Canada Road Trip

Ağustos 2019
To commemorate my 50th birthday, David and I are going on a long-awaited road trip around Ontario, Canada – 25 years after the first trip got cancelled!! Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 7

    Day 7 - Westin Trillium Resort

    7 Ağustos 2019, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    They say a change is as good as a rest and today proved that old adage right!

    We checked out of the Prince of Wales Hotel early this morning, leaving behind the timeless elegance and the peace and quiet and headed north to the Blue Mountain Resort in Collingwood and the Westin Trillium Hotel.

    The drive itself was uneventful, but as we ate up the miles it was interesting to watch the landscape change. The greenery went on as far as the eye could see with farmsteads dotted along the way with miles and miles separating neighbours.

    We arrived at the resort at 1pm. Our room wasn’t ready, but it wasn’t a problem as there is plenty to see and do here. We have been given an upgraded suite and the bed is huge! During the winter the resort is used for skiing and winter sports and during the Summer there are plenty of outdoor pursuits to enjoy. For instance, crazy golf, zip wires, their own version of go ape, a luge run, pedalos, mountain bike hire - the list is endless.

    We opted to take the gondola up the slopes and hike the 1.3km back down the mountain. The views from the top were spectacular and we enjoyed the walk after sitting in the car for 3 hours. Afterwards we hit the hot tub and the swimming pool to catch the last of the sun.

    After our showers we headed back out to the village and had a light supper at the Italian (so many restaurants to choose from).
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  • Gün 8

    Day 8 - Veggie day in Collingwood

    8 Ağustos 2019, Kanada ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    Whilst David felt the need to conquer the mountain this morning, I felt completely the opposite and had a lie in. The bed was so comfy it seemed a shame not to make the most of it.

    By the time David got back I’d managed to get up and we headed into the town of Collingwood to explore. We walked up the main street in Downtown and enjoyed strolling around some of the more eclectic shops before heading back to the resort.

    The sun decided to come out to play so we decided to have an afternoon by the pool, where we both promptly fell asleep for three hours - to say we caught the sun is a bit of an understatement! It was good to relax after a very hectic first week. Cant believe we landed in Toronto a week ago today!

    Just got back from dinner - David actually ordered a salad! The portions here are huge and everything comes with ‘fries’, hence the need for running up the mountain this morning!

    We’re leaving in the morning for our long drive along the top of Lake Ontario, but Westin Trillium has been a great place to stop and relax. There’s so much to do here, but I imagine that during the winter months, when everything is covered in snow is the time when its at its best!
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  • Gün 9

    Day 9 - Collingwood to Kingston

    9 Ağustos 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Day 9 - Collingwood to Kingston – via Picton

    We have been in the car for most of today - luckily its big and comfy!

    We drove for four and a half hours (or rather David drove) from Collingwood to Picton, along the top of Lake Ontario. Bypassing Toronto was a little chaotic, with a six lane motorway – thank God for SatNav!

    The reason why we stopped in Picton was so that I could see where my Dad was born in June 1943, during WWII. We found the hospital in Picton (as you can see from the pic I am standing outside the hospital holding a copy of Dad’s birth certificate). Not going to lie, was a bit emotional not to actually be able to share it with the man himself, but it was still great to see where his life started all those years ago and as an added bonus we also found the airbase where Grandpa George was based at that time. It was decommissioned in 1969 and you can just drive in and see all the disused Nissan huts and barrack buildings – some of which are used today as a trading estate. There is still an operational airstrip there too.

    We also had a quick look around Picton itself and I found a yarn shop where I treated myself to a skein of Canadian Alpaca Merino! David is not the husband in the chair outside the shop in the picture!

    We then headed to our last hotel of the holiday, the Four Points by Sheraton in Kingston. After dinner at the hotel, we wondered around the city for a bit soaking up the nightlife and exploring the marina.
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  • Gün 10

    Day 10 - Kingston to Carleton Place

    10 Ağustos 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Today we had another look around Kingston during daylight hours.

    We took the trolley bus tour around the city so as not to miss out on any of the main attractions.

    It’s a beautiful city with lots to explore. We only just touched the surface, but we were able to get a feel for the place, before heading off to our next stop - Carleton Place, via the cottage on Lake Christie in Perth to drop in on Philip and Christine to surprise them for a quick drink and a catch up. The Union Jack had already been raised in readiness for our visit!

    Then on to Carleton Place to meet up with Sally and Tom at their house. Was great to see them again - albeit briefly as they had left a friends wedding to let us in.

    As they were returning to the party in the evening, Shirley and Geoff drove over to join us for dinner. They took us to a lovely restaurant in the town called The Black Tartan. A lovely meal with great company followed by a drive-by tour of the surrounding area from Shirley then back to the house for a much-needed early night!
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  • Gün 11

    Day 11 Carlton Place

    11 Ağustos 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We have now arrived at Sally & Tom’s beautiful house in Carlton Place. It’s been so lovely to catch up with family.

    Last night we went out to dinner in Carlton Place Town with Shirley and Geoff at the Black Tartan Restaurant. Great to catch up. A lovely meal with great company!

    Today saw an easy start to the day. Sally cooked us breakfast - we have eggs laid fresh from their 9 hens kept in the back yard. We went for a wonder in Carlton Place after that and then this afternoon Geoff & Shirley, Phillip & Christine and Kayla, along with her boyfriend Andrew joined us for a lovely meal. Tom cooked a huge piece of beef in the smoker - it was delicious.

