San Marino
Public Palace

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    • Gün 20

      San Marino

      20 Nisan 2022, San Marino ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Am nächsten Tag machen wir uns auf nach San Marino, dem drittkleinsten Staat in Europa nach dem Vatikan und Monaco. Tapfer erklimmt unser Camper Kurve um Kurve und die Sicht wird immer Nebliger.. naja, damit haben wir nicht gerechnet, schauen uns San Marino dennoch an. Werner kennt es von seinen zahlreichen Veloferien rund um Rimini, darum lassen wir uns das nicht nehmen! Aber der Nebel ist sehr dicht und man sieht keine 5 Meter weit, also keine Chance den tollen Ausblick zu geniessen. Vielleicht stört es uns auch deswegen zusätzlich, dass San Marino eigentlich nur ein riesen grosser Souvenierladen ist. Nur Kitsch und Schmuck und Souveniers. Eigentlich schade.. aber so fällt uns der Abschied nach wenigen Stunden leicht.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 21

      Piazza della Libertà

      7 Temmuz 2016, San Marino ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      其實聖馬利諾主要觀光區就在Mt. Titano而已,一天內可以逛完市區,和參觀三座塔、走一小段山路。整體而言非常非常推薦來聖馬利諾。
      花費不貴,也可以體驗這個一般較少人知道的國家。對了!觀光客可以憑護照到 Tourist Center 蓋入境章喔,只是要另外花 5 歐元。另外也聽說晚上的聖馬利諾也很 amazing,如果有意前往聖馬利諾參觀,可以考慮兩天一夜的行程,會更舒適!在聖馬利諾的這一天,我們待到下午就準備回里米尼了,也是搭巴士回里米尼車站。
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 13

      Republica di San Marino 🇸🇲

      1 Eylül 2023, San Marino ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      ein weiters fantastisches Land auf meiner Karte bei dieser Reise markiert ☺️

    • Gün 322

      Palazzo Pubblico

      18 Kasım 2018, San Marino ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Old Town of San Marino is quite different from the rest of the country, well, it's where everything started. Cobblestone streets, duty free shops, souvenir stalls and hords of tourists - the first impression of this RepublicOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 12

      San Marino

      2 Ağustos 2021, San Marino ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute war dann doch wieder Sightseeing angesagt. Wir fuhren nach dem Frühstück ins nahegelegene San Marino. Dazu kann man anmerken, dass dies die wohl vermutlich älteste Republik der Welt ist und auch zu den reichsten Staaten gehört. San Marino Citta liegt auf knapp 800 Metern Höhe. Die Fahrt dahin war schon echt spannend. Dafür wurden wir natürlich mit einer grandiosen Aussicht belohnt, Wahnsinn! Das Städtchen hat alles geboten, was das Touristenherz begehrt: Alte, kleine Gässchen zum Schlendern, eine Menge alte Gemäuer, kleine Boutiquen zum Shoppen, leckeres Allerlei und ganz viel Charme. Uns dreien hat es sehr gefallen.
      Zum Abschluss in Rimini gab's nochmal Fruchtiges am Strand für Benni und abends einen leckeren Cocktail für uns.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 16

      San Marino—Oldest Republic in the World

      24 Nisan 2022, San Marino ⋅ ⛅ 54 °F

      It does not inspire confidence in passengers for the guide to shout to the bus driver in two languages, “What the hell are you doing?“ Of course, he had just turned onto a one-lane dirt road. But more about that later.

      We spent the morning in beautiful San Marino, one of the micro-states of Europe. It is the oldest and smallest republic in the world, and its citizens are rightly proud of that. The city-state flings its thirty-six square miles down one side of a very steep mountain side, giving breathtaking views of the Adriatic Sea.

      When Giuseppe Garibaldi unified the Italian states into a single nation in 1861, San Marino said, “No, thanks. We prefer liberty.” The tiny nation is not part of Italy, and the citizens want you to know it. The word “liberty” appears on their flag, on their street signs and over the altar of their basilica. For the people here liberty is sacred. Their refusal to align themselves with Mussolini and the Axis powers during World War 2 put them in a position to save the lives of more than 100,000 Italian citizens who refused to support Hitler.

