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    Tasmania info

    4. April 2023 in Australien

    Fun facts learned as we traveled from place to place.
    ▪︎Hobart is the second capital in Australia that receives the least amount of rain - an average of 25" per year. The reason is because it's in a rain shadow. The east and west receive an average of 96"/year 😳
    ▪︎The island wasn't initially claimed as part of Australia. Once they realized it was an island, they sent a young lieutenant and 50 convicts to explore the land. The convicts were really petty thieves as they stole bread and cloaks and such.
    ▪︎There used to be a major whaling industry here.
    ▪︎They only have black swans here (in the southern hemisphere), and the northern hemisphere only has white swans.
    ▪︎The island was renamed to Tasmania after they stopped bringing convicts to the island. It was originally named Van Demen's Land.
    ▪︎Exports of the region besides wine are cherries, hops, and Tasmania Atlantic salmon (tastes different than Alaskan salmon).
    ▪︎Tasmanian aborigines didn't blend well with the Eastern Europeans, which resulted in the aborigines losing their culture. It's only been the last 10 years that they're working to record and bring back the language and culture of the Tasmanian aborigines.