Plaza San Martin

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    • Day 285

      Lima H3

      October 12, 2021 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We had a special hash trail today, for a group of about a dozen hashers that came down from the US with the Exotica tour service, to visit Peru and go up to Machu Picchu. Since I was still in town, I was able to join in for another hash trail. Coincidentally, my old friend CIA was in that group, and he presented me with a 100 Countries of Hashing patch that he had been carrying around for almost 2 years. We had a cool hash trail through the city center in Lima, followed by lunch in a little street cafe, and that is where CIA presented me with the patch. Pretty cool day all in all. Many thanks to CIA, and the Lima H3 for the great hashpatality. On OnRead more

    • Day 1

      Wie sind in Lima!

      October 3, 2019 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Und haben das perfekte Timing! Die schwerste Staatskrise seit Jahrzehnten in Peru. Überall Straßensperren und Polizeikolonnen in schwerer Montur.
      Praktischerweise wohnen wir natürlich mitten im Regierungsviertel, 3 Block von Plaza de Armas. Top! Taxi zum Hotel hat über ne Stunde gebraucht.

      Erste Eindrücke:

      Ich beschwere mich nie wieder über den Verkehr in Berlin.

      Grau. Diesig. LAUT.
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    • Day 31

      Lima Centro, Lima, Peru

      May 21, 2015 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Heute nochmal ein richtiger Grossstadttag (schliesslich hat Lima 8 Mio Einwohner).

      Besichtigung mehrerer Parks (in denen jeweils Dutzende Katzen leben) und Plätze (ua Placa d'Armas, den es in jeder Stadt in Peru gibt) - Fahrt mit dem El Metropolitano-Bussen (die zur Rushhour übervoll sind) - Caches suchen (und finden) - Essen an den Strassenständen (ua Churros (schmeckten alt und pappig) und flambierte Rinderherzen (sehr lecker!) - Shoppen (Brigitte bekommt Schuhe) - Besichtigung des Casa Aliaga (in dem die Familie Pizzaro noch wohnt) - Spaziergang durch Markthallen und China-Town (wo es Sextoys säckeweise auf der Strasse gibt) - Wasserfontänen-Show - Abendessen im Maido (wo es für mich 16 Gänge japanisch/peruanisch Fusion gibt, ua Sushi mit Taube und mit Meerschweinchen) - Besuch im Spielcasino (Brigitte kommt wie immer mit Gewinn raus!) - und im Laufe des Tages meine Kreditkarte fast zerbrochen, ich hoffe, sie hält noch die letzten Tage durch.Read more

    • Day 83


      January 28 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Mit dem Bus ging es heute morgen nach Lima. Die Altstadt wurde 199 1 Weltkulturerbe. Da Sonntag ist, war es relativ ruhig. Bauten aus der Kolonialzeit, der Mauren & Jugendstil.

    • Day 52

      Lima - Día 1

      June 23, 2018 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Après une nuit de bus sans toilette (J'ai tout de même dû faire pipi dans un sac en plastique pour évacuer les envies pressantes) et sans dormir, nous sommes arrivés très frais à Lima aux environs de 5h du matin ...

      Je n'oublie pas d'appeler et d'encourager mon papou pour les championnats de France de 10km amateurs 🏃 👟 🏅.

      Lima que l'on nous avait décrite dangereuse et sans intérêt nous séduit. Le quartier de Barranco nous charme par ses graffitis, couleurs, glaces et vendeurs d'artisanat. La côte, le bruit des vagues et l'odeur et le frémissement des crêpes me ramènent quelques peu à la Bretagne. Enfin nous croisons un orchestre d'Arequipa qui accompagne un groupe de danseurs ! Me voilà séduite par Lima.
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    • Day 68

      The Journey

      August 14, 2014 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Quorn to Lima

      I packed relatively light i.e. one relative thought I was packing far too many tee shirts, whilst the other, me, thought I got it 'just so' like the little bear's porridge. Speaking of small bears, he didn't come with me Paula. He just waved me off. I didn't want it to end up like the Mr Bean sketch where he 'has to' cut the head off his teddy to fit everything in. There was the emotional scene at the airport. I briefly thought Olivia had a quick tear, but soon realised she had covered her face in extreme embarrassment, a response to the extravagant waving from Chris each time I reached a bend in the long and winding route from 'transparent bags' to Passport Control. After a further 15 minute walk to my gate I was ready to go.

      Heathrow to São Paolo passed without incident; I chatted to my neighbour who was also on his own and I must have got more sleep than I thought because it seemed to pass fairly quickly. The plane journey from São Paolo to Lima however was spent sitting next to Mr Sleepy on the aisle, which meant I had to wake him up very time I went to the toilet, and when I came back too! The lady in the window seat was just coughing ominously, possibly partly because Brazil was 'licensed' to fumigate the plane by spraying something noxious above our heads before we set off. There was a brief worrying couple of minutes on arrival in Lima when I couldn't spot my taxi transfer and I was approached by the airport meeter and greeter and a phone call was offered, but after another quick circuit I saw him, just arriving, with the biggest sign with my name on it you have ever seen. Definitely one for 'Mrs Huge' Helen.

      I was safely delivered to the Gran Bolivar Hotel on the Plaza St Martin and it would have been very grand in its day, fit for the most important visitors according to the guide books. It has marble columns, a huge, central, stained glass dome and a magnificent dining room. It even has an old Ford car in the reception area and sculpted heads on plinths, worryingly life-like when viewed out of the corner of the eye. However, in its present faded state, the hotel can now be enjoyed by the likes of me. My room looked out over the street, which, I decided, might be quite interesting. I was not disappointed by the first view from the window - a semi naked Indian and his braves dancing to Peruvian music. I did start to become a little worried about the traffic noise at this point however, but more of that later...


      Katharine!! How lovely to hear from you, was going to contact Chris to find out how you were getting on but thought he might think I was after something else...?!! All sounds very exciting, much better than Eastenders, cant wait for the next instalment...... x From Sharon Axten, on Sep 4, 2014 at 07:15PM

      Definitely ring Chris if you want - sure he would be pleased to hear from you. He might even give you some apples. :) xx From whatktdid, on Sep 5, 2014 at 02:35AM
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