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    • Day 9

      Ica to Arequipa overnight

      September 24, 2016 in Peru

      In Ica we made a mad dash for some food at a food court style place and then we were back on another bus to Arequipa. 21:00 depart and a 12 hour journey. We had VIP seats this time and it was even better! Personal TVs, even more leg room and even more recline!

      We watched a movie and then curled up to sleep. It was certainly comfier than most coaches but at the end of the day, it is still not a bed. We had a pretty good snooze though and when I woke up to look out of the window, it was to views of volcanoes rising in the distance and a mountainous land with very few houses. The road continued to twist through the mountains and the view eventually gave way to those of valleys of lush green, in amongst the bare rocky mountains, with a lovely stream running through the middle and snowcapped volcanoes in the distance.

      We were now in Arequipa, 2328m above sea level.
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    • Day 6

      Nazca lines

      May 31, 2018 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Then it was off to the Nazca lines, a 35 minute flight. We then descended to roughly 700 ft above the ground, turning sharply left and right over each of the hieroglyphs, so that both sides of the plane could see them. This lasted for about half an hour, and it didn't take long before two of the female passengers were ill.Read more

    • Day 100

      Rallye Dakar in Peru

      January 17, 2019 in Peru ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Wir fahren aus den Anden zum Pacific und kommen zwischen Ica und Pisco am Basislager der 41. Rallye Dakar vorbei, die dieses Jahr mit einem Rundkurs mit Start und Ziel in Lima ausgetragen wird. Wir biegen vom Highway ab, um uns das Treiben näher anzuschauen. Wir sehen jede Menge Begleittrucks und einige Rennwagen. Das Team der Tschechen erzählt uns, dass es für Sie kein gutes Rennen war, da beide Wagen ramponiert sind. Heute ist die Zieleinfahrt in Lima womit die kurze aber überaus schwierige Rallye nach 10 Stationen ihr Ende nimmt. Besonders die vielen Dünenfahrten bereiteten den Motorrädern, Quads, Autos, Buggy’s und LKW’s Probleme. Bei den Autos gewinnt schließlich zum dritten Mal Nasser Al-Attiyah aus Quatar in einem Toyota. Für uns war es interessant hier in der Wüste mal etwas Rennsportluft zu schnuppern.Read more

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