Velika Pišnica

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 1

      Kranjska Gora

      16 de agosto de 2022, Eslovênia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Anreise war eh schon abenteuerlich. Morgen früh gehts dann richtig los.

      Das „Natura Eco Kamp“ ( ist putzig. Das ist so hippiemässig, das es schon (fast) wieder spiessig ist 😂

      Ich mag ja Campingplätze eh nicht so, so Zelt an an Zelt und soooo viele „Vanlife“ Karren mitsamt Insassen mit Dosenbier in der Hand, Hund und Kind und Kegel. Aber naja passt schon. Dafür hab ich Brennstoff gespart und den angefeuerten Grill genutzt.
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    • Dia 4

      Kranjska Gora!

      4 de junho, Eslovênia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      … es war ein langer Tag. Marcello hat die Sonderaufgabe mit dem Rennvelo genial gemeistert. 😉 … nach allen Passfahrten haben wir bereits entschieden noch ein paar Km zu fahren und den Abend bereits in Slovenien zu verbringen.Leia mais

    • Dia 63

      Kranjska Gora

      12 de agosto de 2019, Eslovênia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Die nächsten zwei Wochen verbringe ich an einem Ort. Es wird also vermutlich erst mal ruhiger hier. ;)
      Ich bin gestern zurück nach Slowenien gefahren (was für 93 Kilometer Luftlinie über fünf Stunden und 3 verschiedene Transportmittel erfordert hat). Hier ist nun Familientreffen geplant, worauf ich mich schon freue. Zudem muss ich mir allmählich Gedanken machen, was als nächstes kommen soll. Gar nicht so leicht, so eine Alpenüberquerung zu toppen! ;) Tipps und Ratschläge werden immer gerne genommen!
      Heute bin ich dann erst mal gemütlich mit dem Sessellift auf 1100 m gefahren, um von dort zum Ciprnik, 1750 m, und zurück zu laufen. Bisschen im Training bleiben muss man ja. ;) Die Aussicht war phantastisch, aber meine Knie hätten glaube ich ganz gerne mal eine Auszeit vom Abstieg.
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    • Dia 66

      Kranjska Gora

      13 de agosto de 2023, Eslovênia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Day 65:
      Distance: 33.64 km (2,066.00 km)
      Steps: 47,707 (2,951,205)
      Move time: 7h34 (464h13)
      Spend: £42.36 (£1,174.80)

      🇮🇹 Malborghetto to Kranjska Gora. 🇸🇮

      Slovenija!! Country number 8, and it's only my favourite nation! After catching the bus back to Malborghetto this morning, I stomped onto Tarvisio under the sweltering sun before taking a little detour to explore the violent turquoise waters of Orrido della Slizza. My final farewell to Italy came shortly after an explore of the idyllic Lago di Fusine, and I cracked open local-favourite beer, Laško to celebrate at the border. And just like that, I'm finally in the Balkans! I've always enjoyed the rough around the edges feel to this part of the world, not to mention the joy that is Balkan memes. After setting foot into Kranjska Gora, I caught a bus onto Mojstrana, and am staying overnight in Hostel Lukna: my favourite hostel in my favourite village in my favourite country! Located under the vast Triglav North face, itself one of the largest rock faces in the eastern Alps, at 1400 m high, and over 4 km wide, it just feels like a bit of a home for the soul here for me. In fact, I was here for the first time last summer. Exactly one year and one day later, I'm here again. Except this time, I walked:)
      The next couple will be rest days as I intend to enjoy it!
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    • Dia 26

      Kranska Gora

      1 de setembro de 2023, Eslovênia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Nach einem Ruhetag in Klagenfurt, morgens die Stadt angeschaut und einen neuen Spiegel für mein Rad gekauft, heute dann bis Kranska Gora gefahren. 880 Höhenmeter, die Straße auf 600 Meter 18 % steil. So war es zumindest angeschrieben.

      Klagenfurt hat mir nicht so gut gefallen, irgendwie wirkte alles nicht ganz echt sondern eher gemacht. Der negative Höhepunkt war aber eindeutig Velden, wo ich meinen Cappuccino genommen habe. Laute und lächerliche Scheiwelt...

