
Bags packed, most things done, bye little Home we'll see you soon.
Very pleased to have a great house sitter looking after the place. Many thanks Simon and Nat...
Bags packed, most things done, bye little Home we'll see you soon.
Very pleased to have a great house sitter looking after the place. Many thanks Simon and Nat...
A night with Mum before we leave.
Relaxing in the Emperor Lounge at akl airport. Flight in an hour or so...
Half way there ... another 5 hrs here and we leave for Istanbul.
2 days here. Booked an evening tour and a day tour tomorrow to see the acropolis and archeology. Can't wait.
on a tour sampling melt in your mouth lamb n salads. too meek to join the dancers on stage though!
Visited this magnificent Museum today prior to visiting the Acropolis itself. An excellent idea as we then knew what we were looking up top without having to figure it out along the way. Our TourRead more
Then a walk up the Acropolis to the structures on top ... the Parthenon WOW!!!!! There's also the Erechtheion, the Temple of Nike (yep, that's where they got the name from), the Prohylaea, the BeuleRead more
Landed here 10.30 local time, onto a bus with some fellow cruisers and head to Civitivecchia to board ship. 31C. Oleanders along the highways here and in Greece are in full flower quite a spectacle.
Have a fantastic trip & look forward to your photos xo