As Orelladas

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    • Päivä 23

      Etapa 17: Marinhas

      26. tammikuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      The three of us got a bit of a late start in the morning, but we only had about 20km to walk for the day, so it didn’t really set us behind at all. The beginning of the day was all along the coast but then slowly turned inwards towards a very marshy area that was all boardwalk. Alfonso was telling me that he thought the EU paid for a lot of boardwalks along the Camino which must be a nice thing for Spain.

      We eventually got to a small village with a couple of restaurants. I’d been craving another Franchesinia since I had one in Porto so I had another. While we were in the restaurant, a woman doing the Camino entered and was seated at the table next to us. She was from Holland and we finished up our meal the same time as her, so the four of us all walked together for the rest of the day as we were heading to the same place.

      Just before we got to the Alburgue in the evening, we stopped at a grocery store to get supplies for dinner. I asked if anyone wanted to cook, and with no interested parties, I was more than happy to cook again and not do dishes. So we all bought different things for a pasta soup to share the cost.

      Saskia from Holland and I made dinner and I was hoping someone might join us because it really was a lot of food. Was a great little dinner together though!

      We were talking kind of loud at the table though, so after we finished eating (around 9:30) I suggested that we take our dessert (some ripe mangos) in the kitchen which was in the basement.

      While there, a couple of middle aged Spaniards joined us. We recognized that they had also been in the restaurant that day. Everyone except for Saskia and I was speaking in very rapid Spanish. Their names were Josè and Olraleigh. I mentioned that my city was called Raleigh and asked how he spelled his name. He said it was a traditional Catalan name that came from the importer Marcus Aurelius. I wonder if that’s also the root of Sir Walter Raleigh’s name?? Also the Spanish really was guard for me to follow, so I ended up going to bed before everyone else.
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    • Päivä 22

      Etapa 16: Agucadoura

      25. tammikuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      I walked for the first part of the day with Fran’s brother Alfonso who is about to starting training to be a Firefighter in Pamplona. We talked quite a bit about firefighting and there really are a lot of exams and training in Spain that’s required in order to start one’s career as a Bombero. I also realized that Alfonso had good English for talking but less good English for understanding what I was saying, so I was always trying to be mindful of how fast I talked and the words that I used.

      For lunch, Alfonso and I stopped at a restaurant that had outdoor seating next to a river and had the Menu del Dia which was fish. The waiter had apparently lived in California for a few years and we chatted a bit about American beers. I also had a cold pastry filled with cream that was truly excellent on a warm day. Just as we were finishing, we saw Fran crossing the river. The bridge was quite far so we were waving and motioning for him to join us. The waited saw what we were doing and joined in as well.

      In the afternoon we met an American woman who had just moved to Portugal from New Mexico and she gave us a small Camino Scallop shell charm. She seemed to walk her dog all the time because we talked to another Pilgrim who also met her but at a completely different time.

      We walked with Fran as well for the rest of the day and came to the Alburgue right after the sun had set. I cooked the 3 of us a Spanish dish that Fran and Alfonso recommended. I used no recipe book and Alfonso and Fran both explained it to me differently. I also forget the same of the dish. But essentially it is rice cooked with tomorrow sauce, any sugared vegetables you want, and then a fried egg and cheese on top. Was quite tasty! There was a girl from Taiwan and 2 guys from South Korea also in the Alburgue but none of them were super talkative.
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    • Päivä 6–7

      Dag 6: Caminha-Viladesuso

      18. huhtikuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Deze ochtend was het dan zo ver; ik stak de grens met Spanje over! Gezien ik nog niet alles heb gepland, heb ik er lang over nagedacht of ik toch het binnenland ging intrekken of aan de kust ging blijven.
      Uiteindelijk heeft de kust het toch gewonnen dus dat wilde ook zeggen dat het tijd was om het bootje te nemen om de oversteek te maken die de volle 3 minuten duurde en me ineens een uur verder in te tijd zette. Jep, dat tijdsverschil was ik even vergeten 😅.

      Daarna heb ik een klein uurtje samen met de mensen uit mijn bootje gewandeld. Een Amerikaans gepensioneerd koppel en Miguel, een Portugees die in Duitsland woont en is getrouwd met een Franse. Zij leerden elkaar 2 jaar terug kennen toen ze de Camino Frances wandelden.

      Ongeveer halverwege kwam ik op het beste moment een klein caféetje teen voor een vroege lunch en even mijn schoenen uit te doen. De blaren waren al een pak beter maar door de hitte waren (en zijn) mijn voeten enorm gezwollen.

      Het leuke aan heel dit avontuur is dat je dezelfde mensen tegen blijft komen op verschillende momenten en punten. Zo kwamen het Amerikaans koppel en Miguel een kwartiertje na me aan en ook mijn Nederlandse vriend van gisteren kwam ik er tegen.

      Na de lekkerste Spaanse tortilla ( ja oké, ik heb twee porties gegeten) en een lokaal appelciderke (het blijft verlof hé 😉) was het tijd om verder te gaan. Meneer Nederland kreeg plots de naam Dylan en we besloten om verder samen te wandelen. Origineel planden we om naar Oia te gaan maar het ging zo fijn dat we toch een uurtje verder hebben gestapt tot in Viladesusa.

      Intussen heb ik een vast ritueel na mijn wandeling: uiteraard gaan eerst de schoenen uit en dan waggel ik naar de douche. Dan komt het leukste van de dag; post-walk pintje!

      Zo gezegd, zo gedaan en Dylan en ik gingen naar het tankstation aan de overkant om elks twee pintjes te gaan halen en een aiki noodle potje als ‘avondeten’.

      De hostel lag pal aan de kustlijn dus werden we ook nog eens getrakteerd op één van de mooiste zonsondergangen ooit.

      Aantal km: 27. We zijn bijna halfweg!
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    • Päivä 6

      Villadesuso - Baiona

      17. toukokuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Che pazzo questo clima Galiziano. Pioggia, sole e nuvole si alternano quotidianamente durante il nostro percorso. Quella di oggi è una tappa "semplice", 17 km fino alla città di Baiona, che ci accoglierà con la festa "Dia Das Letras Galegas" festa istituita a difesa della lingua Galiziana.Lue lisää

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