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    • Gün 21


      26 Kasım 2017, Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Nach langer Zugfahrt sind wir endlich in Singapur angekommen. Eine Stadt der Superlative. An unserem ersten Tag besuchten wir den Singapur Zoo mit seiner beeindruckenden Affenvielfalt. Den nächsten Tag verbrachten wir zunächst im botanischen Garten und dann im Marina Park Bay. Anschließend gingen wir shoppen. Das muss eben auch mal sein 😂. Den Abend klangen wir in little India mit einer leckeren indischen Mahlzeit aus. Am nächsten Tag ging es für uns hoch hinaus. Zuerst mit dem Singapur Riesenrad und dann abends in die Skybar des berühmten Marina Bay Hotels. Der Preis unseres 27 Euro Cocktails war die Aussicht alle mal wert. Nach 3 Nächten hieß es leider wieder Abschied nehmen. Nicht nur von Singapur sondern auch von Samy. Wir hatten 3 tolle Wochen miteinander. Für mich hieß es jetzt ab nach Thailand.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 179

      Im asiatischen Schmelztiegel

      13 Nisan 2016, Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Sechs Tage bin ich in Singapur - das ist relativ lange, aber ich habe für die nächsten Wochen noch rein gar nichts geplant, d.h. einiges meiner Zeit in Singapur geht fürs Recherchieren, Lesen von Reiselektüre und Blogs anderer Reisende drauf. Das ist nicht so schlimm, denn es ist sehr heiß hier, aber mit ganz viel Eiskaffee oder der lokalen Variante (gebrühtem Kaffee mit Eis und gesüßter Kondensmilch, erstaunlich lecker) ziemlich erträglich. 

      Für große Unternehmungen weit über die Stadtgrenzen nehme ich mir keine Zeit und Ziele wie Sentosa Island sind mir zu touristisch. Durch die Stadt schlendern ist interessant und Natur werde ich bald mehr als genug haben. Ich erkunde vor allem die unterschiedlichen Stadtviertel und genieße das asiatische Essensangebot in den Hawker Stalls. Das sind Essensmärkte, die alles Mögliche für wenig Geld im Angebot haben. Und so lecker! Ich bin hier jeden Tag zweimal, vor allem Indisch hats mir mal wieder angetan, zudem Japanisch, Thailändisch, Malayisch.

      Singapur gefällt mir auf Anhieb. Es ist wohl der beste Einstieg nach Asien, quasi Südostasien für Anfänger. Es ist ein deutscher Traum - alles ist geregelt: wo man wann Alkohol kaufen und trinken darf, wo man in der Metro zu warten und zu stehen hat, wie weit die nächste Metro-Station entfernt ist, die Taxis haben auf dem Dach eine Anzeige, die mitteilt, ob der Fahrer frei ist, und das Leitungswasser kann man problemlos trinken. Nichts kann hier zum Chaos führen. Ach ja, und so viele deutsche Autos habe ich seit sechs Monaten nicht mehr gesehen.

      Und trotzdem gibt es diese unsortierten, wuselden Viertel wie Little India, die nicht so aufgeräumt und sortiert wirken. In Singapur gehts vor allem um eines: um Konsum. Ich habe noch nie so viele Shoppingmalls auf einem Haufen gesehen wie hier. Die einen bieten mehr Luxusartikel, die anderen weniger, aber im Endeffekt sind die alle ziemlich langweilig, weils genau der gleiche Kram wie überall ist. Streifzüge durch Little India, Kampong Glam und das nicht ganz so authentisch wirkende Chinatown gefallen mir schon besser. Das muss eh sein, schließlich besitze ich neben zwei Paar Schuhen (alten Sandalen und Flipflops) keine Schuhe. Mein neuer Rucksack ist bei der Abreise aus Singapur jedenfalls schon wieder voll!

      Ansonsten finde ich das harmonisch wirkende kulturelle Miteinander toll. Hier leben viele Expats aus aller Welt, viele Inder, Malaien, Chinesen. Gut, man weiß nie, wie die Leute zuhause reden, aber von meinem außenstehenden Blick wirkt es jedenfalls so. Eindrucksvoll ist das in Chinatown, wo auf 100 Metern ein buddhistischer Tempel, ein hinduistischer Tempel und eine Moschee Platz finden. . 

