Bratislava Castle

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    • Dag 12

      Jour 12 - Balade à Bratislava

      10. august 2022, Slovakia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Au programme du jour : visite de la capitale Slovaque 🇸🇰

      Nous avons débuté la journée par un petit déjeuner dans un café bio. Puis avons entamé la visite de la ville à pieds (eh oui pause de vélo aujourd’hui ! ), car notre logement se trouve en plein centre ville.

      Nous avons fait le tour de plusieurs quartiers et monuments incontournables : palais présidentiel, cathédrales, place principale, … puis nous nous sommes promenés le long du Danube.

      Nous avons ensuite déjeuné en centre ville et pris un dessert rafraîchissant pour ne pas trop souffrir des températures (27 degrés)🍦

      Après avoir repris des forces, nous nous sommes dirigés vers le château de Bratislava (Bratislavský hrad en Slovaque). Il a fallu grimper l’équivalent de 21 étages avant d’atteindre les portes de l’édifice, situé en haut d’une colline.

      Nous sommes redescendus au coucher de soleil et avons dîné au centre ville, dans un petit restaurant local où nous avons pu déguster des plats typiques : goulash de bœuf et sheep cheese accompagnés de bière et vin slovaques.

      Bien que l’on ai marché 14km et grimpé 21 étages pour visiter Bratislava aujourd’hui, cette journée nous a permis de récupérer pour attaquer nos deux derniers jours de vélo en pleine forme 😋

      Demain, la journée s’annonce longue avec au programme, la plus longue distance à vélo de notre périple (120km) 🚲

      Merci à tous pour votre soutien et à demain pour de nouvelles aventures !
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    • Dag 23

      Hrad and Most SNP

      4. januar 2020, Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      A walk up to the upside-down table (Bratislava Castle) this afternoon, a relatively new structure by European standards which sounds like it likes to periodically burn down. It also afforded a great view of the UFO-like Bridge of Slovakian National Uprising, which is interesting as a cable structure and as it has a restaurant at the top!Les mer

    • Dag 6


      19. juni, Slovakia ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Nach einer Rundfahrt und einem Rundgang haben wir Zeit für Shopping. Aufgrund der Temperaturen geniessen wir das klimatisierte Einkaufszentrum. Schnell die erste Halbzeit vom Deutschlandspiel schauen, bevor es zum Galadinner geht.Les mer

    • Dag 3


      9. oktober 2023, Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Ich hatte es ja vorher irgendwie ein bißchen im Gefühl, keine Ahnung warum: Bratislava hat mich sofort eingefangen - Rainer tat mir schon ein bißchen Leid, weil ich ungefähr alle 3 Meter fotografieren musste und dazwischen ständig "oh mein Gott, ist das schön hier" von mir gab 😇
      Hier hätte ich wahnsinnig gern mehr Zeit verbracht, mir mehr angeschaut und mich belesen, aber das holen wir bestimmt mal nach.
      Bratislava ist echt nochmal eine Reise wert ❤️
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    • Dag 6

      Oct 1 - Walking Tour of Bratislava

      1. oktober 2023, Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We had the afternoon to ourselves, so we decided to do a walking tour of the city using the Scenic app on our phones. It guided us around the city and “boinged” when we got to the next attraction. There, we would listen to the ~1.5-minute description and view a few pictures. We were out for over three hours – there is so much to see in this beautiful city. We spent most of our time in the Old City. Despite the warm temperatures and the many, many steps, we did climb all the way up to the castle and to the National Museum. We were rewarded with great views over the city and got to see a huge wind farm. Enjoy the pictures!Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Bratislava Castle

      11. november 2022, Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Mostly a reconstructed castle, Bratislava castle sits at the top of one of the many hills of Bratislava, the castle has never ever been attacked. It was the seat of Austria monarchy and a firm favourite of Maria Theresa who would come from Austria for a holiday- she probably come for the cheap beer!

      Today though it’s a great spot for looking out across to Austria, and Hungary, and over to the socialist part of the city with its towering apartment blocks.
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    • Dag 15