    I’ve had my first 50th birthday celebration. Shirley ordered me a beautiful gluten free cake with chocolate filling and a cream frosting – complete with a chocolate inscription. It was totally yummy.

    This evening, we have had a fun evening with Sally and Tom, just sitting and chatting. The whole day has been great.

    We’re off to the cottage tomorrow with Christine for a couple of days. There is no WiFi there and the phone signal isn’t great either, but I will take lots of pics and post them up when we get back to civilisation!
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  • Gün 13

    Day 13 - Christie Lake

    13 Ağustos 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Today’s highlight was the sunrise! No Words necessary!

    That being said we had a lovely day vegging out at the cottage and took an early paddle in the canoe to the bottom end of the lake. When we got back to the cottage we treated ourselves to scrambled egg using the eggs from Sally & Tom’s chickens - they are obviously very happy hens as the yokes are huge and a deep orange/yellow colour! We are never going back to supermarket eggs ever again!!

    Sally came up at lunchtime with Shirley and Geoff. Due to Geoff’s health, they hadn’t been to the cottage for a few years so it was lovely for us to be there with them. Sally bought lunch for us all and afterwards Sally, David and I went for a swim in the lake. Earlier David had seen a water snake, but by the time we got in the water there was no sign of him - I think we must have scared him away!!

    Sally headed for home with Shirley and Geoff and David and I had another paddle to the other end of the lake around sunset – with all the fresh air and exercise you can imagine how well we slept that night!!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 14

    Day 12 Christie Lake Cottage

    14 Ağustos 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Christine came over to meet us at Sally’s on Monday morning and we followed her over to the cottage. What a wonderful, magical place to be! The cottage is literally situated on the edge of Christie Lake, a natural body of water situated just outside of Perth.

    Christine cooked us a wonderful tea of chicken kebabs on the bbq, served with fresh corn on the cob - picked that morning. The difference with the sweet corn from what we have at home was considerable!! Huge great big cobs with a lovely deep yellow colour.

    After dinner Christine took us out on the lake - Christine took out her paddle board and David and I shared the canoe - we didn’t do too badly considering we’ve only ever rowed as individuals before and David being left handed and me being right handed made for some interesting manoeuvres!!

    Christine left after our trip on the lake – David and I were so shattered after the fresh air we crashed early and had a great night, falling asleep to the sound of the cicadas in the trees around the cottage.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 14

    Day 14 - Cottage

    14 Ağustos 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Today we had another lazy day at the cottage with another paddle on the lake and a swim.

    The mosquitoes were out to dinner and their favourite restaurant was me! After lunch I had a nap in the cottage to have a break from the sun and a break from being the local food court!

    David stayed out on the dock and had a near-death experience involving a plastic deck chair, two towels and a bikini top! A sudden gust of wind blew said items into the lake and not wanting to lose someone else’s property David jumped into the lake to save them but very soon discovered that you can’t swim if your hands are full. I woke up to the gurgling sounds of David spluttering as his whole life flashed before him. With my sympathetic help (?) and an oar, all the items were safely rescued and after a nice hot shower David was none the worse for wear.

    After so much excitement, we headed back to Carleton Place. In the evening we dropped Sally off to her Dragon Boat practice and headed out for dinner. We had a lovely meal at the Grand Hotel. We sat on the patio and I tried my first Caesar – the Canadian equivalent of a Bloody Mary, but made with Clamato Juice. Not sure which version I enjoy most as they are both yummy!

    Sally and Tom got home a little after us and we spent the rest of the evening chatting in the basement.
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  • Gün 15

    Day 15 - Ottawa

    15 Ağustos 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Thursday bought another warm day as we headed to Ottawa with Sally, who had very kindly offered to show us the sites of the city.

    She had researched and found what looked like a comprehensive walking tour and her research paid off. We met our tour guide, Jonathan, by the war memorial at 11am and for the next two hours he highlighted the main historical buildings of Ottawa, making it fun and light-hearted as we strolled around the city. Not sure if I will every be able to remember much of the actual historical facts but the architecture of Parliament Buildings, The National Gallery of Canada - sporting a huge 30’ arachnid complete with 7 eggs to depict family love! The Basilica,The Chateau Laurier, the canal and all the statues made for an interesting couple of hours.

    During the break at midday, Sally and David both enjoyed a ‘Beaver Tail’ - you can tell they are cousins, both needing a sugary fix to help get them through until lunchtime as they were both starving. A Beaver Tail is a flat sugary dough, similar to a doughnut and covered in the topping of your choice. I think Sally had lemon juice and sugar and David have Maple Syrup and Chocolate. Not going to lie - I did have a quick bite and it was scrumptious - couldn’t eat a whole one though - like everything else here, the serving was huge!!

    After lunch and a quick gift shopping session Sally took us to Tom’s Firehouse. Station 11 on Rue Preston in Ottawa. There Tom was able to give us a tour. Another highlight of the holiday. We got to sit in his fire truck and sound the horn, I got to put on his hat and coat (incredibly heavy) and David and Sally got to slide down the pole (I chickened out of that one - for someone as challenged as I am when it comes to heights, sliding down a fireman’s pole is just asking for trouble!!)
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