Ica to Arequipa overnight

In Ica we made a mad dash for some food at a food court style place and then we were back on another bus to Arequipa. 21:00 depart and a 12 hour journey. We had VIP seats this time and it was evenRead more
In Ica we made a mad dash for some food at a food court style place and then we were back on another bus to Arequipa. 21:00 depart and a 12 hour journey. We had VIP seats this time and it was evenRead more
Then it was off to the Nazca lines, a 35 minute flight. We then descended to roughly 700 ft above the ground, turning sharply left and right over each of the hieroglyphs, so that both sides of theRead more
Wir fahren aus den Anden zum Pacific und kommen zwischen Ica und Pisco am Basislager der 41. Rallye Dakar vorbei, die dieses Jahr mit einem Rundkurs mit Start und Ziel in Lima ausgetragen wird. WirRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Barbara Anderson Emma,
Barbara Anderson Try again, Emma I have just finished reading all you diary entries thus far. What a fantastic time you are all having with excitement around every corner. It all makes for great reading and I like the way you are telling us your stories as you encounter them - keep it up. Looking forward to seeing all your photo's at some point. Have a fantastic time in MAchu
Barbara Anderson MAchu pichu - I hope the weather let's you see the sights. Lots of love - Dad
Traveler Aww thanks Dad, it really as a beautiful country. Definitely some places we would love to come back to and would highly recommend visiting. Plenty of people your age over here!?!? :) x