Sails, Sunsets and Snaps

September - Oktober 2018
A week on a yacht sailing amongst the islands off the western coast of Greece. The theme is sailing but the camera is packed ready for sunset opportunities. What will this adventure bring? Will there be pirates? Will there even be a sunset? Baca lagi
  • 13footprint
  • 1negara
  • 8hari
  • 63gambar
  • 0video
  • 129kilometer
  • Hari 7

    Back to the Home Port of Lefkada

    6 Oktober 2018, Greece ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Rincewind was home.

    The journey from the bay was straightforward enough and for a while the wind increased and Penny & Tom raised the sails. The wind wasn't all that strong but there was just enough to help the yacht on its way. Rob took Rincewind down the channel which leads to the large marina in Lefkada then Penny took over when it was time to refuel.

    Once Rincewind was in her birth there was a short debrief to hand-back the yacht then that was it. But what's that in the harbour, if not a pirate boat blazenly flying its Skull & Crossbones? We have seen pirates!

    The final group event was at the nearby hotel bar and on the way to the gathering, Greece finally produced a sunset even though the only camera Rob had was his phone ... but at least there was finally a sunset which meant the title of this trip hasn't needed to be changed.

    At the 'goodbye meeting' various awards were given, with certificates too, and for the crew of Rincewind it was for best at parking of a yacht and for having the oldest crew member for at least this season, and probably much longer to be honest. Alan had been a bit of a celebrity all week it has to be said.

    The final meal was in town at the Nautilus restaurant which was recommended by friends of Penny & Tom. Good choice too as it was a lovely meal for the last night.
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  • Hari 8

    Time to Leave

    7 Oktober 2018, Greece ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    The final morning and a calm start to the day. Sunrise was followed with a lovely light towards the town which is hopefully captured in the photo you see.

    So now it was time to finish packing and leave ... which is why you get to see a view of Rincewind's main cabin ... it's tidy! Penny & Tom were in the forward cabin, in the nose so to speak, with Alan to the left of the galley steps and Rob to the right, both at the stern of the boat.

    At around 9.15am the crew of four walked away from Rincewind for the very last time and headed off to get breakfast before leaving for the airport later on. All agreed it had been a brilliant week - a week that, even though it had flown by, was filled with numerous sights and experiences to remember for a very long time. Alan coped really well with the many demands placed upon his ninety year old body, but he made it through and joined-in with everything for the entire week. Penny and Tom coped brilliantly handling the yacht with two novice crew members ... which rope did what, did they say? Cleats, fenders, halliards, reefs and no, not a knot and a knot is a speed not a knot. Is red 40m of anchor chain, or is it blue? Isn't an oxo a game and which knot shouldn't you tie to hold a fender on a rail? Should a rope be on the cleat or around it, and when or why? Get the picture? Easy or what?

    Having said all that, it all worked in the end and the yacht was returned unscathed. Rob was hoping for photographic opportunities but had been warned there may not be many times to get out there with the camera and tripod, and there wasn't really. But this trip wasn't about that: it was an opportunity for a family getaway with some new experiences and in that respect the week has been exactly that and a great success.

    Now where's that G&T?
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  • Hari 8


    7 Oktober 2018, Greece ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    This final footprint contains just two of the photographs Rob took during the journey around the islands. The first shown here was taken when Rob left the boat a little before sunrise, when the others were still snoozing. It’s therefore not a sunset but a sunrise but it probably still counts if you’re generous.

    The second was taken from the viewpoint Penny, Tom and Rob visited. Again, it’s not a proper sunset but was taken a short while afterwards as the light was starting to fade.

    Hope you like them.
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