Stunning South Georgia.

The journey across to South Georgia was pretty smooth, dodging icebergs and the Shag Rocks and again we’ve been lucky to find some beautiful weather. Temps 2-8C and clear blue skies which areRead more
The journey across to South Georgia was pretty smooth, dodging icebergs and the Shag Rocks and again we’ve been lucky to find some beautiful weather. Temps 2-8C and clear blue skies which areRead more
Weckruf, wie immer um 7. Rappeln uns auf und riskieren einen Blick aus dem Fenster. Grau und unfreundlich, aber trocken. Nach dem Frühstück ist anzwiebeln angesagt - das ist uns hier in Fleisch undRead more
We arrived back at Fortuna Bay this morning, after sailing slowly back from Stromness. The aim today was to hopefully do a nice hike up a hill to look over into Stromness, partly following a routeRead more
Königspinguine, Seeelefanten, Pelzrobben🙏
Salsbury Plain - Wir hatten die Möglichkeit eine der größten Königspinguinkollonien zu besuchen. Atemberaubend!!!
Bullaugenkino - Teil 1
You might also know this place by the following names:
Tern Island
Traveler What an amazing holiday you are having!! Xx
Did they let you get up and sing Mustang Sally?
Traveler Already done it at the Karaoke night Rob. Not allowed to do it again which probably a good thing😅
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