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    • Day 14

      The universe always has a plan for us

      October 24, 2024 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      The first sound of life in the albergue was 4am as Caesar was up early. He motioned to me as he passed by my reply a simple 'No' crazily he planned walking a 27 mile day stopping in Burgos. He is such a lovely gentle soul from Columbia. A real privilege to have spent time which such a warm young man.
      For so many people the excitement of Burgos is a pull. I'm not a city kinda girl and never will be. I will pass through tomorrow, allowing some sightseeing time.
      My alarm went at 5.45. For the first time, today I really wasnt feeling it. I simply did not want to walk, but rather go back to sleep. Physically I felt good, but today is the 13th consecutive day of walking. It was not helped by looking last night at the profile for today with a horrible hill climb straight away. I am grateful I did it in the dark! What you can't see can't hurt you and all that...
      It never ceases to amaze me just how resilient we become. How quickly our body becomes conditioned. My feet remain blister free. A tad sore today as there was a fair bit of road walking. My knee? It felt every step today.
      The climb to the top of the hill started me off coughing one of those coughs that spasms. My saviour? Viktor a young Ukrainian man with a hard boiled lozenge. We passed a couple of hours chatting as we talked. I practised some of my ukrainian, and he his English. He escaped to Poland 2 yrs ago. A young man with impeccable manners
      After the horrible hill, the walk was easier, through gentle forest, and down hill. The first coffee stop aka as breakfast was 7miles in, and much needed sustenance.
      From here the trail became rocky and more exposed, and uphill. It was purely signed in part because it had been diverted- signs indicated no entry for military reasons. So was the first lengthy diversion of the day, adding distance.
      It was certainly easier going on for than for Vanessa, a Spanish cyclist I met last night. She had to dismount and struggled to get her bike up the path.
      Today's walk was supposed to be 17 ish miles. It ended up 24.5 miles! (39.42 km)
      I arrived at my destination, only to find the albergue closed! I ranted a little, and headed back to the previous town to find accommodation for the night. It added extra distance that I will again cover tomorrow.
      The thing that strikes me the most? 3 weeks ago, I would still have several hours later be holding on to this and peed off. Tonight? I am sat here enjoying the company of my fellow pilgrims wondering just what lesson the universe wishes to impart today.

      The Camino has renewed my patience. I feel at peace. I feel happy, and relaxed despite the long miles. May the Camino forever be my happy thing, for I am already planning for the next part of the journey.....

      Miles today 24.51
      Total miles 256.95miles. (413.5 km)
      Steps today 51017
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    • Day 16

      Day 13 San Juan de Ortega

      April 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      What a lovely morning leaving Belorado. Had a full breakfast at our albergue with eggs and bacon. Haven't had that since home. And our host made us bocodillos to have at lunch. Just when we think the climbing has ended we had to climb a steep 3km grade of 12 endless km making our walk today 25km. We are happy to reach San Juan. This is a monastery town with 3 churches. We can stay at the monastery for a donation but no heating. Thanks but we'll take the 15e albergue 😁Read more

    • Day 13

      Belorado to San Juan de Ortega

      October 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Another hot day! We did not leave as as early as intended; 6:45, but of course that was fine. Not a lot of elevation change today, and for some good stretches of the way a very pleasant change in the form of trees! We have been walking in very open agricultural land for…maybe a week? The shade and the company that trees always seem to provide were both very welcome.

      Our albergue tonight is in a former church/monastery with its foundations laid in the 10th century (I think?) dinner for me was more modern - pizza and beer.

      There was a good Mass here too, by which I mean that we were provided printed guides to help us follow along in six different languages, and the priest gave his homily in the most basic Spanish he could manage. I was able to follow quite a bit of it and I appreciated his efforts.

      Tomorrow is a big day; we will arrive in Burgos, which is big town and the former capital of Spain, with a lot to see. It’s a common point at which to take a rest day and that is our plan. We have booked a small two bedroom place. It will seem SO luxurious!!

      The arrival in Burgos also marks the completion of the first third of the Camino. The saying is that the first third is all about the body, the second addressed the mind and the third, your spirit. I May be a day ahead of schedule as my mind started acting up a bit today, giving me material to cheer on s as I worked my way toward this stop. Such a process!
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    • Day 17

      Spanish Civil War

      September 4, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      The Irish have a saying - the thing about the past is that it isn't past.

