Praia do Paraíso

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    • Day 2

      Day 1 - Cabo de Mundo

      March 17 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Had a bit of a lay in...departed at 9ish. A walk through Porto, just as it was waking up, to the start point at the Cathedral. Fortunately for Pilar, the Portuguese built it on top of a hill. Secured our Credential's (Pilgrim Passports) and then set off on our Camino. 1st stop was for breakfast in a cafe dangerously close to the Tram line, but the pastries were worth dying for. Pilar was preoccupied the whole walk along the river, watching what seemed to be the entire young male bronzed, fit population of Porto doing fitness, by running along the boardwalk with their tops off. Where the river met the sea, we turned right and then continued along the most stunning coastline, stopping a few times for refreshment at the copious bar's along route. We decided to call it a day at about 4 pm and then went for a meal in a beautiful restaurant built onto the coastline and watched the sun go down. It was not a bad first day!Read more

    • Day 2

      Day 1 - Porto to Aldeia Nova

      June 1 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Camino Pilgrims can be early risers. Some get up early to beat the rush or the heat. Some wake up because other pilgrims are making too much noise repacking their backpacks. I had nothing and no one to blame this morning for waking up at 4:30 other than my own excitement.

      I read for a while, gathered myself and my few things, and headed to the Cathedral at six. Porto streets are quiet in the morning, especially after a raucous Friday evening when the city was reveling with locals and guests celebrating that they were in Porto. Some of the partiers were still in the streets. The Cathedral grounds were deserted and I didn't waste any time or sentiment before heading down back-alleys and staircases to get to the river.

      Fairly early I was passed by a couple of other pilgrims. That isn't surprising, I'm a turtle and I've embraced my slower pace. What surprised me was that neither of them had any greeting or acknowledgement towards me at all. I'm okay with people being in solitude, I'm kind of a loner myself, but part of the joy of the Camino is creating community and knowing that most likely we are all here to accomplish the same goal.

      There were plenty of other people to connect with. One of the joys of being in Portugal is saying, "Bom Dia" to the locals. They light up when you greet them in their language and they always respond. Walkers, joggers and fishermen all told me to have a "Good Day." Some of them even wished for me to have a "Good Way."

      Something feels different walking today. I realize that I do not feel in a hurry. I haven't been looking at my watch or my phone. There isn't a magnet pulling me this year. While I may be on my way to Santiago de Compostela, I've been there already. Maybe that is the gift that a 1,000 miles has given me. The reason I am back is for the journey and my soul already feels like it is settling. Santiago will be there at the journey's end.

      I can see the mouth of the river, and then the ocean horizon. There are maybe five pilgrims ahead of me. They take a sharp right and head up the coastline. I walk out to visit the lighthouse. I am not in a hurry.

      Last year I tried to stripped myself of identity before I left to walk the Camino Franes. I was on a mission to find myself sans family, titles, and responsibilities. I wondered how I would get along without people knowing who I was. I left all the patches and pins off my backpack. I kept my tattoos covered. I even left my wedding and family ring (one with six turtles on it) at home. I didn't have anything with me (other than my passport) that identified me as an American.

      Let's just say I found it terrifying. I was uncomfortable feeling unknown. After the second day's walk I sat outside a cafe at a table with other pilgrims, when someone asked a question about me I didn't stop talking for the next 90 minutes. It took me a good month to get that much information from my friend Mart, who was also at the table that day, but he says that is a typical Dutch trait.

      I had a good long walk to digest my insecurity. My Shadow self likes the spotlight.

      This time around I'm addressing things differently. I'm not hiding who I am, in fact I have conversation starters on my backpack in the form of patches. So far I haven't felt the compulsion to verbally vomit on anyone.

      I stopped for breakfast at a clever restaurant called Negra Cafe in Matosinhos. (Alex and) I had eggs benedict on savory pancakes. I'll probably make this for the family when I get home.
      As I type this update I'm sitting at the family table at the private albergue where I'm staying tonight. It was time for their family meal but they told me I didn't need to leave, just scoot over. I could tell that they would have invited me to join them but I told them I had reservations at the restaurant next door for dinner. They could tell I would not say no to a pastal de nata and they were correct.

      The beaches are full of sunbathers, families, and people playing sports. It is the weekend and the locals are making the best of it. Almost everyone has a barrier set up next to their towels. It isn't for privacy, but the wind. But oh how I love the sea breeze! It made walking in the high 80's today very tolerable. My dermatologist will be pleased- I'm wearing long sleeves and pants that are rated to 50 SPF and I keep my hat on while I'm in the sun.

