Praia da Vitória

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Seyahat Edilen En Popüler 10 Yer Praia da Vitória
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    • Gün 9

      Faial - Terceira

      3 Temmuz 2022, Portekiz ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Navsezgodaj zjutraj se poslovimo od otoka Faial. Kratek, 35 minutni let in že pristanemona otoku Terceira. Otok Terceira je ena glavnih vstopnih točk na Azore, skupaj z otoki Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico in Faial tvori osrednjo skupino arhipelaga. Bil je tretji odkriti otok arhipelaga, čeprav se je sprva imenoval Otok Jezusa Krista. Začel se je naseljevati v 15. stoletju in se od takrat vztrajno razvija, predvsem zaradi svoje geografske lege.

      Terceira tako posebna, saj gre za veličasten kontrast med naravno lepoto vulkanskega otoka in občudovanja vrednim delom človeka v zgodovinskem središču mesta Angra do Heroísmo, njenega glavnega mesta. Zaliv Angra ima velik pomen, ne le kot notranja trgovska postaja za regionalne proizvode, proizvedene na drugih otokih, ampak tudi zaradi svoje še večje pomembnosti kot medcelinsko postajališče za ladje, ki plujejo med Evropo, obema Amerikama in Indijo.

      Mi smo tokrat stacionirani v drugem največjem mestu na otoku, Praia da Vitoria. Imamo svojo domačo hiško, cca 100 m2 samo za nas, za 3 noči, 180 EUR. Ko se nastanimo, se odpravimo na sprehod po mestu. Praia da Vitória je trgovska, ribiška in kmetijska občina in ima veliko marino, priljubljeno med jahtarsko skupnostjo, z edino veliko peščeno plažo na Terceiri. Kopali ne vem če se bomo, Atlantik je vseeno mrzel. Po prvem ogledu dveh cerkva in mnogih trgov v mestecu, po kosilu, se odpravimo na malo “siesto”, potem pa nas naš taksist Paolo (človek je prva liga, super govori angleško, korektne cene - https://www.paulstaxi.pt/ ) pelje na tradicionalne bikoborbe na ulicah.

      Torej, “Tourada à corda” je vrsta bikoborb, tradicionalna na Azorskih otokih , še posebej za otok Terceira, kjer se domneva, da je ena najstarejših rekreacijskih tradicij v arhipelagu. Ta vrsta bikoborb je značilna za Azore in je sestavljena iz dogodkov s štirimi odraslimi biki pasme brava da ilha Terceira po določeni cesti ali ulici v dolžini približno 500 metrov. Bika krmili vrv okoli vratu, drži pa ga šest ljudi (pastirjev), ki bika usmerjajo in preprečujejo, da bi zapustil igrišče. Bika vodijo po cesti in ga igralci zmerjajo in dražijo, vendar brez namena, da bi žival ubili; živalski rogovi so pokriti z žogicami ali usnjem, da se zmanjša tveganje za igralce. Po vsakem dogodku se vsi biki izpustijo, da si odpočijejo pred naslednjim dogodkom (vsaj tri tedne).

      Imamo srečo, da so ikoborbe bile ravno danes in v cca 5 km oddaljeni vasici Fontinhas. To je bila pristna in povsem lokalna izkušnja. Ljudje zbrani že dobro uro pred dogodkom in še kar prihajali. Vsi pijejo Super Bock pivo (1 Eur), v nenormalnih količinah. Ulica po kateri poteka bikoborba, je ponekod zavarovana z lesenimi deskami (vsaj tisti, ki ne želijo, da jim bik ne uniči ograje), in dejansko domačini dovolijo, da stopiš k njim za ograjo. Nam je dovolil en gospod, ki nam je povedal, da se zgodijo tudi hude nesreče, pa pivo in sok nam je ponudil. Res so gostoljubni in prijazni. Preden pa smo si ogledali četrtega bika iz varnega zavetja tega vrta, smo gledali za zidovi bara in doživeli tudi skakanja preko ograje mimo nas, udarnine itd, saj nekateri dejansko tečejo pred bikom in ga izzivajo. Pri četrtem je en dobil rahlo porcijo. Iz za konec, nam Paolo pove, da je on tudi že imel počeno brado in 37 šivov zaradi tega, ker ga je dobil bik. In se ob tem smeje, češ, da so oni pač tako nori in imajo to radi.