      Remnants of the civil war still haunt Spain. When I was in school in Madrid I went to the Valley of the Fallen where Franco is buried and watched a woman lay flowers on his grave. When I graduated from IE it was King Felipe VI that signed my diploma, not some education minister or government official. The thing about the past is that it isn't.

      This monument commemorated the spot were 300 poor souls loyal to the king were murdered by Franco's Fascists.
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    • Day 14

      Day 11 Belorado to San Juan de Ortiga

      September 18, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      First night of no forward booking, out at 530am in the moonlight following 2 Japanese pilgrims with headlamps to make it 24 km to the municipal monestary ahead of the crowd and secure a bed.
      Came across Page from Georgia USA, a walking buddy, although she was a little bit loopy (a 47 year old traumatized with mother and commitment issues, walked away from 2 engagements), we chatted and filled in the time arriving ahead of the crowd. A book she recommended by an Australian author "Juicy life"
      The monestary bunkhouse in San Juan Ortiga is an ancient building accommodating more than 100 pilgrims and my home for the night... I am excited to be staying here.
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    • Day 16

      En rte

      September 1, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      At the top of the mountain there is a monument From the Spanish Civil War

      My chest was hurting on this climb and apparently this climb also claimed a life at some point

      Frank my German friend just passed me on the trail . He's a machine

      Someone had a lot of time on their hands and created an arrow that's probably a 100 feet long

      The church in this picture dates back to Roman times based on the arches
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    • Day 12

      Stage 11 - along the way

      April 13, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      It was another hot day and I wasn’t feeling too brilliant - think I’ve caught the ‘Camino cough’ that lots of pilgrims have. Not surprising when we all share dorms.

      However, I felt lots better than I had yesterday and the path was prettier and more shady so today was good. Think it helps when I wear my boots too.

      We walked through a pine forest with lots of pretty purple plants and came across a memorial to the Spanish civil war, as well as a man who painted odd pictures and was giving away snacks and drinks for a donation. I bought a banana as Sue had advised me it would help me sleep, as well as an isotonic lemon drink I’ve become partial to, called Aquarius.
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    • Day 123


      July 2, 2018 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 63 °F

      The cooler weather today made for pleasant walking. We had a change of scenery and walked through miles of oak and pine forests. My back was better today. I did some stretching with my poles (thanks,Candi 🙂), Alan took a few things from my pack for a bit plus gave me some back rubs on our breaks, and we bought some ibuprofen cream which works great. Hopefully, it continues to be fine.

      Our first plan was to stop in San Juan de Ortega today, but after a quick rest and snack, we continued on to Agés. We are glad we did because our whole crew is here. It was so relaxing sitting out under the umbrellas this afternoon visiting with them all. Our group consists of: 2 couples from Sweden, 3 people from Poland, 1 from Italy, 1 from Iran, 3 young women from Vermont, 1 young guy from Texas, 1 guy from Ireland, a couple from South Korea, and us with ages ranging from 18 to 65. They are a great group of people. Sadly, some of them will be leaving us after Burgos (where we will be tomorrow), and that will be hard. 😕

      Many of us have booked nice hotel rooms in Burgos, though, which we are very happy about! We are ready for a little pampering and REAL TOWELS! 🙂 The topic of doing a rest day came up, but Alan and I are feeling great, so we have decided to not do a rest day yet.

      We have walked 163 miles now, after the 16 miles we did today, and we have around 14 or 15 miles tomorrow to get to Burgos.
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    • Day 12

      And suddenly …

      August 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      …sunshine! Castillia looks like Denmark 🇩🇰 here! Soft hills covered with pines for most of the time followed by a very rural area! There was hardly a (good) Alberge so I finally put my feed up high in a very stylish Hostel! Just renovated with a little bit more privacy! It could also be in a German „Mittelgebirge“! The Korean family shares the room with us and next to the village is a prehistoric parc!Read more

    • Day 16–17

      D15- Villafranca Montes de Oca to Atapue

      May 28, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

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