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    • Päivä 6


      6. kesäkuuta 2023, Norja ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Die erste Stadt welche wir uns in Norwegen anschauen ist Stavanger, ehemaliger Hauptumschlagsplatz für norwegisches Öl.
      Eigentlich ganz schön hier, nur ist derzeit nicht so viel los, denn wie man uns sagt sind wir für einen Norwegen Sommerurlaub eigentlich zu früh dran und man eher ab Ende Juni herkommen sollte.
      Nachdem wir der Turi-Info gesagt haben, dass wir nur kurz in der Region sein werden, schlägt sie uns vor, Tickets für ein Festival Ende des Monats zu buchen!? Wir sind verdutzt, aber evtl. ist die Zeitrechnung hier ja anders.

      Viel bedeutender ist allerdings die Info vom DNT ( dem norwegischer Alpenverein und Hüttennetzwerk), dass wir unsere angedachte Mehrtageswanderung im Hardangervidda vergessen können. Auf der Hochebene liegen teilweise noch bis zu 4m Schnee und auch wenn es derzeit bei den fantastischen ( und auch etwas bedenklichen) Temperaturen in Rekordzeit schmilzt, sind die freiliegenden Stellen noch viel zu matschig und nur schwer bis gar nicht passierbar. Das wirft unseren Reiseplan etwas durcheinander, mal sehen wie es weitergeht.
      Allerdings erklärt es uns endlich, warum so viele Norweger noch mit Dachbox unterwegs sind, die Skisaison läuft noch!

      Was bei der Beratung allerdings etwas nervt ist, dass wir der Dame vom DNT jede Info einzeln aus der Nase ziehen musste und auch, dass die einzelnen Büros nicht im Kontakt miteinander stehen und sie uns deshalb keine Auskunft über Alternativen in anderen Regionen im Land geben konnte.
      Ähnliches gilt für die Turi-Infos, weshalb man sich leider dort nur bedingt Infos über die Weiterreise einholen kann.

      Was dann aber doch ganz spannend war, war das Ölmuseum in Stavanger. Wir haben viel gelernt, und Norwegen scheint sich seiner Rolle im globalen Ölhandel sowie den eigenen Einfluss auf die Umwelt sehr bewusst zu sein. Den Handel selbst werden sie in Naher Zukunft wohl aber nicht stoppen, sondern nur den eigenen Konsum reduzieren.
      Klar, wenn auf jedem Tropfen Öl 90% Steuern sind und man deshalb für jeden Einwohner über € 250k Altersvorsorge zurücklegen kann, gibt man das Greenwashing wohl nicht so schnell auf und lässt lieber die anderen das Klima anheizen.
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    • Päivä 26

      Rain rain rain

      24. heinäkuuta 2018, Norja ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      It started to rain Sunday night just as we started packing our stuff up to drive to Haugesund which is located half way between Bergen and Stavanger on the west coast. We really have been blessed with marvellous weather during the trip. It has been warm and sunny the majority of the time. Unlike Vancourvites, Norwegians on the West coast of Norway actually readily volunteer that it rains a lot here. It rained off and on for much of our trip. We took a ferry for part of the trip. The rain ceased so we could hang out on deck. The ferry seemed brand new compared to the BC ferries I am use to. Loading the ferries was a model of efficiency. We were away before I could get out on deck. The ferry was also very fast. BC ferries should check out. When we got to Haugesund, Cheryl stayed at the BnB while the kids and I went to the Viking museum. The Viking museum was at a site of prehistoric and Viking settlements from 3000 BC to 1300 AD. From this site the inhabitants had been able to control north south trade and had thus been very powerful. There was a good documentary movie about the site. There was a point and click English audio tour but I sensed all was not covered. Lots of old prehistoric and Viking nicnacs. After the museum we wandered through a sheep farm to a Recreation of a Viking farm. It was getting on in the day and all the historical actors were on there cellphones counting down the last 30 minutes before going home. One of them was good enough to break away from her phone to chat with us. Many people have unanswered questions about the Vikings such as how did they navigate such large distances without compasses. They didn't need compasses, they had cellphones.

      When I planned stopping in Haugesund it was mainly to break our drive down to Stavanger. As it turned out afterwards, I had a connection to Stavanger.Back in the winter when I was showing one of my neighbours what Air BnBs I had booked for my holiday he commented that his brother happened to live in Haugesund. Now my neighbour Bjorn is from Norway so if anyone I knew had a brother there it would have been him. I got in touch with Stein and he invited our family to their summer cottage for a barbecue at his summer home on a fjord. It was 25 minutes east of Haugesund and away from the coast so it was less cloudy. The rain held off and there were some glimpses of the sun. We had a delightful meal of hot dogs. Norwegians love hot dogs but not sausages.In their grocery stores there are lots of hot dogs on the shelves, far more than Canada. I kid you not. Their cabin was on this beautiful fjord. After supper we went swimming off of rocks just by their cabin. The swimming was even more exciting as there were these white jellyfish one had to avoid. I swam across the fjord and when I got back, I had a skin irritation in my antecubital fossa. I had probably been stung by a jellyfish. Fortunately they are pretty harmless. After washing my arm off with salt water and about an hour of time the itch went away.