      Besides the light houses there are chapels, sculptures, and history markers along the boardwalk. Some of the memorials are for tragedies that occurred during war or mishaps on the ocean. You might get tired of me sharing ocean photos, but that is where I am, and I am being fully present. What a gift!
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    • Day 7

      May 24

      May 24 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      It was a great feeling to wake up after a luxurious sleep. We had a nice relaxing start to our day before exploring Porto. We meandered throughout narrow cobblestone streets that were lined with colourful buildings. We stumbled upon so many interesting sites including a cemetery, Crystal Palace, gardens, historic monuments and enjoyed listening to live music while sitting in a square at a local cafe. We also tried a traditional cod dish for lunch, in a very authentic Portuguese restaurant. It really was a magical day in Porto and we felt confident because we walked 14 km, surely we are ready for the Camino!Read more

    • Day 15

      Start of camino!

      May 26 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Here we go! We started from Porto today heading to Santiago. The weather is perfect and the friends as well. It was a bit of a slog as the first day often is. We were all tired and happy to reach our accommodation.Read more

    • Day 45

      Porto im Regen

      December 22, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Rauhe See , trüber Deutscher November Himmel. mit Nebel und NULL sicht. Fotos gehen garnicht. Verkehr : Katastrophe!!!
      Und 10 Stunden Regen...
      Zeit für ein paar nötige Reparaturen.
      Dazu ein Tip: Womo Reparaturen aller Art, Ersatzteile und gute Englischkenntnisse.
      Liegt Nähe der A28 Norte im Bereich Leca da Palmeira. Siehe Foto.
      Tip von einer Düsseldorferin die hier lebt. Danke an Monika!!! Diente als Dolmetscherin...Klasse
      Die haben mir 36 Stunden vor Felice Navidad eine tolle , preiswerte Reparatur
      gemacht. Ohne Termin, quasi Notfallhilfe.
      Wäre sonst kaum nach Hause gekommen.
      Danke Danke Danke
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    • Day 6

      May 23

      May 23 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      A very early start to our day with our alarms going off at 3:00 am. At 3:30, we left the hotel to make our way to Gatwick Airport for our 6:50 am flight. A surprisingly smooth and quick check in through security gave us time to enjoy breakfast at the airport. We arrived in Porto a few minutes before Mary's flight - perfect timing. A short ride on the metro and we were in the beautiful downtown area of Porto. A day of exploring, a siesta and dinner at a local cafe. We had the traditional dish Francesinha, which was created in the 1950s by a local from Porto. His creation was inspired by the French hot sandwich and includes bread, steak, sausage, cheese, egg, and a beer sauce served with french fries. It's a very heavy meal and one I probably won't eat again but glad to have tried it. We were all absolutely exhausted and thankful to have a comfortable room in the hostel.Read more

    • Day 2

      Walking by the Atlantic Ocean

      June 27, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      We walked by the sea all day today, on boardwalk and stone. We met pilgrims, many of whom are staying in the Albergue Municipal LaBruge with us. Many Portuguese people wished us “Bom Caminho.” It was windy, but the temperature was perfect. By the end, we were using our poles to give our knees and backs a rest. The sea, rocks, and beaches were gorgeous!Read more

    • Day 2


      May 5, 2015 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Einmal Pause bitte....war eigentlich nach 2Stunden schon gut ko...aber is ja auch der erste Tag und ein wenig eingewöhnen muss ich mich ja doch! Habs bis hierher geschafft und mach die erste längere Pause! Der Weg entlang der Küste entschädigt hier vieles! Das Rauschen des Meeres, die Launen der Natur (hat auch schon mal gestürmt heute), die herrliche Weite....wunderbar!!!Read more

    • Day 13

      P3D1 first day with Romi 17/311km

      August 10, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      800 after a morning coffee we left our nice apartment and walked along the river to the ocean and than on a promenade further towards our first destination (guest house Casarao Paraiso).
      Orange juice and beer at the first cafe on the beach after 5km and a delicious lunch in Leça da Palmeira (soup, grilled fish - duck with rice, beer and a bottle of red wine). We met there a girl from Pilsen at her first day on Camino. Romi forgot there her walking sticks, but one of them was damaged allready, so they weren't worth to go back.
      We arrived at the guest house quite early (1500) but for Romi it was enough for the first day.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Praia do Paraíso, Praia do Paraiso

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