      Hier habe ich jetzt ein Öko Camp gefunden, die Duschen werden mit Solar betrieben, den Akku von meinem Bike nimmt die Frau vom Camp heute Abend mit heim, die Anlage hier gibt nicht so viel her 😋❤️😋
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    • Dia 15

      Kranjska Gora Challenge

      Ontem, Eslovênia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Am Sonntag schwingen wir uns recht früh in den Sattel, denn es geht nach Kranjska Gora. Das erste Teilstück führt uns wieder nach Tarvis. Unterwegs treffen wir erst auf eine Alpaka Herde und kurz vor der obligatorischen Eis-Pause in Arnoldstein noch auf eine polnische Mofa Gang 😂
      Vor Tarvis biegen wir dann Richtung Slowenien ab. Hinter dem Abzweig zu den Lagi di Fusine erreichen wir die slowenische Grenze und wenig später, mit insgesamt 52 km, unser Tagesziel, den Skiort Kranjska Gora.
      Nach dieser Anstrengung schmeckt das Radler besonders gut. Vom Zentrum aus sind es nur knapp zwei Kilometer bis zum Jezero Jasna See, wo Goldhorn jedem der sein Horn berührt Glück bringen soll. Die Rückfahrt führt größtenteils bergab, zwischendurch werden wir des öfteren von leichten Regenschauern erfrischt. Eine kurze Verschnaufpause gönnen wir uns im Café Central in Arnoldstein, dann begeben wir uns auf den Endspurt zum Faaker See. Heute haben wir uns das leckere Abendessen wahrlich verdient.
      (105 km in knapp 6 Std).
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    • Dia 4

      Red Bull Goni Pony Party

      3 de junho de 2023, Eslovênia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Da ausreichend Zeit war, sind wir bis Kranjska Gora in Slowenien durchgefahren, um morgen etwas weniger Strecke machen zu müssen.

      Und was sehen wir da: Fette Party! 💃🕺🪩
      Was war los? Die Red Bull Goni Pony, ein Retro-Fest, bei dem mit kleinrädrigen Fahrrädern auf den Vršič-PASS 😏 gefahren wird. Anschließend muss der Gipfelsieg natürlich ordentlich begossen werden 🍾

      ➡️ Für uns gabs lecker Burger und auch ein kühles Getränk 🍔🍺

      Als Kirsche on top: Wir konnten uns bei den Teilnehmern zwei wilde Perücken ausleihen und damit ein Foto machen lassen - weitere 5 Punkte für eine Sonderchallenge wandern auf unser Konto 😎
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    • Dia 28

      Day 27 Slovenia

      26 de setembro de 2023, Eslovênia ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Our trip reccy mission yesterday was helpful and we were at our bus stop nearly an hour early as per usual. We then had a 4 hour flixbus ride which was surprisingly good after some of the reviews we had read. There was wifi on board, seats were comfortable, toilet was clean and it was easy to find and on time. What more could we want?

      We have hired a car here which was a short walk from the bus station and have a nice wee Dacia SUV wagon which is very nice to drive. So after a stop at a LIDL supermarket (yes their chocolate is still nice lol) we were hooning down the motorway at 130kph. It took us around 50 mins to get to our accommodation which is near Lake Bled and is simply amazing.

      I had found the accommodation just through a Slovenian site on fb and got in contact with the owner - Neil, so have rented this privately. Wow was that a great decision. This is his holiday home here and has a lovely deck with a great view as well as 2 rooms with a double bed in each. After settling in we did 2 walks, one heading towards Lake Bled along a country path which got terminated when Trish noticed a small snake on our track. Though on our way there we found a patch of raspberries that haven’t been picked for a while. I got a few through the fence but will be back for more lol. Then we chatted to a Neighbour for a while and headed off in the other direction to where there is a big cave and people rock climbing. It was a bit of a climb to get up there, and we found a much easier track to get down from. The views were amazing, and this is such a lovely peaceful valley to be in.

      Dinner was a salad with all sorts, pomegranate, corn, radish, Gruyère cheese plus other things. Just so nice to have our own kitchen. We have bought some meat to cook for the next 2 nights so will enjoy having home cooked meals.

      And I have been excited to have a tv with Netflix and just watched 2 episodes of the new season of sex education.

