Ponte de Lima Municipality

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    • Barcelos to Balugaes

      September 24, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Rain all day, sigh. I rented a donkey named Uber from Barcelos to somewhere along the route. I had him drop me off in front of a fancy guest house. I first ordered a horse named Bolt, and I stepped out from under the awning, waving, but he was looking the other way and canceled the ride, so I ordered Uber instead. It was cheaper anyway.
      I’ve moved away from predominantly corn country into wine territory. The earth is darker, whatever that means chemically. The path was mostly farm roads, cobbled of course. I finally found a place to stop, but it was the only cafe for miles and all the locals came in for lunch. I tossed my dripping poncho and pack in the corner and squeezed into a chair by the door and only ordered a pastel de nata, Portugal’s favorite custard cup. Mine too to be honest.

      My hotel was only a couple miles further if you follow the roads. The rock strewn way really challenged me and I limped the last 1/2 mile. Happily my suitcase got there before me even though it was before 2:00. I got out of my soaking clothes, took some advil, slathered on the Voltaren and fell asleep under a heavy blanket.

      Inner journey: I’ve had several dreams about people at my old job. Not naming names, I realize I have some forgiveness work to do. Maybe it’s working out just with the dreams. Maybe I have to put some intention behind it. Maybe at the next chapel. 💒.
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    • Day 7

      On our way to Balugaes

      May 20, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      After a buffet breakfast, we left our hotel Rua da Mandalena in the city of Barcelos and started our walk to Quinta da Canceia in Balugaes. Along the way, we met a woman from Brazil. We walked together for about two hours. We were all getting hungry, so we stopped at the little place on the trail called "Rosa Cintilante." While I was ordering my food, I was surprised to hear Talking Heads on their radio. I knew I liked this place, lol!
      Then we met up with 3 other walkers. We walked together for about 2 hours. Most of the path was cobblestone. It's just amazing. There must be hundreds and hundreds of miles in portugal of cobble stone roads. Michelle and I checked our fitbits and realized we walked 3 miles past our next destination.
      One of the brazilian women called a taxi for us because she knows portuguese language and they were there in fifteen minutes.
      In the meantime, there was an alberga close by that's very famous in germany and we were invited in while we waited. The name of the place was Lugar Do Corgo Casa Fernana. Fernanda is the name of the woman who runs the place. There were quite a few Walker's there. Laying on the grass sitting at the picnic tables, just enjoying the rest of the day and I heard our names called by the 2 brothers that we met at Rua da Mandalena. They jumped up and gave hugs all around. Like we were good old friends. Everyone we have met so far is nice and happy. There are no grumpies in the bunch. It's amazing. Tonight, we had a wonderful gourmet type. Dinner made by a beautiful young Brazilian woman of 21 years old. 3 course meal with dessert and three forks lol! Well Time to take a shower and hit the sack. We have a big Day ahead of us tomorrow.
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    • Day 5

      Midway day 5.

      April 26, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Yep…7 miles in today and I’ve had an epiphany. This Camino leaves you lots of time to let your mind wander. I have decided it’s time for me to share these crazy adventures. Wasn’t sure I was ready to really date. Or that there was that One still out there…. But…. I just have to find Cat Stevens… turns out……
      He’s looking for a hard headed woman!
      And that I must be. Or I’d be calling an Uber lux to take me to a Hyatt right now. Nope! Not a quitter. Truck on, Lori Ann…. Cat Stevens (or whatever his name is now) is waiting. He won’t find one more hard headed than you!
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    • Day 5–6

      Ponte de Lima

      April 17, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      Another glorious day. I lead our morning devotional and prayer time which I got to do on the patio overlooking the mountains. God is so good. Another perfect blue sky, fields of calla lily’s , trumpet lily’s, wisteria, honeysuckle— all in major bloom
      as they just had a lot of rain before we came. We spend the first hour in silence. I spent the first two in silence praying over my prayer list. So many to pray for. Also had a praise music sing along and little Broadway walk/sing by myself. I love walking by myself in the sun through the beautiful scenery listening to my favorite broadway tunes and singing out loud. Pure joy. 12.5 miles today. Tomorrow will be our most difficult day. 15 miles and a lot uphill. Listening to the new Anne Lamott book which I’m savoring. Love this crew. Night night.
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    • Day 24

      Casa Da Fernanda

      April 8, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Weather wise, the day was up and down. If I put on my poncho the sun would come out. If I put it away, the rain would pour. A japanese lady named Takei and myself, walked a long day of 29 km's, to make sure that we would stay at Casa Fernada tonight. One of the best albergues on the camino. Look it up on youtube. I have a great bed on an outdoor porch, overlooking the garden. Dinner for us 15 pilgrims was outstanding. Then they brought out the port and the guitar. What a night. I have to sign off before I pass out. Check out the pics and video!Read more

    • Day 8

      CP Day 5 Ponte de Lima

      September 14, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      So sorry for not posting until now. It’s been kinda hectic these past couple of days as my body adjusts to the grind and exhilaration of daily walking on the Camino.