      Mi smo zdravi in po večerji iz “domače” kuhinje gremo spat, jutri nas Paolo pelje na lokalno doživetje celotnega otoka.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10


      4 Temmuz 2022, Portekiz ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Današnji dan pa je čas za potep po otoku. Paolo nas ob 11 uri kot smo bil zmenjeni že čaka pred hišo in dan si vzame samo za nas. Človek se je rodil v Johanesburgu, živel v Ameriki, starša oba iz Azorov in zdaj je tudi on tukaj. Super govori angleško, o otoku in Azorih izvemo ogromno.

      Za začetek nas popelje skozi Praia da Vitoria, nam pove več o mestu in potem takoj na razgledno točko z Marijo (spet), ki gleda na mesto. Veseli, da nam ne bo treba hodit gor. Naprej nas vodi po obali, kjer nam pokaže mnogo ostankov lave, ki sedaj tvorijo obalo otoka. Razgledi so lepi, čeri, prepadi in okoli samo ocean. Vidimo Lajes, izvemo, da imajo tukaj tudi vojaško bazo za zaveznike, vidimo krasne pečine pri vasici Agualva, naravne bazene v Quatro Ribeiras in skozi gozd nas popelje še do skrajnega zahodnega dela otoka, Serreta, spet lepi razgledi, ampak ne preblizu roba stopat :)

      Pogledamo še naravne bazene Biscoitos, ki sicer izgledajo mamljivo, ampak voda je mrzla, pa ko vidim naplavljene Portuglaske ladjice (Portugese man o war), meduze, ki ima v ožigalkah močan toksin, ki lahko nenazadnje tudi ubije človeka, te mine veselje po kopanju. Telo imajo veliko med 9-35 cm, lovke pa med 15 do lahko tudi kar 50 m. Ni hec.

      Skupaj s Paolom gremo na kosilo v domačo gostilno v vasici Biscoitos, porcije ogromne, jemo lokalne ribe in meso, porcija med 10-13 Eur. Ni pretirano, res ne.

      Pot nadaljujemo proti Algar do Carvão (Jama premoga), ki je starodavna lava cev ali vulkanski vrelec, ki se nahaja v osrednjem delu otoka Terceira. Algar je 45 metrov navpičnega prehoda v notranjost, ki doseže klančino ruševin in gramoza. Od tu je še en spust do čistih voda notranjega bazena, približno 90 metrov od gladke površine. Bazen je podprt z deževnico in lahko doseže globino 15 metrov (49 čevljev) ali postane suh v poletnih mesecih, zaradi malo ali brez padavin. Sama jama je izjemna in videti to v živo, se zaveš, kako majhni smo proti moči narave. Res noro.

      Naprej se postanek ob Furnas de Exnorfe. Prosta pot okoli polja, ki obsega več izhodov agresivnih vulkanskih plinov, pri različnih temperaturah, nekatere precej visoke (približno 95 °C na površini in približno 130 °C na globini pol metra). Lepo se kadi iz zemljice in voha žveplo. Je pa za videt. Na koncu dneva pa še eden najlepših razgledov, Serra do Cume.

      Razgledne točke Serra do Cume se nahajajo na vrhu Serra do Cume. Dejansko so to pogledi na najlepšo pokrajino na otoku. Na eni strani, na 542 metrih nadmorske višine , zaliv in mesto Praia da Vitória skupaj z ravnino Lajes in letalsko bazo Lajes ter na druga stran, druga, 545 metrov nad morjem, velika ravnica v notranjosti otoka, s svojimi značilnimi "cerrados", ločenimi z zidovi iz vulkanskega kamna in hortenzij. Temu pravijo tudi “puzzles” ali “naravna patchwork oddeja”. Res lepo.

