The Alhambra

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    • Day 7


      April 22 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Da es während unserer Fahrt von Valencia nach Andalusien in und um Granada 10°C und sintflutartigen Regen hatte, haben wir zuerst auf einen Stop verzichtet. Nun fahren wir nochmal zurück und nehmen die Stadt im zweiten Anlauf mit - als Tagestour von unserem "Basecamp" aus.
      Außerdem wollten wir das Wochenende umgehen, um Menschenmassen zu vermeiden. Tja, die hatte es trotzdem, schön war es aber dennoch.
      Uns war vorher nicht bewusst, dass Alhambra nach dem Vatikan die am meisten besuchte Sehenswürdigkeit Europas ist. Voll ist es dort und in der Stadt also einfach immer. Und Tickets hätte man selbst in der Nebensaison zwei Monate im Voraus buchen müssen. Aus diesem Grund beschränkte sich unser Besuch auf das arabische Viertel Albaicin, das Stadtzentrum Granadas und eben die frei zugänglichen Außenbezirke der Alhambra.
      Ein wenig neidisch haben wir dann schon auf die nicht enden wollenden Touristenströme geschaut, die sich aus dem Inneren der Anlage ergossen und die alle sehen durften, was uns verschlossen blieb... aber dann vielleicht einfach ein anderes Mal.
      Wir durften uns auf jeden Fall an gut 20°C und Sonne erfreuen, während zeitgleich auf der Alb genug Schnee fiel um Spuren zu können. Wir wollen uns also mal nicht beschweren :)
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    • Repetition

      March 8, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      The name of god repeated 50,000 times is the prevalent theme.
      The patterns tend to fuse at a distance but the closer one looks the more there is to see.
      In fact, they were originally a riot of colour, remnants of which can be seen in some places.Read more

    • Winning the Pools

      March 8, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      The Nazarie Palaces, owned by Ismail (1314-1325), Yusuf I (1333-1354) and Muhammad V (1362-1391) are the principal attraction. Like Moroccan houses to this day, they are not very attractive on the outside but splendid on the inside. Plenty of water to keep the air temperature comfortable.Read more

    • Alkazaba

      March 8, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      The Alcazaba, or citadel, along with the towers known as the Torres Bermejas, is the oldest part of the Alhambra and served as usual to watch over and control the city rather than to resist foreign enemies. It dates back to the 9th century.
      Unfortunately, there isn't a great deal left.
      Maybe the fountain holds a clue to the fate of the garrison: eaten by fish.
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    • Day 1,688


      February 21, 2015 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      The Alhambra and the Albaycín, situated on two adjacent hills, form the medieval part of Granada. To the east of the Alhambra fortress are the magnificent gardens of the Generalife, the former rural residence of the emirs who ruled this part of Spain in the 13th and 14th centuries.
      <b>Info: </b>
      <b>Video: </b>
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    • Day 10


      May 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      When one visits Granada, they cannot just skip visiting this palace and fortress complex. It is one of the most famous monuments of Islamic architecture and one of the best-preserved palaces of the historic Islamic world.

      Luckily we were able to secure the tickets the day before - I had tried to visit this place several times in the past, but without luck.

      I do not know of any other place where your tickets and documents are checked so many times during a single visit. The Nasrid Palace has distinct visiting time opportunities, and visitors are required to be punctual at the gate, else they will lose their privilege for that day.

      To be honest, I was more impressed by the Royal Alcázar of Seville, but that is my opinion… the intricacies of decor at both places makes one wonder how all of that was achieved and accomplished. Respect!
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    • Day 5

      Recuerdos de la Alhambra

      April 19, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Originally constructed by the Moors in 889 AD, this small fortress was built on Roman foundations. Gradually it expanded to become a sumptious palace. Our guide at the Alhambra was a brilliant man named Juan, of German and Spanish descent. He told us about the concept behind the architecture of this Moorish palace. For example there is a sort of hypostyle hall that contains 142 pillars. Muslims consider the number seven perfect. If you add up the digits in 142: 1, 4 and two equal seven. In many of the rooms there are five windows symbolizing the five duties of a good Muslim. The palace was built by king Alfonso the 13th as a permanent seat for the royalty of Spain. However, he died young, and his brother Philip the second moved the Spanish capital to Toledo. As we were boarding the bus we came upon a group of schoolchildren. I asked who wanted to speak English with me. All hands went up they began speaking English and I begin practicing Spanish. After visiting the palace we had a nice dinner a paella and roasted chicken. Finally we drove back to the ship by way of the coast road. Tonight we plan to go to the restaurant downstairs to have a meal of prime rib Yorkshire pudding and a good wine.Read more

    • Day 8

      Granada, Spain

      May 19, 2016 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      This one is long but hopefully worth the read, once again I am way behind on updating the blog but I'm just having way too much fun on the trip. Will be working harder to update more frequently but no promises.

