Thanksgiving in Bratislava

We had a happy Thanksgiving in Slovakia this past week. We were back in the capitol city, Bratislava, and were able to celebrate there. It was sort of strange to be out of the country on ThanksgivingRead more
We had a happy Thanksgiving in Slovakia this past week. We were back in the capitol city, Bratislava, and were able to celebrate there. It was sort of strange to be out of the country on ThanksgivingRead more
abgeranzter slovakischer Klub
(aber mit Klimaanlage)
Ladeweg die Treppe hoch
(nein kein Aufzug ( Stagehands ))
eine soganannte Goldshow gespielt / die Beste von 2 Jahren
( s tropfte vonne Decke )
mitRead more
Today we took the bus to Vienna and we were in the centre by 10:30 am. Found the Christmas markets right away. We walked around for 4 hours, browsed, ate sweet desserts and drank hot mulled wine. IRead more
Die Fahrt aus Deutschland heraus bis nach Bratislava erwies sich als unkompliziert, das einzige was auffiel waren die Massen an Brummis….der Transit zwischen Ost und dem Rest Europas spielt sichRead more
Where to go in rainy cold weather? Hide in a museum with your favorite cousins! 😍
Kam ísť počas chladného upršaného dňa? Treba sa schovať do múzea so svojimi obľúbenými bratrancamiRead more
Our apartment for the next two nights which we were very pleased with until the bongo jam sesh upstairs started and now we are less pleased. Lord let it stop soon.
Couldn't leave Bratislava without a close up visit to this bonkers gem.
Kunst hat viele Facetten.
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Traveler Miss you, Halle!!! Praying these last few weeks are a blessing to you and that your trip home is smooth and uneventful! Can’t wait to see you! ❤️😘
Love your smile!
Aw, personalized place setting! ❤️
You are so cute