      Tukaj je res vsak otok zgodba zase in kot je Paolo rekel, da domačini pravijo, da so Azori 8 otokov in 1 zabaviščni park. Terceira naj bi bila “zabaviščni park”, zaradi veselja domačinov do zabav, bikoborb, borb s kravami in še se najde. Je posebno.

      Jutri še izlet z lokalnim avtobusom do mesta Angra do Heroismo, Unesco dediščina in glavno mesto Terceire.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1

      Hostal da Palmiera, Terceira Island

      9 Mart, Portekiz ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Our hostal is perfect. We would easily stay here again as it is spacious and clean, in a very good location and the bedroom and shared living and dining areas are very comfortable. We are a block away from the sandy beach and restaurants and close to a large grocery store. Even though we didn’t rent a car here, there is free parking. The best part is that it is quiet and comfortable.

      I just wanted to put a few photos in.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      Praia da Vitória, Terceira Island

      10 Mart, Portekiz ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Tucked away on the eastern side of Terceira Island in the Azores Islands is the picturesque port town of Praia da Vitória. It has a large bay with a long sandy beach and a modern marina that is popular with ocean-crossing vessels.

      The town had a famous victory in 1581 when Spanish troops attempted to seize the island. They were prevented from being successful and eventually driven away by the release of a large herd of cattle onto the sea’s shore. Can you imagine this as a way to stop a battle?

      Our hostal is very close to the airport and just on the outskirts of this little town with a population of 21,000 people. We took a short taxi ride and were thrilled by how warm it was and how clean the air was. Our room is spacious and clean and the common areas that we can use are lovely. Breakfast will be available at 8 a.m. tomorrow.

      We had time to do a little walkabout to the beach area that is one block away and get a simple chicken, fries and salad dinner. It is so quiet here. What a different place from the big city of Madrid. And, a plus…it is much warmer here!!!

      Before going back to the hostel, we noticed a statue high up on a hill. We knew what we were going to do on Sunday. Heading up!

      There is a two hour time difference between Spain and the Azores so soon we were ready for bed. Even though time changes in Ontario today, it doesn’t change here yet.

      In the morning, we met the other people who were staying here. We thought that we were the only ones here as it was so quiet but we were mistaken. There must have been about 12 of us from all over - Spain, Germany, China, Denmark, Canada and somewhere else. We had great breakfast conversations with these interesting people.

      The morning was so nice and warm - T-shirt weather and hats. We went down to the pale- coloured beach towards the harbour, passed the remains of the old fort and took the road up to the monument at the top of a high hill. The views along the way were beautiful.

      Coming down, we took the uneven volcanic stairs. About three hundred of them. It was fun to observe the various activities in the town and in the marina. There was a kids’ bicycle race and diehard people sunning and swimming on the beach. We walked on the beach and got our feet wet but the water seemed pretty cold to us.

      We walked through the pretty town. It is Sunday and people were in the cathedral. Few stores were open and it was quiet. The whole town only has a population of 21,000 people.

      We had a late lunch of two very traditional dishes from Terceira - limpets and alcatra, a beef rump that is slow-cooked in a clay pot with red wine, onions, garlic, cloves, and black peppercorns until it's practically falling-apart tender. Both were delicious!

      Flying to Faial Island tomorrow, but we will be back to Terceira later for a week and with a car. The other guests have kindly filled us in with what to see.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 7

      Furnas do Enxofre

      20 Mayıs 2023, Portekiz ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Falls man vergessen haben sollte, dass man sich hier die ganze Zeit am Rande oder in einem Vulkankrater bewegt - der Furnas do Enxofre erinnert einen daran, dass es ein ganzes Stück unterhalb einem immer noch kräftig brodelt…

      Auf einem Rundweg von ca. einem Kilometer sieht man an diversen Stellen Rauch aufsteigen, natürlich mit entsprechendem Aroma. Die rote Erde und auch die Flora nimmt dann gerne eine andere Farbe an.

