Rynek Staromiejski

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    • Day 27

      Stadtspaziergang Torun

      May 29 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Heute ist es grau und fisselig, bestes Wetter für einen Stadtspaziergang und Museum.
      Erst gilt es zwei Hürden zu überwinden, das Auto auf den Campingplatz zurück lassen obwohl man den Campingplatz um 11.00 Uhr verlassen muss. Ich habe ausgescheckt und das Auto stehen gelassen. Zu Fuß in eine Stadt gehen. Normalerweise nehme ich das Fahrrad weil ich nicht weiß ob ich das schaffe, da der Rundgang den ich mir vorgenommen habe nur 5 km + Museum hat versuche ich es.
      Als erstes Frühstücken, leider habe ich mal wieder den Inhalt der Speisekarte missverstanden 🧐 mir war nicht klar, das French Toast aus zwei Croissant zwischen denen eine Schicht Nutella und massenhaft Philadelphia ist und dass nach 4 Wochen fast ohne Zucker.
      Dann er in Rundgang durch das sehr schöne Altstadt und ein Besuch im Coperikusmuseum. Da hat mich dann der Zuckerschock erwischt, Schweißausbrüche, Schwindelig 🥴 und Erschöpft. Doch nicht so gut ohne meinen Notfall hocker und ohne Fahrrad unterwegs zu sein. Alte Lektion aufgefrischt.
      Dann weiter gen Westen , leider spinnt der Ladenbooszer und ohne Sonne sinkt der Batterie Zustand auf 7 %. Also ein Campingplatz am See mit Strom rausgesucht und mit zwei Pausen dort angekommen. Leider niemand da, der Strom anschließen kann, aber auch niemand der Geld kassiert . Kühlschrank aus Strom sparen.
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    • Day 59


      August 29, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Ville de naissance de Copernic, vous savez celui qui a affirmé que la terre tourne autour du soleil, classée au patrimoine mondial de l'unesco, elle a ce charme provincial qui caractérise de nombreuses villes polonaises.
      Nous n'avons pas résisté à nous régaler une dernière fois de pierogis au chocolat et cerises!
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    • Day 7

      Entering Torun

      September 14, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F


      Toruń, German: Thorn) is a historical city on the Vistula River in north-central Poland, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its population was 202,074, as of December 2018.[1] Previously, it was the capital of the Toruń Voivodeship (1975–1998) and the Pomeranian Voivodeship (1921–1945). Since 1999, Toruń has been a seat of the self-government of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship and, as such, is one of its two capitals, together with Bydgoszcz. The cities and neighboring counties form the Bydgoszcz–Toruń twin city metropolitan area.

      Toruń is one of the oldest cities in Poland, with the first settlement dated back to the 8th century and later having been expanded in 1233 by the Teutonic Knights.[6] Over centuries, it was the home for people of diverse backgrounds and religions. From 1264 until 1411 Toruń was part of the Hanseatic League and by the 17th century it was one of the elite trading points, which greatly affected the city's architecture ranging from Brick Gothic to Mannerism and Baroque. In the early-modern age, Toruń was a royal city of Poland and it was one of the four largest cities in the country at the time. After the partitions of Poland it was part of Prussia and later the German Empire. After Poland regained independence in 1918, Toruń was reincorporated into Polish territory, and during World War II was spared from bombing and destruction. This allowed the Old Town to be fully preserved with its iconic central marketplace.

      Believed to be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe,Toruń is renowned for the Museum of Gingerbread, whose baking tradition dates back nearly a millennium, and its large Cathedral. Toruń is noted for its very high standard of living and quality of life.[10] In 1997 the medieval part of the city was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In 2007 the Old Town in Toruń was added to the list of Seven Wonders of Poland.

      Toruń is the birthplace of astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus.
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    • Day 7

      Gingerbread Museum

      September 14, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F


      From June 20, 2015 we are pleased to invite all tourists visiting the Old Town to the new department of the Regional Museum in Toruń - the Museum of Toruń Gingerbread. It is located at 4 Strumykowa Street, in the former 19th century gingerbread factory which belonged to the Weese family and gave rise to the contemporary Confectionery Factory "Kopernik". Building works on the opening of the Museum lasted three years. At that time 1200 square metres were prepared for exhibitions.Read more

    • Day 7

      Brama Klasztorna (Monastery Gate)

      September 14, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      Monastery Gate, also called the Gate of St. Spirit, was built in the fourteenth century as one of the four gates leading to the city from the side of the Vistula port. Despite minor modifications, the gate has kept the original form of a Gothic gate tower with three pointed arches.

      The outside hid a wooden harrow, lowered in the event of a siege. Behind the central one there is an empty space through which the defenders seated at the top of the gate dropped heavy objects or poured hot liquids. Most often it was boiling, long-keeping and mercilessly stinging porridge, from which the hole useful in combat was called a porridge. The third recess covers the wooden gates, once closed at dusk and opened at dawn, additionally reinforced with metal elements.

