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    • Giorno 22

      Walk slowly

      13 giugno, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      This morning was so lovely. I stayed at a really comfortable hostel, and they didn’t require us to leave until 11:00am. This was ideal for me because I knew I wanted to spend some time in the city. I was awakened by the glorious crinkly bag chorus at 6:20am, but I was feeling pretty smug because I knew I wasn’t going to be hiking for many more hours. All of my compatriots left the room by 7:00, and I was alone to enjoy a few moments of morning silence.

      I got up and decided to explore the city a bit more. It’s nice to explore cities in the morning if you want to take photos. I was very lucky this morning and was able to visit both El Fontán Market when it was first opening and the cathedral.

      El Fontán Market was so colorful! There were fruit and vegetable stalls with beautiful cherries, oranges, apples—really any fruit or vegetable you could want. Then there were elaborate cheese and meat stalls. You could assemble the most elaborate charcuterie board of your dreams. I was sad to be in Oviedo alone because I wanted to buy things from these places, but these are definitely sharing foods. There were also gorgeous fish stalls. I know it sounds silly to say a fish vendor is pretty, but they were beautiful: perfectly cleaned and presented on a bed of ice. I LOVE to cook, and I would have spent all my money buying groceries if I had a proper kitchen to cook in and people to cook for.

      After the market, I walked through the mostly deserted streets to the cathedral. It was about 8:45am, and hardly anyone was out. Spaniards are not morning folk. The “exit” doors to the cathedral were open, but technically the church was closed to visitors. I walked in anyway—God invited me. As I walked inside, the sun was shining perfectly through the stained glass windows behind the altar. It was so beautiful. I sat on a pew and contemplated the size and age of this church. I watched the sunrise through the stained glass of the cathedral as the bell tower was ringing. I thought about the value of these churches. I’m not religious but certainly believe in faith and a guiding higher power. I’ve spent more time sitting in church pews in the last three weeks than in the last twenty years. What is the value of a cathedral like this? For me, they have been a place of reprieve, a gentle, safe place to rest. I think all churches begin with this intention at heart, but the complexities of human beings—ego, selfishness, and politics—sometimes sour that safety. The cathedral is just a structure, and the church itself can represent what you bring to it. For me, they have been places of solace and refuge and a connection to the history of the Camino and those who have walked it before me. I was fortunate to inside when the 9:00am Mass started. The scent of the burning incense suffused the entire room, and then the organ started to play. The service was happening in a small chapel to the side of the main room. It was moving to listen to the sound of the patrons singing in response to the padre. I felt very blessed to be able to have this experience inside of such a beautiful church.

      I had a coffee at 10:00, because it is coffee hour. The cafe was adorable and right across from El Fontán Market. As I was enjoying my coffee, this super stylish abuela came in with Snow White hair, but she had little streaks of bright red highlights. I’ve seen this trend quite a lot in abuelas, either pink, red, or purple dye in their hair! It’s so fabulous! I love how they are subtly saying, “See me? I still got it, bitches.”

      I didn’t leave Oviedo until 11:00, and I am a bit regretful that I didn’t get a morning helado on my way out of town—the ice cream store was open. I don’t know why I would’ve felt ashamed about that. Once, I saw a guy walk into a bar at 10:00am and order a cerveza. If drinking beer at 10:00 is okay, certainly ice cream at 11:00 is fine too! I can justify anything.

      The walk was pleasant enough. 12 miles in 5 hours. A change in scenery from the coast, walking through forests and alongside creeks. It reminds me of a scene from a medieval fairytale movie where there is a prince and his entourage riding down the cobblestone road when they encounter a peasant girl… who will obviously win over the heart of the prince, but she must first overcome great adversity.

      I didn’t walk too far today, and I am staying at Villa Palatina, about 6km before the typical stop of Grado. I chose to stay here because the reviews were good, and tomorrow I want to stay at a donativo a bit past Grado. I’m trying to slow down a little since I realize the journey is almost over.

