
heinäkuuta 2018 - syyskuuta 2024
Päättymätön seikkailu — Shahnavaz Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 1

    Country Number 7 - Singapore!

    6. heinäkuuta 2018, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    I think we are pretty good at having a smooth and efficient journey for flights now. Our packing is down to the tee we know exactly what items should go in the bag and what items need to be worn to ensure the bag is at 7kg. The alarm went off at 4:15am, the Grab was booked at 4:30am and we left by 4:45am. Checkin and security was smooth and easy and we sat in the lounge eating our weird chocolate bread loaf that we bought the day before. It was literally chocolate bread... We thought it would be muffin like but definitely wasn't. When we boarded the flight it was absolutely freezing. The trip was so cold the whole way, I was so glad to arrive and get into some heat! I'm sure I'll regret saying that.

    Thankfully we don't need to worry about accomodation here as the lovely Amber has let us stay in her lovely apartment. And it was truly lovely. Its on the 17th floor, the bathroom isn't a wet room so I don't have to always get wet feet when I want to pee, the toilet seat isn't constantly wet from the shower, I can sit on a sofa, she has a washing machine so I can do my own washing whenever I want and she has a scale so we can finally weigh ourselves. We have both lost about 7kg! I don't remember ever being this weight, super chuffed and not even had to try!

    After we put on our washing and faffed a bit we went for our afternoon nap. We should probably start putting alarms on... We woke up at 4pm! Apart from a bit of bread we hadn't really eaten but now we were running late to see Will's ex colleagues in the Singapore office! After a quick shower and putting out the washing we jumped on the MRT and headed to his office. Honestly it was a really surreal feeling, almost as if we had never gone travelling! It was so lovely to see Wing again after so many years and Pierre was there too! I probably should have dressed a bit nicer wups... They took us to a super cool rooftop bar which looked out on to Marina Bay Sands. The views were amazing and oh my god we had wine. Wine for the first time in months!! In fact we haven't had alcohol for nearly a month. We all sat and chatted and it was just perfect. The generosity of everyone at Trading Screen is just unbelievable. Here we are 2 people who have little money, one who is now an excolleague and they didn't let us buy anything at all the whole night! Wing even bought our dinner at Mc Donald's! He and Chee Seng insisted we had to try Durian Ice cream. I must admit this was the biggest mistake of the day. For the rest of the evening I smelt of durian, I burped durian, I hiccuped durian - it was god awful!

    We then went to watch the match with Chee Seng and it was interesting to hear more about Singapores history and political state. Singapore is a really interesting country. From an outsiders point of view it seems so progressive, advanced in use of technology and education but actually when you get to know more about its history and the people rights of freedom of speech its a very different story. The land and shape of Singapore is very much man made and is still growing at a rate of 30% a year. Crime rate is possibly the lowest in the world but that is also because the severity of the consequences are so high. The same governmental party have been in power for its 50 years of independence existence. Protesters are seen as radicalists and illegal without the correct procedures and authorisation, which is generally difficult to get. Any party gathering of more than 3 people is supposed to have the correct legal paperwork otherwise this is illegal and people can be jailed for the crime. In the background it seems Singaporeans have a very old style cultural political system.

    After many drinks we decided to call it a night, nipped to the Newton Hawker centre for some fried rice and jumped straight into bed. We've not had a 2am late night in a long time... I don't think it's going to be an early start!
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  • Päivä 2

    Being tourists, eating, jazz and lights!

    7. heinäkuuta 2018, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Well as expected as we had such a late night we did indeed have a lie in as we weren't feeling great!

    We have 2 days left to see all the sights so today we are going to attempt to beast out most of them. First stop was Little India to eat Dosa for brunch (it was super yummy), visit the Zoroastrian House (closed...), visit Mustafa Center (oh my god this is a ridiculously sized store selling everything and I mean everything!) and then to eat the famous chicken biriyani at Tekka Centre (portion sizes are ridiculous!).