      Ein toller Spot, wo man einfach ohne Eintritt durchgehen kann!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 34


      17 Şubat, Portekiz ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Angekommen! Morgens im Halbschlaf legen wir an und dann gehts zusammen mit Eugen und Rosi per Leihwagen über die Insel. Schön ist es, grünund etwas wie in Irland. Viele Kühe, weisse und bunte Häuser dazwischen Steinmauern. In Biscoito besuchen wir den wilden Vulkanstrand mit tosenden, hohen Wellen und einem Naturbad. Es geht weiter durch Hortensien gesäumte Strassen zur Schwefelquelle.
      Wir treffen auf Bullen treibende Bauern. Beeindruckende Kerle, die Bullen, nicht die Bauern! Im Sommer gibt es unblutige Stierkämpfe.
      Danach fahren wir auf den Monte Brasil, einen alten Vulkankegel mit Fortanlage, Hirschen und hohen Lorbeer Bäumen.
      Zur Erholung gibt´s einen wunderbaren portugiesischen Bolinho, ein Mandeltörtchen in dem hübschen Städtchen "Angra dos Heroismo".
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Meerwasserpools in Biscoitos

      19 Mayıs 2023, Portekiz ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Im Norden der Insel liegt der Ort Biscoitos. Hier kann man mitten zwischen Lava-Brocken (ok, es sind große Brocken) im Ozean schwimmen. Es gibt mehrere natürliche Pools und sogar einen Sprungturm mit ca. drei Metern Höhe. Es waren auch einige mutige Baden, uns war es zu kalt…Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3–6

      Off to a New Island

      11 Mart, Portekiz ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      We have enjoyed our mini visit to Terceira, 2 nights, and are looking forward to returning to it in a week’s time for a week. We’ll have a car then and will be able to explore the island.

      This morning, we went for a walk along the beach away from the town. There is a 3 km malecon (seaside walkway) and a boardwalk, perfect for some morning exercise before going to the airport for our flight to Faial Island. But man it was windy! 70 km winds! Chris kindly switch coats with me.

      Our prop plane was taking off at 2:50 pm so we had some time to just take it easy before leaving. Lajes airport is just a 10 minute taxi ride away so no rush.

      Surprisingly, there were a lot of people on the plane. I guess because it was going to Sao Miguel Island after we were dropped off and new passengers boarded in Faial. Anyways, it was supposed to be a 25 minute flight but ended up being close to 2 hours. Why? The weather is very unpredictable on the islands and a storm with winds and rain stopped the pilot from landing. The plane went round and round until the right moment. When we landed, there were lots of puddles but the sun was out.

      Earlier I had rented a car, Ibiza, from a recommended company called Ilha Verde. It was an easy pickup and a 10 minute drive to the house we have rented across from the harbour for 3 nights in the capital city of Horta.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Serra do Cume

      19 Mayıs 2023, Portekiz ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Als letzten Spot unserer heutigen Rundfahrt sind wir zum Serra do Cume gefahren. Der Berg gehört mit seinen 576 Metern Höhe (wieder einmal) zu dem Rand eines Vulkankraters, der ungefähr ein Sechstel der gesamten Insel einnimmt. Die Caldera wird fast ausschließlich für die Landwirtschaft genutzt, man sieht kaum Häuser in der Fläche…

      Heute Abend geht es wieder zur Taberna Roberto, wir freuen uns schon drauf…
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 52

      Praia Da Vitoria, Azores

      23 Şubat 2019, Portekiz ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      We left Bermuda in sunshine and warmth but had a very rough crossing to the Azores. A lot of crockery and bottles of alcohol have been broken in the storm. Wet and windy day in prospect but determined to see something of the town. Now been advised that because of the high winds the port has been closed to all traffic and so nobody is able to leave the ship at present! As luck would have it, during the morning the wind changed direction and lessened and so off we went. We needed the walk on ground that did not move. Very pleasant town and attractive in the sun. Very reasonably priced coffee and pastries! We depart early this evening and although the sea will be quite turbulent to begin with, the forecast is for it to calm down during tomorrow.Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Praia da Vitória, Praia da Vitoria, Praia da Vitória Municipality, پرایا دا ویتوریا, პრაია-და-ვიტორია, 프라이아다비토리아, Praja da Vitorija, Вила-да-Прая-да-Витория, 普拉亞達維多利亞

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