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    • Hari 27

      Arzua to O Pedrouzo

      14 Jun 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      An interesting day. Started at 2:30 am when the French couple next door had an argument 😵‍💫
      The room had no AC and it hit the upper 80s in the afternoon so quite the toaster. Pack up and hit the road early and it was very quiet and peaceful. Cruised into a tiny town called Outeiro. Headed down a narrow lane, but a narrow, handmade yellow arrow pointed right. I saw a group at the bottom of the lane and assumed they had made a wrong turn. So I turned right and after arcing around the building found the eclectic Bar Tia Dolores who decorates with used beer bottles. I continued on The Way…getting increasingly nervous as I noticed an absence of the two sure signs you are On The Way…your fellow Peregrinos and the yellow arrows (flecha amarillo). But, there was one guy behind me so I carried on. After a while I came upon a map set in stone at a house gate. Sure enough, I had tracked off The Way. The other fellow was consulting his phone and we put our heads together and figured a plan, the map shows the eventual merge of our route with The Camino. We cruise along. Suddenly, we hear “Peregrinos! Peregrinos! El Camino no está aquí!” Running out of a house is a man half dressed, pulling up his trousers. He has seen us and wants to intervene. No Camino! No Camino! His fingers wag in admonishment. ‘Si! no problema señor! Mira mi carta!’ ‘Ah! Si El mapa de José Gutiérrez!” I point to where we are, “Esta aquí?” ‘Si, si!” Esta La iglesia? I point to a distant bell tower. Si la iglesia. I mime left then right…si, si, si and he brings his pointer fingers together, “El Camino!” I turn to the other Peregrino and say, “We got this!” And we hike on. Having heard my compatriots voice, I ask, Are you from Port Wenn? (Doc Martin reference) He laughs and says, you mean Port Issac! Yeh, about 5 km from there! I have met Dave! A retired psychiatric nurse with five grand kids. He learned of The Camino during a motorbike tour a few years ago. We then engage in the miraculous event of Peregrinos sharing their life story. It makes The Way pass more easily. Dave was at Cruz Ferro in A downpour and started having foot problems. We discuss the philosphies of The Way…an unexpected event…physical trial and their parallels in life. What a joy and gift. Thanks be to God.Baca lagi

    • Hari 37

      How do We count There

      23 Jun 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 55 °F

      Melide to Arzua about 15km
      The rain keeps me busy
      eating food and taking ponchos in and out from backpack

      Santiago is only like 40km away
      It is tough to comprehend that it's "right here" after 5 weeks...

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    • Hari 29

      Arzua to Pedrouzo

      23 Mei, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Our second last day and a 21kms ahead of us, which we were all a little concerned about. A blessing from a beautiful nun at the start lightened our way. Had a mix of heavy mist, which cleared to overcast day, then sun, then rain, then finished with very warm sunshine 🌞. We made it without incident, though I must say, our shins were feeling the downhill tracks somewhat. Onward to Santiago de Compostela today🙏Baca lagi

    • Hari 13

      Palais de Rei to Arzua

      26 Jun 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today was a 30km day. (That’s 18.6 miles for you English people). We were on the trail by 7:30 which is about half an hour better than our best leave time yet. This is our longest day. Tomorrow should (should?!) be a piece of cake. (Unless we are so sore from today that we can’t move.)

      We walked through a lot of industrial areas today. It wasn’t the most thrilling of the legs. It was long and a bit boring at times. We had to find ways of amusing ourselves so there was a cherry spitting contest after we scored some cherries from a farmers market. There was the school drive playlist sing along - the CD Jon never removed from his car in the 6 years he drove all three boys to school in the mornings. Aiden opened up a can of olives in anchovy paste he bought in a vending machine. And also a can of licorice stuffed with weird colored flavors. I bought a cup of corned nuts from a roadside stand to eat because I was bored. Daniel aways walks with a croissant in his hand to keep himself amused and full of calories. We also were entertained by a singing Irish couple on the trail just when I was about to lose my mind. The Way must have known we needed a diversion.

      Of course we are always amused by the dogs and cats that greet us in every town. We also noticed more weird wildlife this hike- probably because there were fewer things to look at in the distance. We saw a cool green lizard, a really weird octopus mushroom, a big pinching beetle, and some flowers that seemed different.

