Middle East - October 2017

Oktober - November 2017
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  • Hari 22


    28 Oktober 2017, Israel ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    With less than half of the tour group now with us (riders have started their journey), today we started later & explored the Negev Desert & Rift Valley surrounding Beersheba. Our first stop was to visit the final home of Israel's first Prime Minister & essentially the State's Founding Father - David Ben-Gurion. He was a true visionary & leader. He stepped down from office in 1963 & retired from political life in 1970. He then moved to where we visited - Sde Boker, a Kibbutz in the Negev Desert, where he lived until his death. He moved here as he passionately believed that in order for a people to follow a dream they must first see their dreamer (leader) live the reality of it. Posthumously, Ben-Gurion was named one of Time magazine's 100 Most Important People of the 20th century. Here are just some of his incredible quotes:
    • Courage is a special kind of knowledge: the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought not to be feared.
    • Without moral and intellectual independence, there is no anchor for national independence.
    • Anyone who doesn't believe in miracles is not a realist.
    • If an expert says it can't be done, get another expert.
    In his last Will he instructed that his desert home be preserved as is & left open to the public. It was fascinating to walk through his home; his library, in particular, gave incredible insight to the great man that he was.
    Our next stop was a local winery (yep, in the middle of the desert) where we got to sample a few drops & hear about the history of this unusual wine growing region & the techniques used to help it florish.
    On the bus again & our next stop was the beautiful En Avdat National Park in the central Negev Desert region. We walked a canyon that the Israelites would likely have wandered through in their 40 years of roaming the desert. Moses' sister Miriam was buried in this region. It was absolutely breathtaking to view & the Nubian Ibex were wandering freely on the cliffs beside us - they are so agile!
    A short stop for a Macca's lunch at an ancient Nebatean ruins site at Avdat had us refuelled & ready to take in the final resting place of David Ben-Gurion, at a beautiful oasis park in the desert overlooking the incredible Rift Valley. Ibex were again roaming free & available for plenty of photos. It was a spectacular way to round out another day exploring this beautifully diverse nation.
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  • Hari 23


    29 Oktober 2017, Israel ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    Today we decided to not go with the planned itinerary & instead chose to explore Beersheba. A group of us went into town via taxi and visited Abraham's Well; Allenby Park; Beersheba War Cemetery & the Turkish Railway.
    We had lunch at a Canyon Shopping Mall before the boys headed back to the hotel & us girls continued to hunt around for souvenirs...to no avail 😕.
    All in all it was a good day & we were grateful for the slower pace.
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  • Hari 24


    30 Oktober 2017, Israel ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    Today the riders finished there three night trek in the desert by performing the last leg of their ride on a stretch of land near Tel El Saba - a significant location that the Kiwi's captured in 1917 allowing the Aussies to charge in & take the wells. The media pack was thick on the plain, all vying for the best photo opportunity. The troops did us proud & our band performed brilliantly (as usual) for the large contingent of Kiwis & local school children that joined us for the commemoration.
    Our next stop was lunch at a local road house before a quick visit to the riders who were unwinding at Beit Eshel nearby. After a quick "hello" we were on our way again to the Israeli Air Force Museum where we had an incredibly informative afternoon being shown around the airbase by a young Israeli Air Force Cadet. We even had a chat with the founder of the Museum who was also a former pilot & Mayor of Beersheba - very accomplished!
    Dinner with the riders back at the hotel rounded out another great day exploring our location. We were off to bed early in preparation for the early start tomorrow - when the official commemorations begin!
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  • Hari 25

    Israel (Beersheba Day)

    31 Oktober 2017, Israel ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    Well the big day has finally arrived & we started early. We were on the bus at 6.00am & heading to the local stadium where security checks were undertaken & wrist straps issued. Once cleared, we were moved to the next security checkpoint located near the Beersheba Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery. Here we all underwent individual security checks & were issued our lanyards & goodie bag to commemorate the day before being ushered into reserved seating inside the cemetery in preparation for all of the formalities. The ceremony went off without a hitch & we even got our faces on live TV courtesy of the ABC!
    Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu spoke, as did our PM, Malcolm Turnbull & numerous other dignitaries. It was a moving & powerful ceremony.
    We moved from this location to the street parade where our riders & their horses took pride of place.
    Next we were bused to a local park at Beit Eshel, where we caught up with the riders for lunch before being moved to the area where the charge was going to be re-enacted. After a bit of waiting around, the dignitaries finally arrived and the charge could begin.
    There were thousands of people in attendance & security was tight with snipers set up in strategic positions as well as Mossad Agents, Secret Service & all sorts of other agencies being represented. Unfortunately, all of this security & their staff didn't allow for the greatest of views of the charge, however a lovely Israeli Policewoman took my camera & ensured I had plenty of shots from the frontline.
    The day concluded with a BBQ dinner for everyone in a local park. We opted out, as we'd had enough excitement for one day & were hanging out for a good sleep before our journey home the next day.
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  • Hari 27

    Israel (Last Day)

    2 November 2017, Singapura ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Well our time in Israel came to an end today & we began our journey back to Australia.
    We have had a wonderful time & will definitely be back to spend more time exploring this part of the world.
    Leaving Beersheba we visited the brand new ANZAC Museum, located just behind the Beersheba War Cemetery before stopping at the Park of the Australian Soldier where we viewed the wonderful statue of Digger James that the Pratt Family generously donated. Both sites were brilliant, informative & made us so proud to be Aussies.
    We had a quick lunch at Tel Be'er Sheva with the whole group, as a farewell, before we boarded our bus to Tel Aviv for the long journey back to Australia.
    Reflecting at Singapore's Changi Airport during our 8 hour transit break; it was another great adventure that has drawn to a conclusion for us. Our love of travel has only increased & we can't wait until the next journey begins...
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