Sebuah petualangan yang singkat namun baik oleh Craig Tese Adventures Baca selengkapnya
  • 3footprint
  • 1negara
  • 3hari
  • 38foto
  • 4video
  • 213kilometer
  • Hari 1

    Day 1 Travel and set up

    20 Mei 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Has been a busy week at home as we finished moving Nan into town, we managed to hit the road around 10 and made our way through town heading for Nimmitabel, had a quick stop at Newmerella and then onto Cann River for lunch at the footy oval, let the ponies out for a walk around while having lunch then back in the truck and up the Cann valley highway, crossed over the border into NSW, had a good run through the hills and stopped at Bombala to stretch the legs, got into Nimmitabel show grounds at 3:30 and set up camp, nice sunny avo but soon cooled down quick, I got the fire going while Sas and Teresa took the ponies for a ride then we settled in with a few bevies, Locky and crew arrived around 6, we all huddled in around the fire pot as the night got very chilly, into bed early with the heaters going in the van and truck ready for a 7am start and our first team rider is early.Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 2

    Day 2 Team Sorting Round 1

    21 Mei 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

    Yep they say this is one of the coldest places around and they be right good frost this morning, the numbers wouldn’t glue on to the cows too frosty so they grabbed Cathcart’s collars and it was a late start a bit after 8, the teams did no good in the morning runs but no DQ’s just ran out of time, Teresa & Sas, Locky & Daniel, Sas & Daniel, 182 open teams and 80ish juniors makes for a big day, Archie had 3 runs in the Subbies which kept Locky and Sas busy, had lunch while the juniors were on, the afternoon was much better for all teams as they got the 10 through in good time all around a minute thirty seconds, Teresa & Locky, Sas & Locky, Teresa & Daniel, but was still not good enough time for a place, was a late finish just on dark they did a great job to get it done, was a cracking day lovely in the sun but was setting in for a chilly night again, cranked up the fire and got the warm clothes and beanie on and had roast potatoes in there jacket for tea with a few bevies, into bed around 9:30 set for a 7 o’clock start in the morning 🥶🥶Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 3

    Day3 Team sorting and Travel home

    22 Mei 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    It was very cool overnight even the diesel heater had hard work the diesel was a bit frozen in the morning, they got into it around 7 and it was a good frost, stoked up the fire and cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast, was a tough day in the yard this morning all teams got DQ’d, was another great day just cruised around watching the other runs, had a few cups of tea and lunch and Archie had 3 runs over lunch again in the subbies runs, then the teams did no good till very late in the afternoon at run 170 when Teresa and Locky whipped out a quick run with all ten through in 1:03 seconds, unsaddled and continued pack up and then over to presentation to see how they went and they got 3rd place out of 182 teams a great effort and bagged $250 💰each a bale of lucerne and a ribbon, good job.
    Hit the road straight away and made our way down the road got through most of the bad animal sections of the road in day light and got into Cann river just on dark after a few stops for the pissy passengers, the tunes and bevies kept flowing till we got home around 8 after a few more pee stops along the way.
    Was a great weekend and ran very well with fantastic group of people, thanks to our team and camp, Teresa, Craig, Sas, Locky, Em, Archie, Ollie and Daniel, a massive shout out to the Nimmitabel Team Sorting committee. 👍👍
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