      We returned to Haugesund and it rained hard all night. I am sure the local were happy as there has been a drought here. We had hoped to go to some beautiful beaches today but when we woke up it was still pouring hard. My wife who has a penchant for military museums as many of you know from my previous blogs insisted on going to the military museum. As military museums go, it was excellent. Norway was occupied by the Germans in WW2. They hid there submarine bases in the fjords and built coastal defences all along Germany's west coast. When they lost the war, they left all of their weaponry in Norway. There was a lot of German armaments, submarine material, information about the resistance and life in Norway during the war. My favourite item were shoes that were made from fish skins rather then leather during WW2 and a wedding dress made by a female resistance fighter after the war from an allied parachute drop. I think Cheryl read every word of the English booklet that described 90 different displays in the museum. I was happy to get out of the museum in 2 hours.

      We drove on to Stavanger. Another ferry ride and multiple bridges and long long underground tunnels connecting islands. The Norwegians infrastructure is pretty impressive. I thought the Swiss do tunnels well but the Norwegians seem to do them better and longer.
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    • Päivä 28

      Oil oil oil

      26. heinäkuuta 2018, Norja ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We have now spent two full days in Stavanger.

      We decided on the first day that we needed some exercise so we headed out of town 30 minutes to climb Mt. Dalnuten which is about a 1.5 hour return hike. From the top of the mountain which is only 400 metres one can get a spectacular view of Stavanger across a sound. We had missed the funicular in Bergen so this was to garner the same experience. We went swimming off a pier into the same sound we had been looking at to cool off when we had Finished the hike. The water was very cold and very salty. We avoided any jellyfish We got home early afternoon and chilled out until after supper when we headed downtown to the harbour where they were preparing for tall ships involved in a race to come over the weekend into the harbour.

      I think the two words that best describe Norway is oil money. Since the development of the offshore oil fields in the North Sea starting in 1969, the Norwegian economy has been on fire. Having now spent the last two weeks in Norway, I can attest to the affluence of the country. New housing, new cars, vacation properties, marinas filled with unused pleasure craft. Compared to the other Scandinavian countries Norway is expensive. Groceries and consumer items are double what they are in Edmonton. This is even more noticeable in Stavanger which is the centre of the oil industry. The number of high end watch stores in downtown Stavanger was on par with Switzerland. Being from Alberta we thought that a visit to the Norwegian oil museum was in order. I think Cheryl enjoyed it more then the military museum which is a tall order. It had tastefully done movies about how oil had changed Norwegians especially those working on the off shore rigs, interviews about the life and fears of oil workers on these rigs, movies about the divers who work on the ocean floors. There were all sorts of displays about the oil platforms and the drilling off shore. Those platforms are huge ranging from 50 to 250 metres in depth. There were also displays about the environmental effects of burning all this carbon. I think we were longer in the Oil museum then the war museum. I had an interesting talk with an attendant in the gift shop of how oil had affected Alberta which she said was similar to how it had effected Stavanger. By 2014 housing had become prohibitively expensive in Stavanger.

      When we were done we headed down to the harbour to check out the tall ships. The harbour was just packed with 3 and 4 masters. There were at least three large ships from Russia manned by Russian naval cadets. The kids were quite thrilled to be on a Russian naval vessel with real naval seamen who were conversing in Russian. There was also a tall ship from the Indian navy who had the most friendly crew. After an hour and a half wandering around in the sun we headed for home to chill out and start packing for our trip home.

      This will be my last blog of the trip. I hope you have all enjoyed following it. I have had some camera issues so I will try to post the photos later. Thank you Ross for all of your encouragement with this blog. Knowing that someone was actually reading it was a true motivator for updating it.

      Cheers Rob
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    • Päivä 8


      15. heinäkuuta 2023, Norja ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Heute haben wir die Stadt Stavanger besucht. Stavanger ist eine schöne Stadt mit tollen Geschäften und einer wunderschönen Altstadt am Hafen.

    • Päivä 14


      7. heinäkuuta 2023, Norja ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir diese Stadt eher meiden. Da wir bei unserem Einkauf letztens jedoch feststellen mussten, dass unsere Norwegischen Kronen nicht mehr gültig sind, die wir von Zuhause mitbrachten, mussten wir also doch in die Stadt. Wir kamen uns vor wie der Buchbinder Wanninger. Bei mehreren Adressen, die man uns gab, Fehlanzeige.
      Nachdem wir nach zwei Stunden zig Kilometer Herumirren (natürlich incl. Mautkosten) endlich die richtige Adresse bekommen hatten, stellten wir fest, dass die entsprechende Bank in diesem Augenblick ihre Pforten schloss. Boah. Ich krieg nen Fön. 🤪💩😡
      Damit wir wenigstens einen Punkt abarbeiten, entschieden wir uns schließlich, ein paar Lebensmittel einzukaufen. Und siehe da...... unsere NOKs wurden in zwei Geschäften angenommen. Tschakka. Schließlich fanden wir noch einen wunderbaren Stellplatz direkt am Lysefjord. Gaaaanz nah am Wasser. Wie schön. 🤩🥰
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