      Walking Tours

      29. desember 2023, Slovakia

      We started our day and our time n Bratislava with a free walking tour. We figured this could be the best way to explore the city while learning some of the history while simultaneously getting tips and recommendations on how to spend our time in Bratislava. After a quick coffee, we arrived at our tour and began. It was great to hear some of the interesting stories of the city of the ancient city. We followed in the footsteps of the coronation of the queen (despite being crowned as a king?), walked through the jewish quarter (seeing the 2 final buildings from the original section), walked up to the Bratislava castle (occupied since the 10th century and, temporarily, by Napoleon), and even followed the story of Nazi and Soviet occupation. The story of the city starts as far back as the 10th century, but it has been an incredibly tumultuous past for the city due to ts very central proximity to Western Europe and the East. Its first significant occupation came when Napoleon took siege to the town in 1809 on his way to the doomed offensive in Russia. An interesting anecdote explained by our tour guide, is that after Napoleons forces were expelled, to recover from the destructon caused by the french canons, any building that had been destroyed by the French forces, would void taxes for 2 whole years. Of course, tax evasion was as lucrative an industry as it is today because civilians would find cannon balls from around town and jam them into their building, thus making them exempt from taxes. We then made our way to the cathedral in which the coronations of the Hapsburg dynasty took place for a number of years. This includes the famous Maria Theresa, who was (coincidently, im sure), the only woman ruler, and one of the few good kings of the empire. And yes, she was, in fact, a king, despite being a woman. Many refused to have a queen, but as the only appropriate heir to the throne, they simply crowned her as a king. Her reign lasted 40 years. We then made our way to the former jewish quarter that was almost completely destroyed during the second world war, the city lost as many as 95% of its jewish population. This is because, despite never being invaded by the Nazis, they did cede power through a puppet government and forcedly removed a very large portion. Almost all of the 95% were sent to concentrations and had, what must be, one of the lowest survival rates in any of the countries at about 20%. This means that 80% of the 95% were killed. the Later soviet occupation meant that any jewish people who could leave the city left as soon as they could, and even to this day, the jewish population is incredibly low. The tour ended with a tour of the castle of Bratislava that had many occupants over the years but most noteably Maria Teresa and Napoleon. Although the castle has had many occupants in the 11 centuries since its creation, it has never been taken by seige. Yet, at one point, it was destroyed by Napoleons forces. This is because drunk French forces that occupied the castle managed to start a small fire, and with large amounts of gunpowder present, the castle was completely destroyed by the fire. It was rebuilt in the 20th century. This was basically the end of the tour, and our tour guide was nice enough to give us food recommendations and restaurants to try the authentic Slovakian food. Mum, dad, and I followed his suggestion and went to a pub that served a great potato soup in bread. Though we were blissfully unaware of how large it would be. We were incredibly full by the time we finished it, but we were quickly hurried back onto our feet as we wanted to join the communism tour of the city. This was also about 2 and a half hours, but admittedly wasnt quite as interesting as the first tour. I still enjoyed it, but the major points were covered in the previous tour anyway. This one did eventually begin to discuss the brutal and tragic occupation of the soviets in which freedom of speech, religion, and travel was essentially banned. Even when communism tried to be altered to more effectively capture the needs and wants of the people, with the socalled communism with a human face, it didnt take long until the soviets invaded the country and qwelled these even slighly progressive ways of thinking. Strict soviet communism then ruled for a number of decades until an outright protest from the whole country turned the soviets away from the country in 1989. This coincided with the end eventual end of the soviet union. By the time this tour ended, we were all knackered and very tired, so we headed home for the night. Luckily, we were still full from lunch, so we only needed a small snack to survive through the night.Les mer

    • Dag 38

      More Bratislava

      29. desember 2023, Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Sorry, too many photos. Here are some more highlights of a fascinating city.

      It was foggy and cold today, so visibility from the castle was a bit limited. I added a before/after photo of the UFO, which is a restaurant on top of the bridge, to show how thick it was.Les mer

    • Dag 324


      4. juli 2023, Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      In Bratislava I meet my sister, who is finally able to take a well-deserved holiday while she studies. Together we take a look at the city and come to the conclusion that we don't really warm up to it.
      Maybe we're just in the wrong places, maybe it's the constant heat that makes us sluggish and not very receptive... who knows. 🤷‍♂️

      Now that my sister has left and I'm back on my bike, I'm at the mercy of the heat - and good for nothing. 🥵
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    • Dag 4

      Bratislava - Burg

      29. juli 2023, Slovakia

      Eines, wenn nicht das Wahrzeichen der Stadt ist die Burg, die auf einem Felsen oberhalb der Stadt thront ( Vom Baustil her nicht unbedingt besonders hervorstechend (ursprünglich romanisch, später erst im gotischen, dann im Renaissancestil und im 18. Jahrhundert schließlich im als „theresianisch“ bezeichneten Stil umgebaut.). Jedoch machen sich die seit 2008 laufenden Renovierungsarbeiten deutlich bemerkbar. Der gesamte Komplex wirkt wie aus dem Ei gepellt.Les mer

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