      I injured myself yesterday in the most ridiculous way possible: doing an agility exercise that Bill had mentioned earlier in the day. Silly me. When the fellow pilgrims at Casa Fernada saw me limping, they offered my Tylenol and muscle relaxers. This is the beauty of the Camino: you see someone in need and offer help.

      Happy to say that their remedies worked, and I was able to walk the full 9 miles today with no pain!

      I’ll try and post some pics from today’s lovely walk, and will try and catch up from the past few days later on. Xo
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    • Day 8

      Casa Sagres Hostel

      June 26, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 88 °F

      Today was a beautiful 16 mile walk. However, whoever said the Portuguese Camino was mostly flat lied! 🤣 Today we walked many hills, past vineyards, farmlands and small towns. There were gifts for the Perigrinos on the side of the road like plums, water and even beer! Many more fountains too! We found there to be far fewer cafes or markets, though. My favorite stop was by an old Roman bridge. It was a beautiful water pool where we dipped our hot swollen feet for a while! I discovered I had the beginnings of a blister on my big toe and was able to bandage it up before it got bad. We are at Casa Sagres Hostel tonight. It’s 28 euros for a bed (top bunks only available), dinner and breakfast!Read more

    • Day 5

      Made it - day 5

      April 26, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      15miles today! Half in the pouring rain! So, so wonderful! Poncho on, thumbs up and go! The smell of crushed eucalyptus in the rain! Spring flowers, babbling brooks, braying sheep, vineyards, green hills with yellow daisies. If you ever doubt there is a God; look at nature! It’s a gift of art and joy. And yes, at the top of a daisy covered hill; I did the Maria “hills are alive” twirl. And then it started raining and I sashayed right into signing in the rain! Yes, Spencer, I danced in the rain with my umbrella! Just like I used to do with you! Only this time I didn’t have a kid as an excuse! What a fun and exhilarating day! Pushed myself hard.Read more

    • Day 6

      Day 3: Barcelos to Balugaes

      September 21, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Saturday 21 September

      Whether the yellow arrow that marks the way is faded on crumbling walls, or a bold marker impossible to miss - it’s there at every turn or crossroads to keep you on track. I missed it twice today. Once while I was walking with Margit from Austria. I’d met her a few hours earlier when we’d both stopped to rest in the shade of a high wall. ‘Oh why oh why isn’t there a bench when you need one?’ she said with a laugh as she leaned against the wall. We chatted for a few minutes before I hoisted up my bag and moved on. Two hundred metres or so further on, I came upon a bench, the first and last I saw that day. I took a seat and waited for Margit to catch up. ‘Here’s the bench you asked for. Now where’s a cold drink when you need it?’ I said.

      We walked together for a while and, 30 or so minutes later we reached a fountain, the first and last of the day. ‘Here’s that cold drink you asked for,’ she said.

      We filled our bottles and continued. A while later, as we chatted away, we heard a loud whistle behind us. A man repairing part of a wall at the church we’d just passed waved us over and pointed to the arrow we’d just missed, saving us from having to backtrack later. ‘Buen Camino,’ he wished us. ‘Obrigado, obrigado.’ we replied.

      An hour or so later, as I walked alone on a quiet street, an old man walked out of a driveway 30 metres ahead and waved, then pointed back in the direction from which I’d come. I retraced my steps and spotted the faint arrow I’d missed. I waved back and shouted ‘obrigado’ as he disappeared behind the wall from behind which he had so suddenly appeared.

      Passing through a forest of bluegums, I remembered that I hadn’t done much stretching during the day. I stopped to lean against one of the many smooth tree trunks that lined the dusty road and started some calf stretches. ‘But maybe I don’t really need to stretch anymore - the tendonitis has been so much better since I started this walk.’ I laughed.

      I looked up and saw a blue smiley face someone had drawn on white trunk just above head height.

      A day of real Camino magic.
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    • Day 9

      On our way - Ponte De Lima

      June 27, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      Here are a couple pics of the amazing bathroom in last nights Hostel! I slept good, after I stole the air conditioner remote from our French “friends”! 🤣. I woke up at one point sweating… they had turned off the air! So I turned it on to 28c which is 80 degrees and then took the remote to bed with me!! Ha ha ha! I can only imagine how hot it was that 80 degrees was cooler! Looking forward to a short walk day with temperatures on the rise! The walk so far has been really pleasant! Most of the walk has been shaded by old rock walls, grape vines or trees!Read more

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