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    • Dag 1

      A morning in Porto

      6 maj 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      We spent the morning in Bolhão, a part of Porto with a nice market and the famous Confeitaria do Bolhão where we had a nice meeting with friends. Now we left with the bus for Coimbra where we will spend mother's day with Alejandro. We will soon return to Porto when we pass this beautiful city on our camino portugués.Läs mer

    • Dag 24

      23. Nacht 4430 km, Gaja Vorort Porto

      5 april 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Wer hätte sowas gedacht.
      Den Camp Ground den ich früh angepeilt habe, ist „im Botanischen Garten“.
      Der Botanische Garten hat 8 Plätze, alle hinter der Gitter-Absperrung des Gartens mit Schlüssel. Dazu kommt, dass der Botanische Garten zusätzlich noch ein Haupttor hat, welches in der Nacht verschlossen wird und nur via 7x24 in der Nacht von der Security geöffnet wird.
      Fort Knox für ängstliche Camper, wie ich einer bin.
      Ich glaube, ich schlaf diese Nacht wie ein Bär.
      P.S. Nachdem es letzte Nacht so arsch kalt war und ich um 03 Uhr die Heizung einschalten musste, stelle ich mal lockere 17 Grad für die Nacht ein. Weiss ja nicht ob es hier auch so kalt wird in der Nacht wie zuvor.
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    • Dag 4

      Guimarães / Leverinho-Régua

      1 oktober 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Heute fahren uns der Busfahrer und unsere Reiseleiterin nach Guimarães. Die Gegend ist sehr hügelig und überraschenderweise gedeihen hier vorwiegend Eukalyptusbäume.

      „Aqui nasceu Portugal“. Aus dieser Stadt soll Afonso Henriques stammen, der sich 1139 von Spanien lossagte, sich selbst zum ersten König Portugals und Guimarães zur ersten Hauptstadt des neuen Königreiches erklärte. Wir besuchen erst das Wahrzeichen der Stadt, die romanische Burg mit den zackigen Zinnen. Der Weg zur Burg führt vorbei am Heldendenkmal von König Afonso Henriques und der Capela São Miguel do Castelo.
      Die Geburtsstadt Portugals hat eine grossartige Altstadt, die zum UNESCO-Welterbe gehört. Fast lückenlos präsentiert der denkmalgeschützte Stadtkern restaurierte Bürgerhäuser, Kirchen und Klöster. Auf dem schönen Platz Largo do Brasil genehmigen wir uns einen Vinho Verde, bevor wir kurz nach Mittag wieder zum Schiff zurückfahren.

      Der Rhythmus gefällt mir: Morgens Ausflüge und Besichtigungen, nachmittags freie Zeit auf dem Schiff. Ich geniesse unseren Balkon, der jetzt voll von der Sonne beschienen wird, da wir in etwa Kurs 270 einhalten. Der Douro windet sich hier kurvenreich durch die Gegend; Mischwald dringt bis zum Ufer und manchmal wird es richtig eng.

      Gegen 16.00 h passieren wir die Schleuse von Carrapatelo und erklimmen eine Höhendifferenz von 36 m. Es ist die grösste Schleuse auf dem Douro.

      Nach der Ankunft in Régua/Cambres fahren wir zum Weingut Quinta da Pacheca. Hier werden wir verpflegt und anschliessend folgt ein Fado-Konzert. Dasjenige, das wir im Jahre 2015 in einem kleinen Lokal in Lissabon hörten, empfand ich als authentischer.
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    • Dag 33

      Rio Tinto - Stellplatz 🚐

      30 september 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Auf dem Stellplatz angekommen hat uns ein offensichtlich Drogenabhängiges Paar mit übertriebenen Winken begrüßt. Sie haben uns einen Stellplatz zugewiesen.
      Als wir noch einmal nach Porto fahren wollten, ist uns das Schild auf dem Foto aufgefallen. Offensichtlich hat der Mann es an unser womo gehängt. 😂Läs mer

    • Dag 17

      Etapa 13: Grijó

      20 januari, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      I have been calling Alburgues ahead of time so that I can make sure they are open. The person answering the phone for the Grijo Alburgue really didn’t seem to speak English but did mention something about a form and that they would send me a WhatsApp message about it.

      I never did get the form, but when I arrived I completely walked into the wrong building that turned out to be a bar and asked for the Alburgue. They pointed me to the back of a house where the check-in would be. When I knocked, a 7 year old girl answered the door and called for her mom that there was someone here for the Alburgue. I provided my credential and information while in their living room. I think I’d pretty clearly interpreted some kind of gather because there were 4 young kids running around and a group of older men all talking together.

      I did get into the Alburgue though! And saw Lee. The two of us went to dinner together and a dish that in the English menu was called ‘cod with cornbread’. I’m not sure exactly where the cornbread was, but it was super tasty!