      After taking an afternoon bus leaving Seville,  we arrived in Granada at supper time. During our stay in Granada, we airbnd'ed with a lovely Spanish family.  This was the first time I had used airbnb so I didn't know what to expect, but it was a great first exprience.

      The son, José (a huge Toronto Raptos fan), was the one who organized the airbnb and gave us tons of great local food and drink recommendations.  His mother was incredibly nice and a great cook who spent hours in the kitchen everyday cooking up delicious meals.  Her apple cake she served us for breakfast on the day we were leaving was incredible.

      When we arrived we were craving tapas, and José directed us to his #1 spot located on a street opposite the university. Popular with students for the cheap beer and food, it did not disappoint. $2 for a beer and two big plate of tapas, it was the cheapest meal so far on the trip.  After getting back to the house we did a bit of trip planning and got some sleep for day two.

      Our second day in Granada we explored the old Muslim neighbourhood,  a colourful and vibrant part of the city that stuck out with the narrow winding streets that seemed to be neverending. After making our way out of the neighbourhood we arrived at the river beside the famous Alahambra muslim castle to admire the view. That night we headed to a famous spot at the top of the city that overlooked the entire town. The view was incredible, we went right at sunset and the sun hitting the town and surrounding area was amazing.

      The most unbelievable part of the trip so far (and I'm finishing writing this almost two weeks later), was hiking Los Cahorros. Los Cahorros is a hiking trail in the Sierra Nevada National Park in Spain, taking roughly 4 hours to complete. Accessed from Granada by taking a bus to the nearby village of Monachil, nestled at the edge of the mountains of the national park. We arrived at the village and followed the colourful graffiti signs to the start or the hike.

      I'm glad I was able to record most of the hike on my gopro as it was breathtaking. Following a river most of the hike, you are surrounded by heavy forest with rare breaks of sunny skies. Waterfalls and swinging bridges covering ravines 50 ft below. The path was steep, and some areas you had to grasp iron handles attached to the rock face to shimmy your way across as the path disappeared into the rock wall for multiple sections. Our problems started the signage of the trail, there was none.

      There were signs early on with the name of the hike, but on three different occasions we came to an area with two separate paths to take. With dense forest everywhere, it was hard to tell which way to go. We spent way too much time walking down a path and then hitting a dead end 15 minutes later. At one point "the path" lead to the side of the gate of a hydroelectric dam building. This was one of the scariest parts of the hike as the path was just a rock face to the right and two feet to the left was a 100 ft drop to a raging river. No railings, nothing. After once again hitting a dead end we turned around and ended up at what we thought was the only option at the time (it wasnt), climbing a mountain.

      We met another couple at the base of the path leading up the mountain, they had tried another path opposite the dam one we tried and it was also a dead end. So not wanting to turn back and with no other clear way to go (we thought), we started climbing up the mountain, thinking that it would lead across it and not over it. This unfortunately wasn't the case. We spent roughly two and a half hour climbing this mountain in 30+ degree heat with not nearly enough water. Having to take multiple breaks in shade provided by overbearing rocks, it was a very rough climb up. The path we were on was very wide, enough for a truck to fit on, and as we later discovered this was because the "path" was a service road for the hydroelectric company we saw earlier.

      So our four hour hike through a beautiful national park turned into a seven hour trek up a mountain. When we finally reached the top however I realized it was all worth it. A 360 view of the surrounding area for about 100 miles. The most amazing view I have ever seen. Ben used his phone to calculate that we were at an elevation of 1600m at the top, and we had started the climb at 700m. After taking some pictures and video from the top of the mountain we started our climb down. Unfortunately the path down went over and to the side which took us in the opposite direction of Monachil. We finally reached the end of the service road to a gate reading, "Prohibited area, dangerous", and then the name of the electric company. We had a good laugh when we realized that we were not supposed to climb the mountain at all.

      We started walking down the highway back to town and were lucky to hitchhike a ride back to Monachil with a German couple on vacation. After grabbing some celebratory beers in town we bused back to Granada, showered and went downtown to grab some amazing seafood tapas at Los Diamontes. In the morning Ben and I had breakfast with José's parents, and then took a 10 AM bus to Valencia.

      About a week and half later in Barcelona, I got a tattoo on my arm of the Sierra Nevada mountain range to commemorate the scariest and funnest day of my life.
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    • Day 21

      The Alcazaba

      January 20, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      The Alcazaba is the 13th century fort at the Alhambra. There were some great views of the city. The old guy was happy that the route home was all down hill, although he still found a few rest stops. I, or he, would be in trouble if he stopped for a pint every time he needed a break! Although I know some of you would think that would be a great idea! In all fairness, we did over 13,000 steps or 9.2 km this day.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Alhambra, The Alhambra

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