    It was about 4pm by the time we were done and we decided to visit the UNESCO heritage Botanic Gardens. It was a really nice garden and to top it off they had a jazz performance at 6pm which was great. It made me feel like I was in London in the summer sat in one of the parks watching one of the many free live performances in the parks. Unfortunately we couldn't stay too long as our final stop for the day was to visit the light show at the Gardens by the Bay.

    I didn't know what to expect but they have "super trees" which are towering monuments with alien looking tree tops. They're really pretty at night especially as there was an opera light show that evening which made the trees glow beautifully. Now absolutely shattered we jumped on the MRT tried the famous chicken and rice and popiya at Newton Hawkers Market and went straight to bed ready for our early start in the morning.
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  • Päivä 3

    Last Day so we relax... NOT

    8. heinäkuuta 2018, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Well today could not have been a more busy day if we tried. We woke up at 6am and joined Wing for what we thought was just going to be a stroll round a reservoir. We couldn't have been more wrong! They turned up in full sports kit and were ready for a 12km walk! I say walk very loosely here, they were definitely running in parts. We walked the Macritchie Reservoir and Tree Top Trail. It was really pretty, but tough!

    We all then headed to China Town for some well deserved brunch and to attempt to eat everything left on our must eats list. We ate Fish Soup, Curry Puff, sweet carrot cake (radish omlette) and Kaya toast with eggs. All I must admit were very tasty in particular the curry puff which was basically a Cornish pasty filled with thick chicken and egg curry, excited to come home and eat a pie. All washed down with a coffee. I'm officially done with attempting any other coffee now. I am certain that Vietnamese coffee is the only one for me and the others just screw up my stomach and taste far too bitter.

    Then being the crazy ones that we are we said bye to Wing and Andre and carried on seeing the rest of the sights. We visited Sri Mariamman Temple and the Buddha Tooth Relic temple which was completely different from the other temples we have seen and was a real hidden treasure.

    We then walked, yes walked for 30 mins, to Marina Bay Sands. We'd heard you can sneak a peak of the famous infinity pool and view if you go to to the toilet near the bar at the top. Well we did get into the bar at the top and snuck a couple of pictures then quickly declined the drinks and headed down. Our final thing on the to do list was to revisit the Gardens by the Bay during daylight. It was as impressive and beautiful as at night. We were ridiculously tired now and had done over 35,000 steps so we headed to Newton Hawkers Market and grabbed some dinner and breakfast for the early morning flight. We both still felt unbelievably sweaty from this mornings walk so instantly went for a shower before doing chores, eating dinner and packing the bags ready for the morning.
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  • Päivä 4

    Home Sweet Home

    9. heinäkuuta 2018, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Ring ring ring... It's 5am and up we get for our final flight of the trip. We jumped into a Grab taxi arrived with plenty of time to see the famous Singapore airport, bought 2 Tarte Nomands with our remaining SGD and then awaited our 14 hour journey back.

    I can't believe we are coming home. I honestly don't know how I feel about it. I'm super excited to see family and friends and most of all can't wait to get some hugs but I am so sad to be saying bye to this incredibly beautiful, loving and tasty part of the world.

    Some people get worried about coming to SEA because of the crime, dying in car crashes or getting sick from life threatening diseases or the food. OK we might have got a bit sick along the way but we get sick in England!

    How can I summarise the trip of a lifetime. We've climbed incredible mountains and volcanoes, we've driven scooters and cars in SEA and lived to tell the tale, we've eaten incredible food, we've realised you really can live off absolute basics and don't need very much money to be happy and we've realised time is the most precious thing in the world and with time you can achieve and see the most incredible things. The most inspiring thing through our journey has been the incredible people we have met. Yes we have met some people that have tried to scam us over the months but they are less than 1%. 99% of the people are loving, friendly, appreciative, supportive and most of all happy. It has been the people that have truly made our trip spectacular.

    Its now the end of this chapter, but I'm so honoured to have been able to achieve my dream of travelling with my best friend, my partner in crime, my SCUBA buddy and life long partner Willy P.

    Let's see what our next chapter brings.
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