Serangoon New Town

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    • Dia 2

      The last day before .....!!!!

      9 de março de 2015, Cingapura ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Today was the day T and I started out exploring.

      We were up nice and early followed by a quick breakfast and a walk up Orchard Road. This is the prime shopping strip for Singapore and every major shop you can think of is here - too many to list suffice to say there are squillions of shops.

      It is interesting walking around you have the brand new shopping malls with lots of glass through to small terrace shops just off side streets a short step away.

      We stopped in at the Information Centre and organised a couple of bus trips, a Zoo visit, and a visit to the Gardens by the Bay - more on all that as and when it happens!!!

      We then walked back to the hotel sit in the air conditioning for a bit before heading out to lunch. Singaporeans love their food courts as there are thousands of them scattered around with really good food, Lunch today was steamed pork buns and they were good!

      In the afternoon we went for a marathon walk around to the Marina Sands and Gardens by the Bay. The Marina Sands Hotel is the famous one that is shaped like a ship sitting on top of 3 big buildings. It is kinda scary looking as it is so high.

      The walk around there was interrupted by one of Singapore's afternoon thunder storms. It was really heavy and lasted about 15 mins, it did help to cool things down. We did what the locals seem to do and disappeared underground into one of the malls.

      After a walk around the Marina Bay Sands and dinner in the Garderns we caught a taxi back to the Carlton and scored a very friendly cabbie who helped explain some of the finer points of Singapore - large areas like the Sands and the Gardens are all built on reclaimed land. Once back at the Hotel we did what everyone does in Singapore and went for a couple of Singapore Slings!

      These are a really nice cocktail and very refreshing with lots of alcohol. T had her first and then announced 'Well that didn't touch the sides' so we had to have another one, Will sleep well tonight!
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    • Dia 3

      Happy Birthday to me!!!

      10 de março de 2015, Cingapura ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Yes it was my birthday today, woohoo! Thanks for all the birthday wishes. That's all we'll say on the matter.

      Today we did the tourist thing and hopped on a couple of those open topped tourist buses you see running around many cities. Fairly cheap and a good way to learn about Singapore.

      Singapore is one of the most expensive places in the world to own a car. The government charges a 100% import duty on every car, people have to bid for the right to own a car and this right only lasts 10 years before you have to buy a new one - and a new car, and there is a congestion toll to discourage people from driving in certain areas. This means Singapore is one of the biggest exporters of second hand cars only beaten by Japan. The public transport system is very good and cheap.

      It still doesn't mean there aren't a lot of cars on the road, there are heaps but it moves pretty well. There are still a lot of Ferraris, Lambourghinis, and especially Porches on the road though Korean or Japanese cars are the most popular as expected.

      Another interesting fact is that Singapore has expanded its land area by 25%, pretty soon it will be as big as Australia - maybe not. That explains why you'll be driving along Beach Road but you are a long way from the coast, it used to be on the beach. Reclaiming land is a logical approach when you only have a small island to start with.

      Anyway T and I did a loop of Little India and then went across to Chinarown. I remember being dragged through Chinatown as an angelic 7 year old and being less than impressed. This time though it was very different, a really interesting place with lots of small shops selling just about everything.

      In the middle of Chinatown is a big Buddhist temple which was really ornate.

      T and I had one of the best meals we have had for lunch, purchased from one of the street stalls of which there are a few.

      The architecture here is really interesting, you have the massive glass skyscrapers surrounding the older original buildings. These old buildings were very practical, the family worked downstairs in the shop and lived upstairs. The shop section all had a 5ft wide walkway so people could get out of the afternoon downpours and still walk along. Most of the upstairs residences have glass in the windows now but there are a few with just bars and storm shutters.

      Even today you see the high rise residences with washing hanging out the windows on long poles. Most people live in government flats that are actually quite nice and not the old blocks they were in the past.

      Our evening activity was the Night Safari at the Singapore Zoo. This was really well done. It is set up sort of like the Dubbo Zoo in that there are no fences but it is a lot more compact than Dubbo. They load you onto tram-type things that they drive you around on and they give you a commentary on each animal. They have all the expected animals - lions, tigers, elephants and lots more. In some sections like the deer and tapirs the animals can come right up to the trams and check out what is going on.

      After the zoo it was another open top bus ride back to the hotel.

      Of course when ever you travel with my wife she invariably runs into someone she knows. We were at the bus terminal this morning and she met Peta and Michael (Mud) friends of Rachel and Warwick's.

      It's a small world!!
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    • Dia 4

      Bye bye Sigapore, hello Vietnam!

