mit einem kleinen Spaziergang zur ersten Stabkirche unserer Tour.

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