      We could hardly have had a bigger change going from the very busy Venice to this calm tranquil location. It is about time though; we have been ready for a bit of serenity. The roads here are so narrow that they look like bike paths. Have included a pic with a car to show that it can be done.

      Steps 12, 557 and 26 degrees. Definitely cooler here tonight. I have long pants on and a blanket around me and Trish actually has a light jacket on.
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    • Dia 29

      Day 28 Lake Bled

      27 de setembro de 2023, Eslovênia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      We both had amazing sleeps in the very comfortable beds in separate rooms and actually needing to have some bed covers on was great.

      We drove to the next village and visited the bakery for some bread and a lovely cheese pastry thing. And then we were off to Lake Bled. We drove all the way around the lake and then found a parking spot at the main town. Not a free one of course, but good to find somewhere. Our next stop was to hire some bikes and then we were off biking around the lake. The island in the middle is just magnificent and it was the perfect day for lots of photos all the way around. We biked for a couple hours and then visited some very cute shops and may have made a couple of purchases.

      There are a lot of restrictions around the lake, no parking here, no swimming here, no picnics here etc etc, So we drove back to our house and had a great lunch with the yummy bread and salad.

      Our plan after that was for me to go paddle boarding in the lake and for
      Trish to walk up to the castle. So after finding a place to park and paying for it, we realised it was quite a long way from where I could hire a paddle board and it was getting a bit windy by then, so we sat on a jetty with our feet in the rather cool water for a while just enjoying the day and the view. Then we drove up to the castle carpark for a different view,

      We have decided to walk the Vintgar gorge in the morning, so then drove there to check it out early and just because it is pretty special just driving around through the tiny towns with very narrow streets, On the way back google had some fun with us and we found even more narrow streets and had to reverse quite a way at one stage. Also ended up on an unsealed road with very deep ruts. Car seemed to manage ok through.

      Our dinner was one of the best since we have been away with home cooked chicken thighs with a tomato pesto sauce, and baked eggplant, courgette, peppers and broccoli.

      9,452 steps, but a bit of biking, and 25 degrees. It was 6 degrees when we got up this morning and I am going to fill the hottie I have found in the cupboard tonight!
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    • Dia 30

      Day 29 Vintgar Gorge

      28 de setembro de 2023, Eslovênia ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      We were up early this morning and at P1 parking spot at
      Vintgar Gorge and ready for our walk. Omg that was such a good decision. The gorge was just stunning. It was a little like Karangahake gorge but on steroids. There weren’t many people when we started at 8.30 but more turned up. It was never too busy though, and seeing all the different coloured jackets was cool.

      The waterfalls were spectacular and our photos can not do them justice. The walk down the gorge took around 45 minutes. But then we had to walk back up again which took us quite a while, Some of the hills were quite steep and I was very pleased to have found a sturdy walking stick along the way. I was rather sad to throw it away at the end of the walk. We walked up to a church which was rather cute, through paddocks with sheep, cows and horses and had a stunning view over the countryside. It took us about 3.5 hours to get back to the car and it was such a great thing to have done.

      Popped home to have some lunch, more yummy fresh bread and salad. Had a wee rest sitting out in the sun on the deck. Then we went back to Lake Bled and caught a rowboat out to the island in the middle of the lake with the original name of Bled Island. It was a very serene experience and we had 40 minutes or so on the island and then rowed back.

      Our next stop was Lake Bohinj which was a 40 minute drive late in the afternoon, but it was fun going for a longer drive through all of the pretty little villages with very similar names. The lake was gorgeous with a lot less tourists. We met a Dutch girl with a border collie who will be visiting nz in January so had a bit of a play with her dog and a chat to her before driving back again.

      Dinner was scrumptious. Who knew that Argentine steak was so tasty. With baked veges again it was a great end to the day.

      We have so enjoyed our stay here, but it is time to leave again. Have also enjoyed some Netflix in the evenings. Off to Croatia tomorrow.

      18,437 steps and 25 degrees… again! I have never been on a holiday overseas with such beautiful weather every single day. Though I did enjoy my beanie this morning as it was pretty cool in the gorge, and also we happy to find a hot water bottle in the cupboard here.
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    Velika Pišnica, Velika Pisnica

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