      Nun bin ich also in Asien, es sind weniger als zwei Monate. Fast alle Flüge sind gebucht, grobe Routen stehen fest. Der Blick auf den Kontostand wird langsam unangenehm und Zuhause ist gar nicht mehr so weit entfernt :-)

      Aber zuerst gehts einmal nach Krabi. Ich habe eine tolle (alternative und weniger touristische) Route für Südthailand ausgearbeitet und freue mich auf klares Wasser und tolle Sandstrände.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1

      Hot in the Lion City!

      8 Mart 2015, Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Welcome to the next blog!

      This time T and I have jetted off sans-kiddies for 5 days just hanging around Singapore. Yes that means it might be party time in Bexley though I hear the spies are keeping a close eye on things with everyone except the Pope and the Queen checking up.

      We left Sydney on QF81 (an Airbus 330 for those who need to know) and a couple of movies later arrived in Singapore. First thing to note ... it is hot. Made our way through Immigration grabbed the bags and left - Customs consisted of a bored officer sitting at a door with a sign saying 'Nothing to declare'. Nothing like in the US.

      We grabbed a cab and $20 later were at the Hotel. This city is very green, lots of trees, flowers, and other greenery all very well kept. It also lives up to its reputation of being very clean. The Carlton Hotel is very nice and seems to be very central to everything.

      T and I went for dinner at a food court in the Raffles Centre which is across the road. A bowl of chilli beef or chicken was probably not the best idea but hey the locals were out in force so why not us.

      After dinner we went back to the Hotel and since it was happy hour we ordered 2 Singapore Slings from the bar. Very sweet and refreshing. After a walk around the block we called it a night.

      More tomorrow!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      The last day before .....!!!!

      9 Mart 2015, Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Today was the day T and I started out exploring.

      We were up nice and early followed by a quick breakfast and a walk up Orchard Road. This is the prime shopping strip for Singapore and every major shop you can think of is here - too many to list suffice to say there are squillions of shops.

      It is interesting walking around you have the brand new shopping malls with lots of glass through to small terrace shops just off side streets a short step away.

      We stopped in at the Information Centre and organised a couple of bus trips, a Zoo visit, and a visit to the Gardens by the Bay - more on all that as and when it happens!!!

      We then walked back to the hotel sit in the air conditioning for a bit before heading out to lunch. Singaporeans love their food courts as there are thousands of them scattered around with really good food, Lunch today was steamed pork buns and they were good!

      In the afternoon we went for a marathon walk around to the Marina Sands and Gardens by the Bay. The Marina Sands Hotel is the famous one that is shaped like a ship sitting on top of 3 big buildings. It is kinda scary looking as it is so high.

      The walk around there was interrupted by one of Singapore's afternoon thunder storms. It was really heavy and lasted about 15 mins, it did help to cool things down. We did what the locals seem to do and disappeared underground into one of the malls.

      After a walk around the Marina Bay Sands and dinner in the Garderns we caught a taxi back to the Carlton and scored a very friendly cabbie who helped explain some of the finer points of Singapore - large areas like the Sands and the Gardens are all built on reclaimed land. Once back at the Hotel we did what everyone does in Singapore and went for a couple of Singapore Slings!

      These are a really nice cocktail and very refreshing with lots of alcohol. T had her first and then announced 'Well that didn't touch the sides' so we had to have another one, Will sleep well tonight!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Happy Birthday to me!!!

      10 Mart 2015, Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Yes it was my birthday today, woohoo! Thanks for all the birthday wishes. That's all we'll say on the matter.

      Today we did the tourist thing and hopped on a couple of those open topped tourist buses you see running around many cities. Fairly cheap and a good way to learn about Singapore.

      Singapore is one of the most expensive places in the world to own a car. The government charges a 100% import duty on every car, people have to bid for the right to own a car and this right only lasts 10 years before you have to buy a new one - and a new car, and there is a congestion toll to discourage people from driving in certain areas. This means Singapore is one of the biggest exporters of second hand cars only beaten by Japan. The public transport system is very good and cheap.

      It still doesn't mean there aren't a lot of cars on the road, there are heaps but it moves pretty well. There are still a lot of Ferraris, Lambourghinis, and especially Porches on the road though Korean or Japanese cars are the most popular as expected.