      The republic here is one of the purest examples of that form of government. Their system began in the year 1243 and has remained largely unchanged. There is a legislature composed of 60 members elected to five-year terms. Each of the nine townships receives proportional representation. However, the most interesting feature is that there are two chief executives, called Captain-Regents elected by the legislature to six-month terms. One Captain-Regent is chosen by lawmakers from each of the two political parties, so that the two Captain-Regents must come from different parties. Can you imagine how it would be in the United States if the Democrats in Congress elected their President and the Republicans elected theirs, and the two Presidents were required to govern together! The Captain-Regent cannot make a law. Only the legislature can do so. There is no such thing as an “executive order.” Their Constitution makes it clear that their “President” is an executive, not a king. She has the power of persuasion but not the power of the purse. Many women have served as Captain-Regent, and one of the current occupants of the office is openly gay. This notion of a dual head of state is a direct survival from the old Roman republic in which two consuls shared executive power. Once a Captain-Regent’s term ends, citizens have three days to file official complaints against them, and if warranted, the former Captain-General may be indicted and tried for misconduct.

      The accompanying photos show the stately ceremonial governmental palace in which the legislature meets. However, it is no more beautiful than the city-state itself. Steep streets pass houses and restaurants clinging to their mountain terraces. Views of the surrounding countryside stretched for a hundred miles on this clear Sunday.

      Glenda and I stopped at a local restaurant for a Nutella crêpe and a cappuccino just before we had to leave. The wind picked up and gray clouds gathered in the west. Shortly after we started our bus ride back to Ravenna, the rain started. Our driver disregarded the directions given to him by our guide, and eventually they started arguing like an old married couple. Finally, our guide threw up her hands, and muttered something in Italian. She kept silent until the driver turned onto a one-lane dirt road full of potholes. Then came her wide-eyed shriek, “What the hell are you doing!” He shouted something about a short-cut, but her shouting continued. Glenda got tickled and start laughing. Out loud. And we were in the seat behind our bus driver. He turned his head and shot us a sneer.

      I patted her lap and said, “Now, Florrie!” (Those of you who knew Charles and Florrie Mercer will understand.) Glenda laughed louder. What should have been a ninety-minute drive had already taken two hours. Suddenly we saw our ship. The problem was that it was on the other side of the canal, and the nearest bridge across it we had passed fifteen minutes earlier. By this time Glenda was laughing uncontrollably. Tears were coming from her eyes and she had gone hysterical.

      I kept on soothing, “Now, Florrie . . .”

      The bus driver was not amused.

      Glenda did regain enough composure to allow herself to start humming the theme song from the old TV show “Gilligan’s Island.” She kept singing the words “a three-hour tour . . . a three-hour tour.”

      Our guide pulled out her cell phone, loaded up Google Maps and started barking orders for our driver to turn: “RIGHT! LEFT! LEFT! When we finally crossed the bridge that put the bus and the ship on the same side of the canal, everyone on the bus broke out into deafening applause. The trip back to the ship, that should have taken an hour and a half, took two and a half hours. We got through security as quickly as we could and screeched our tires into the ship’s buffet less than a minute before it closed. Now we are back in our stateroom well fed, dry and warm, reliving and absolutely wonderful day in a magical place. If you ever have a chance to visit San Marino, don’t pass it up.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      3 Torri

      14 Ekim 2021, San Marino ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Nachdem wir gestern eigentlich schon alles gesehen hatten, was es in San Marino zu sehen gibt, waren wir heute die 3 Türme der Stadt besichtigen.
      Hier gab es unter anderem eine umfangreiche Waffensammlung - Die Einwohner San Marinos haben sowieso eine recht seltsame Einstellung zu Waffen: Überall in der Stadt finden sich Waffenläden… Die Aussicht der Türme reichte übrigens bis an die Adria nach Rimini.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 30

      San Marino

      30 Ağustos 2021, San Marino ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Vom Camping Village Elena aus machen wir uns auf den Weg nach San Marino eine steile Kurvenreiche Anfahrt.
      Aber die Aussicht ist unschlagbar. Wir machen noch Pause mit Kaffee und gefüllten Hörnchen um dann mit der Seilbahn zur Burg zu fahren. Von oben sieht alles wie Modellbau aus. Herrliche Aussicht und die kleinen Gässchen sind richtig nett.
      Zum Abschluss gönnen wir uns noch Burger und Pommes.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 21

      San Marino 🇸🇲

      12 Ağustos 2021, San Marino ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Heute geht's zur ältesten Republik der Welt, San Marino 🇸🇲. San Marino ist eine bergige Kleinstadt in Mittelitalien. Auf dem Monte Titano befindet sich der Hauptteil der Stadt mit alten Wehrtürmen und Befestigungsanlagen. 🏰 Diese erreicht man hauptsächlich mit der Gondel 🚡.

      Hier genießen wir ein leckeres 3 Gänge Menü mit lokalem Fleisch und Wein. 🥩🍷
      Danach schlenderten wir Betrunken durch die Gassen der Altstadt. 👫🏼👣
      Nach einigen Stunden fuhren wir dann nochmal zum abkühlen nach Rimini ans Meer. 🌊
      Okumaya devam et

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