      The name of the gate refers to the medieval Benedictine monastery once located on the waterfront with the church of St. Spirit, demolished during the Swedish invasion of the mid XVII century. According to an old legend, there used to be a good nun named Katarzyna, who during the famine found barrels with gingerbread dough in the monastery underground. The gingerbread made from it saved the lives of thousands of Toruń residents, and the nun herself brought universal recognition and fame - her name was given to the most popular Toruń delicacies reminiscent of six connected wheels - Catherine.

      The place of the former monastery is now occupied by a high building of old Prussian barracks from the first half XIX century. In the interwar period it housed the first Polish Naval Officers' School. Today, its existence and maritime traditions are reminded of a powerful anchor located on the boulevard between the Monastery Gate and the Vistula.

      The road bridge named after Marshal Józef Piłsudski was opened in 1934. It was erected from the elements of the dismantled Prussian bridge previously located in the vicinity of Kwidzyn. Its design looks particularly attractive at night thanks to the specially installed illumination.
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    • Day 7

      The Leaning Tower of Torun

      September 14, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F


      The Leaning Tower of Toruń is a medieval tower in Toruń, Poland. It is known as a leaning tower because the top of the tower is displaced 1.5 metres (4 ft 11 in) from where it would be if the tower were perfectly vertical. Located on Pod Krzywą Wieżą street, it is one of the most important landmarks in Toruń's Old Town.

      The Leaning Tower of Toruń was built in the 13th century in order to defend the town. It was built of red brick. It started leaning because it was built on loamy ground. In the 18th century it ceased to be used for defensive purposes. The tower was then converted into a women's prison. In the 19th century, it housed a blacksmith's shop and an apartment for a gunsmith. At this time, the Gothic tented roof was replaced by a pitched roof. A souvenir shop and a café used to be located in the tower in the 1970s and 80s, and now it houses the Toruń Cultural Department and a café, Krzywa Caffe.
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    • Day 8

      Church of St. Stephen

      September 15, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F


      The church constitutes an example of a building erected in accordance with the program for Protestant church architecture known as the Wiesbadener Programm (Wiesbaden program), announced in 1891. Numerous similarities exist between this church and the churches designed by Johannes Otzen, including those in Apolda and Elbląg. At a local level, the church remains a part of the urban design concept inspired by the Vienna Ring Road and covering the areas freed up through the demolition of the medieval fortifications which had once surrounded the town.

      The entire complex is situated in the area inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list which also forms part of the monument of history designated as “Toruń - Old and New Town District”.
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    • Day 19

      Toruń y las galletas de jengibre

      September 23, 2023 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Se acerca ya el final de la aventura pero aún hay tiempo para un poco de turismo.

      Pasamos el día en Toruń, un pequeño pueblo conocido por sus galletas de jengibre y por ser el pueblo natal de Copérnico.

      Comemos unos pierogis riquísimos (con una buena espera en el restaurante), visitamos una réplica del Central Perk de la serie "Friends" y paseamos por sus calles en busca de una buena galleta de jengibre.
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    • Day 14

      Final Overnight Stop - Torun

      March 4, 2022 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

      The final bed down location- Toruń, Poland. What a trip, amazing scenery, great driving and lots of laughs. Against the backdrop of Ukraine, accompanied by an ugly undertone, the exact opposite of the wonderful scenery and cracking people we met. Five hours leftRead more

    • Day 44


      August 4, 2020 in Poland ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Heute morgen laufen wir nach einem Frühstück mit frischen Brötchen bei- tadaaa!- starkem Regen direkt vom Campingplatz über die Weichsel in die Innenstadt von Toruń. Die ist zum Glück auch bei schlechtem Wetter richtig schön, nämlich sehr mittelalterlich und mit viel Fußgängerzone. Es gibt außerdem das Geburtshaus von Kopernikus und gleich zwei Lebkuchenmuseen zu sehen, weil die Stadt für ihre 'Thorner Kathrinchen' bekannt ist. Als Ronja wach wird kehren wir notgedrungen ;-) in eine sehr leckere Pierogeria ein. Danach entscheiden wir uns doch tatsächlich für einen Museumsbesuch! Es gibt ein Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst mit einer Ausstellung zu 'Zeichen der Apokalypse' (sehr düster und bedrohlich aber auch vielfältig, spannend und ausdrucksstark) und ukrainischen Künstlern (sehr politisch und aktuell). Genialerweise ist an alle gedacht, denn im Erdgeschoss ist ein tolles Café mit Spieleecke! So kommt auch Ronja voll auf ihre Kosten! :-) Danach machen wir noch eine kleine Schnitzeljagd durch die Stadt ( heißt 'Game of Toruń' :-D und man muss Maßwerk richtig zuordnen) und gewinnen zwei Postkarten und nach einem ausführlichen Lebkucheneinkauf geht's zum Abendessen zurück zum James...Read more

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    Rynek Staromiejski

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