      Two days left. Oh, and before I forget, this hotel is really cool. A centuries old building gone modern. I’ll post more pictures in the next footprint because I can only do 20 at a time.
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    • Hari 39

      Stage 36: Arzúa-O Pedrouzo

      21 Oktober 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      19.3 km/11.9 miles, 60° all day, about 6.5 hours
      I slept in late till 8:40, knew I was exhausted from yesterday so didn't set the alarm. So I had a record late start of 10:00. One advantage was I had the trail to myself for long stretches. I was all suited up due to the 100% chance of rain prediction but it only came in fits and starts around noon. Stopped for coffee, then for lunch around 2:00 during a brief downpour, then on into O Pedrouzo in sunshine again.
      Tomorrow I'll be walking into Santiago, the goal and endpoint of this pilgrimage for me. A newbie just starting off in Sarria asked me a couple days ago "so why did you decide to do the Camino?" and all I could say was "I'm still working that out". What I've managed to come up with so far is (and all of them equally important):
      As a personal challenge and adventure
      A 500 mile act of contrition
      As a prayer for forgiveness and in gratitude
      A way to gain clarity about my life- past, present and future
      I'm going to try to get up and started early tomorrow in hopes of making it to the noon pilgrim's mass in the cathedral. Also have to claim a box at the post office and a suitcase at Express Bourricot, check into my hotel, get cleaned up and rearrange my stuff to take a bus to Porto on Sunday. And just like that, it will be over, the daily forward momentum of walking to Santiago. What will life be like, post-pilgrimage? I guess I will find out.
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    • Hari 37


      23 Jun 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌧 57 °F

      Totally awesome place
      Each bunk set up with descend amount of privacy, has it's own electricity, actual linnen and towels and plenty of space for everyone
      There is a cool little inner courtyard that would've been neat to hangout if the weather was nice...

      After dinners Annette (Netherlands), AnneMarie (Ireland), Milosz Paula and I are playing Jengo
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    • Hari 37

      Cena numero uno

      23 Jun 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

      And thankfully the only one
      Milosz Paula and I had a wonderful time

      Chicken noodles soup
      Raja (there is a 1st time for everything)
      For curious minds lookie here:

      And I forgot the pic of raspberry cheesecake

      Interesting faucets and a spooky man in the WC
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    • Hari 8–13

      Day 4 - O'Coto to Arzua

      1 Oktober 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Our 3rd day, and the hottest, where we have had to walk in over 30 degree heat. Staff at the hotel said it wasn't even this hot in July! All the same, and even though I'm never good in the heat, the walking was really beautiful. I took both of the complementary/alternative options that were offered along the Way; the first just after Melide and the second called the Jacobean branch, after Boente, as they seemed to offer more shade. Tomorrow promises to be cooler, so I'm looking forward to that.Baca lagi

    • Hari 6

      Day 3

      14 September 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Well, if I ever wondered what walking 18 miles would feel like, now I know. Another rainbow, many people (but that thinned out) & a bit of rain. So far no blisters & a Fast Eddie's (or Town Lounge) like supper. For some reason, all my photos aren't available. Here's a few I can access. Still no blisters, still holding up. Two more days to Santiago. Buen Camino.Baca lagi

    • Hari 30

      Arzūa to O Podrouza, Spain

      30 September 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      This morning the 3 of us met for breakfast and excitedly started clipping the kilometers down. The weather was cool enough for a light jacket for about 15 minutes and about 15 minutes after that the long sleeve top came off. There was a huge train of people on the Camino today. The routes have joined and ohh dear it’s a bit of a jolt to the system! About 3000 people were granted a Compostela yesterday!!Many of them smelled of perfume, hair was cutely done, colorful clothing, clean shoes, WHITE SOCKS, makeup…you get the idea. The rest of us sweaty long haulers were making our way through the crowds, doing it politely as possible, saying “Buen Camino” as we passed them out of courtesy and respect. Maybe all they had time for was the last 100km (5 days). Maybe they don’t have the time or money for a month on the road, but wanted to see what it was like? Maybe they have health issues preventing them from enduring the whole thing? All sorts of reasons. But..why do they get the same Compostela as those who walk an entire route? Doesn’t matter. Everyone does their own Camino and there is no room for judging, and if one finds themselves doing that, then maybe they need to keep walking? Back to today. So so many cafe options. It seemed like every kilometer there was a cafe and another stamp opportunity. Where were all these stops the last 800km??!! I think I collected 6 stamps today. I filled up my first book yesterday and started a new one, and it just looked sad had I only got one or 2, so I got several. We arrived in this town at about 2:15 and it was so hot. 82*. Our room has air conditioning, so after a shower, bite to eat downstairs, we were back up to the room to get laundry put away, e-mail the luggage storage guy to make arrangements to get our suitcases tomorrow, and now chilling in a cool room. We are setting out at 4am in the morning to not only beat the heat (supposed to be 88* in Santiago tomorrow, typically it is raining buckets), but also to make it to the noon mass. It’s the big day. The day I have been working so hard to get to for the last month. So many challenges and discoveries physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s bittersweet, always is. Excited to go back to my blessed life, family and friends, but also going to miss the pure simplicity of all this…just walk, eat, sleep, repeat.Baca lagi

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