      After dinner, Lee offered me some different kinds of South Korean candy that were all ginseng flavor. It was a very unique taste, but probably not going to be a new Halloween favorite for me.
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    • Dag 52


      7 mars 2023, Portugal

      Jetzt bei Porto, wir sind nach Nordosten gefahren bis wir zum Douro gekommen sind. Richtig übers Land, viele Dörfchen, Kurven gefahren.
      Im Dourotal nach Westen. Die Flußschiffahrt für die Touristen scheint auch in den Wintermonaten zu fahren. Sandufer in dem mäandernden Flussbett wunderschön.
      Wetter war bedeckt aber trocken, heute bis zu 75 km/h Wind und Regen.
      Vor lauter Navigieren Fotos vergessen zu machen.
      Die großen weißen Calla wachsen überall wie Unkraut.
      Die Büsche der Camelie in vielen Farben haben sehr unter dem Regen gelitten. Montebretien auch verwildert anzutreffen. Die Blüten der vielen Dickblattgewächse und Aloe ähnlichen wünderschön.
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    • Dag 8

      The Baby Lock

      22 juni 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      We have begun our cruise down the Douro River and have just reached her first lock. They call this the baby lock because it raises the boat only about 36 feet. The next one we encounter is the largest lock on the river, and it will raise us almost 120 feet. We are out of the lock now and both sides of the river are covered with lush green vegetation. It reminds me of our voyages down the Catawba river when I was a kid. In my daddy‘s 10 foot boat named “Daddy Rabbit” we would go fishing by banks that looked as though they had not been touched since white men arrived. I feel the same kind of timeless wonder here.Läs mer

    • Dag 51


      22 februari, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Tutaj stoimy i nocujemy, zielony camperek z p4n. Wszelkie inne parkingi z adnotacjami o włamaniach i kradzieżach. Od dwóch dni zimno i deszczowo. Koniec ciepełka na poziomie 20+ stopni. 😏

      @park4night : https://park4night.com/en/lieu/47906/open/

      Jutro zwiedzanie Porto, dojazd tramwajem spod campera do samego centrum. Cena €4,20/osoby w dwie strony.
      Info o Porto:

      Zwiedzanie Porto w deszczu. Dojazd tramwajem do samego centrum, a tam na nogach prawie 6km. Ostatnie upominki z Portugalii też kupione.
      Ruszamy na Hiszpanię, kolejny etap: Santiago de Compostella.
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    • Dag 34

      Porto, Portugal

      23 maj 2018, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Good morning to everyone. As I write this, I am sitting in a downtown hostel...literally named “Downtown Hostel”. Not a terrible place but it is still the whole bunk room thing but they are cheap sooo... I walked through the city last evening and had dinner on the river...some local specialty...ham, chorizo and steak covered with cheese and a spicy sauce and of course, Portuguese red wine. The trip down to the river was a bit crazy as there are thousands and thousands of people on the streets and hundreds of cafes, shops etc. This is an extremely busy city. The river walk was extremely nice with musicians playing music. I chose an outdoor cafe next to one of the musicians to have dinner at....all in all, a relaxing evening. Sooo, I fly home in the morning....just trying to figure out where to stay that is close by the airport but still keeping things affordable. My flight is at 830 am so, I should be there at 530-600. Headed out for the day....I hope this finds everyone well!Läs mer

    • Dag 20

      Day 17/6 Oliveira de Madeira to Grijo

      20 maj 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      When we checked into our hotel yesterday afternoon, we were pleased to learn that it was four star rated AND breakfast was included in the room rate.

      As a result, The Core Four took full advantage of the "free" food and, by the time we completed our Uber ride, didn't arrive back in Sao Joao de Madeira to start our walk until 8:45.

      The day started out at 18 degrees and slowly crept up to 27 by the time we arrived at our destination in Grijo. The walk today had an elevation gain of 268 meters, considerably less than yesterday, and a distance of just 19.69 kms. In pilgrim terms: a relatively easy day.

      We spent most of the day walking through residential neighborhoods, but, to add some spice to our trek, on our first rest break at about 7kms, the cafe owner offered us some delicious cinnamon toast to go with our coffee.

      We also had various periods following the ancient Roman road, which somehow always brings me to reflect on how many others have trodden these same cobbles as I.

      At one point, we came across a group of bikers who were leaving their mark on a metal wall simply by writing on it with a finger, and I felt obliged to do the same.

      We arrived in Grijo shortly after 1:00 and took an Uber into Porto so that we can enjoy the charms she has to offer while we overnight here today and tomorrow.

      One of these charms that had Brenda salivating all day was a gluten-free bakery that offers GF Pastel de Nata. However, when we arrived at the shop, there were no Pasteles to be found! Forrunately, we were told a fresh batch would be ready within the hour, so we decided to go for an early dinner. Of course, dining in Europe before 7:00 is out if the question and two vegan restaurants we tried to patronize informed us they were closed until 7:00

      We ended up dining in the first place we found that offered a vegetarian burger and some typically delicious fries before returning to the GF bakery for Brenda's dessert. Although the crust didn't live up to the standard puff-pastry crust, Brenda thoroughly enjoyed the treat.

      We capped off our evening with a round of drinks on an outdoor patio with Anita and Ernie.

      Tomorrow we pick up where we left off in Grijo and will enjoy one more night in Porto before moving onward.
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