      Another interesting fact is that Singapore has expanded its land area by 25%, pretty soon it will be as big as Australia - maybe not. That explains why you'll be driving along Beach Road but you are a long way from the coast, it used to be on the beach. Reclaiming land is a logical approach when you only have a small island to start with.

      Anyway T and I did a loop of Little India and then went across to Chinarown. I remember being dragged through Chinatown as an angelic 7 year old and being less than impressed. This time though it was very different, a really interesting place with lots of small shops selling just about everything.

      In the middle of Chinatown is a big Buddhist temple which was really ornate.

      T and I had one of the best meals we have had for lunch, purchased from one of the street stalls of which there are a few.

      The architecture here is really interesting, you have the massive glass skyscrapers surrounding the older original buildings. These old buildings were very practical, the family worked downstairs in the shop and lived upstairs. The shop section all had a 5ft wide walkway so people could get out of the afternoon downpours and still walk along. Most of the upstairs residences have glass in the windows now but there are a few with just bars and storm shutters.

      Even today you see the high rise residences with washing hanging out the windows on long poles. Most people live in government flats that are actually quite nice and not the old blocks they were in the past.

      Our evening activity was the Night Safari at the Singapore Zoo. This was really well done. It is set up sort of like the Dubbo Zoo in that there are no fences but it is a lot more compact than Dubbo. They load you onto tram-type things that they drive you around on and they give you a commentary on each animal. They have all the expected animals - lions, tigers, elephants and lots more. In some sections like the deer and tapirs the animals can come right up to the trams and check out what is going on.

      After the zoo it was another open top bus ride back to the hotel.

      Of course when ever you travel with my wife she invariably runs into someone she knows. We were at the bus terminal this morning and she met Peta and Michael (Mud) friends of Rachel and Warwick's.

      It's a small world!!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Hills and waves

      11 Mart 2015, Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Today we set off early to Dempsey Hill. This is an old British Army base and when they pulled out in 1971 the Singaporean Army took it over but they have moved out as well and now it is a trendy cafe and antique area that's popular with expats and ladies-who-lunch.

      T and I had arranged to meet a former work contact of mine who now lives in Singapore. We had a pretty good breakfast and chat. Followed by a walk around looking at the shops.

      After Dempsey Hill we took a cab to the Henderson Waves bridge. This is on the western side of the city which we hadn't really been to before. The bridge links 2 large hills and gives good views over the City and Sentosa Island.

      The bridge itself is a fantastic design and the parks were beautifully kept. T and I had to shelter from one of Singapore's thunderstorms and it drizzled a bit for most of the afternoon but in a way it was good as it kept the other tourists away and we had most of the walks to ourselves.

      There were warning signs about how to deal with any wild monkeys we come across as they could be carrying rabies but luckily we weren't attacked.

      After a walk across the bridge and around Mt Faber we took a cab to Chinatown again. We stopped off for lunch at one of the street vendors and had the best chicken satay ever. Singapore has some odd liquor laws, you can get a beer just about anywhere, so T and I had satays washed down with a couple of Tiger Beers.

      We wandered around Chinatown and then hopped on the bus and went across to Little India. There are lots of Indians in Singapore and this is their home turf. Really interesting to walk around. Talk about an assault on the senses, you had Indian rock music blasting out with the smell of every spice known to man and an absolute riot of different coloured buildings, clothes, and shops. A real chaotic mix but a great place to just walk around.

      After hanging out there for a while we made a pit stop back to the hotel and then hopped on the bus again to go to Boat Quay which is on the Singapore River and is a trendy place to eat. As something different we ate Italian but we could have had any type of cuisine known to man.

      After a dinner of pasta and gelato we wandered up the river a bit before cutting across to the Digital Life shopping mall where you are meant to be able to by any technical thing you could want. It was OK but the prices are pretty much on par with what you'll pay in Sydney.

      We then walked back to the Hotel for an obligatory Singapore Sling - really liking those things - before bed.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      ... in Singapore

      25 Kasım 2017, Singapur ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Sind guet in Singapur acho und biz überwältigt vo dere Stadt. Ca 30grad und 80% Luftfüechtigkeit. Au immer wieder chli Rege... Uuuu guets ässe überall!! aber zersch mal chli schlafe ;)

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