      30 de outubro de 2018, Cingapura ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Por la mañana hemos ido a los Gardens by the Bay (hacia demasiado calor para hacer fotos), al centro comercial con un río y barcos y después al aeropuerto para coger el vuelo a Hanoi. Hemos tenido que ponernos casi toda la ropa encima para que las mochilas no superen 7kg. Al llegar a Hanoi casi no murimos intentando cruzar la calle. Esta gente no se para cuando alguien cruza!!!! Encontrar el hotel fue otra aventura, pero al final hemos podido sentarnos en un bar, comer la comida vietnamita y tomar la primera cerveza del viaje (todo por 2.5€ por persona)!Leia mais

    • Dia 4

      Road to Singapur

      6 de outubro de 2018, Cingapura ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Auch heute mussten wir wieder sehr früh raus, da unser Bus nach Singapur um 9 Uhr ging.
      Eigentlich sollte die Fahrt nur etwa 3-4 Stunden dauern, doch der Hauptgrenzübergang war gesperrt mussten wir einen Umweg zu einem anderem Übergang nehmen. Und als ware das nicht genug, brauchten wir über eine Stunde bei der Einreise weil natürlich sehr viel los war.
      Um 2 Uhr waren wir endlich angekommen und machten uns erst einmal mit dem MRT (U-Bahn in Singapur) bekannt.
      Wir fanden dem Weg zu unserem Hostel sofort und waren froh, endlich unsre schweren Bsckpacks loszuwerden.
      Schnell stellten wir fest, dass unser Hostel eine Super lage hatte. Es lag direkt am Singapur River und von unsrer Terasse konnte man sogar das Marina Bay Sands sehen 🏨.
      Wir hatten uns bereits darüber informiert, dass dort um 19:45 Uhr eine 15 minütige Lichtershow stattfinden sollte, weswegen wir uns, nachdem wir es uns in unserem schnuckeligem Zimmer - mit selbstgebauter Wädcheleine ala Backpacker - gemütich gemacht hatten, rechtzeitig auf den Weg machten. Nach kurzem Fußweg waren wir auch schon an der Marina Bay Promenade direkt am Merlion 🧜🏻‍♀️🦁 angekommen. Von hier hatte man eine super Aussicht auf das Hotel, die Helixbrücke 🌉, den Singapur Flyer 🎡 und einen Teil der Skyline.
      Als die "Show" endlich los ging waren wir leider etwas enttäuscht. Es war zwar ganz schön anzusehen, doch wirklich spektakulär war es eigentlich nicht.
      Da wir noch kein Abendessen hatten gingen wir noch an der Promenade entlang und entdeckten eine Mini-Foodstraße an dem es super leckeres Essen gab. Damit ging unser erster Tag in Singapur auch schon wieder zu Ende und wir waren frih als wir endlich ins Bett gehen konnten.
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    • Dia 1


      15 de maio de 2018, Cingapura ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Orchard Road: A must visit destination

      Rue de Passy in Paris, Oxford Street in London, and 5th Avenue in New York— these are iconic shopping streets in the fashion capitals of the world. Add another name to this chic list—Orchard Road, Singapore. The entertainment hub of the Lion City, Orchard Road lets you experience mall and street shopping like never before. We give you some reasons that will definitely make you write ‘shopping in Orchard Road’ first on your holiday itinerary. Reaching Orchard Road, especially from Kuala Lumpur, is no hassle at all. Book an express bus ticket online from, save up on money and time, and splurge it all here!

      There is something for everyone here with regards to fashion. No matter your fashion sensibilities, you will find branded apparel suited for your style.

      1. Wheelock Palace here is one such place that will let you express your style statement. You can find a lot of cheap stuff here.

      2. ION Orchard Is for those luxury shopping experiences. Walk into this majestic place that is home to more than 300 top brands from across the world and is also Singapore’s first multi-sensory experiential mall. If you want to check on a variety of food, head to the basement. You will find variety of snacks and food to choose from. If shopping is what you are looking at, then level 1 to the top level is where you must move on. It is a great place to hang out with family and friends.

      3. Far East Plaza- Street shopping is done best here. All your trendy everyday wear options are solved here with the range of t-shirts, skirts, day dresses and accessories on offer. Unlike other shopping mall, you will feel more comfortable and relaxed in this place. You will come across a lot of young entrepreneurs as owners of these retail shops. You will come across a lot of unique and interesting products that may fulfil you list of collections. The selection is quite modern and stylish and why not?? With young entrepreneurs along!! Stylist clothes, fancy gadgets, customised suits and clothes, you name it and you can find it here. if you are done with shopping, some great food options is also something you can look at in this place.

      Similar to London’s Oxford Street or Hong Kong’s Tshimshatsui, this bustling boulevard got its name after the nutmeg and pepper plantations that once lined it in the 1800s. Flanked on both sides by local and international department stores, tiny boutiques, offices, spas, beauty salons, hotels, entertainment spots, restaurants, and cafes, one could spend a whole day trawling the stretch starting from Tanglin Mall on Tanglin Road down to Plaza Singapura at the lower end of Orchard Road.

      Shopping malls and centres are stocked with practically everything under the sun from apparel, consumer electronic items, local/international fashion labels and housewares. There is always some kind of fair or activity taking place in the malls and centres so there is never a dull moment. And if you are weary, take a breather at one of the many alfresco spots along the road and watch the world go by.
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    • Dia 64

      And the Jungle Walk was so cool

      8 de abril de 2018, Cingapura ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      That I am adding some more photos. And some shots of the papaya that Andy promised we could eat when we got here.

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    Serangoon New Town

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