      It reminds me of one of my favorite poems by Danna Faulds called “Walk Slowly”

      It only takes a reminder to breathe,

      a moment to be still, and just like that,

      something in me settles, softens, makes

      space for imperfection. The harsh voice

      of judgment drops to a whisper and I

      remember again that life isn’t a relay

      race; that we will all cross the finish

      line; that waking up to life is what we

      were born for. As many times as I forget,

      catch myself charging forward

      without even knowing where I’m going,

      that many times I can make the choice

      to stop, to breathe, and be, and walk

      slowly into the mystery.
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    • Giorno 1


      30 luglio 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Début de chemin, pas vraiment.
      Je passe à Oviedo en Bus, je m'y arrête pour quelques courses, j'ai passé la nuit à l'auberge municipale. Ce soir je pars au Centre Mandala, préparer mon paquetage de pèlerin, départ effectif demain matinLeggi altro

    • Giorno 1

      Day 1 / Día 1

      12 settembre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      After being in Madrid for some days, I decided it was time to walk. I took a train from Madrid to Oviedo, and arrived there by noon. My idea was to stay and explore the city for one night, but once I got to the Cathedral to get my Pilgrimage Credential, everything changed✨
      I felt the urge of being out in nature, walking and starting my journey towards Santiago.
      I walked for 5kms to reach the Municipal Albergue in the town of Escamplero. I paid €7 for a bed in a common room and hot shower. There was a kitchen where I cooked some beans with tomato 😀
      I met people from Germany, South Korea, Sweden and Mexico! Already feeling a nice vibe 💫

      Después de estar en Madrid unos días, decidí que era hora de caminar. Tomé un tren desde Madrid a Oviedo y llegué allí al mediodía. Mi idea era quedarme y explorar la ciudad por una noche, pero una vez que llegué a la Catedral para obtener mi credencial de peregrinación, todo cambió✨

      Sentí la necesidad de estar en la naturaleza, caminar y comenzar mi viaje hacia Santiago.

      Caminé 5 km para llegar al Albergue Municipal en la ciudad de Escamplero. Pagué 7 € por una cama en una sala común y una ducha caliente. Había una cocina donde cociné unos frijoles con tomate 😀

      ¡Conoí a gente de Alemania, Corea del Sur, Suecia y México! Ya estoy sintiendo buenas vibras💫
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    • Giorno 2

      Road to Oviedo 🚙💨🐄

      6 aprile 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Día de teletrabajo en casa mientras Violeta planifica su próximo viaje. Pasamos la mañana en casa y el cielo augura un tiempo fantástico estos días 🌞

      Pasamos por mercadona para llenar el frigorífico y almorzamos en casa 🍝

      Al acabar ponemos rumbo a Oviedo para aprovechar la tarde allí. Cuando llegamos, paseamos por las calles del centro, incluyendo la plaza de la Catedral, hasta llegar a la plaza del Ayuntamiento🐦
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    • Giorno 14

      Not in Kansas anymore

      18 settembre 2019, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today's KMs - 0 kms (official Camino kms)
      Total KMs - 256.7 KMs
      Total blisters - 7 + same

      Oviedo is big! Definately not what we've been used to over the past week. It has a McDonald's and Starbucks - the first set of junk food we've seen. So much good food, coffee and shopping here with lots of brands we can't get back home (not in Adelaide anyway). Not tempted though considering I'll have to carry any extra weight in my pack for another 350+ kms. The Camino markers here are even more up market - gold shells 😊

      In the end it seems like we made the right decision to take a rest day. I've been icing and elevating my "cankles" with Simon's ice cold beer cans. Beer is so cheap here, from 40 - 65 cents a can, with so much variety. A can of coke costs more than a can of beer! Wasted on me but Simon is making full use of the opportunity.

      Can't wait to start the challenging Camino Primitivo tomorrow. It should be good heading into the mountains. It will be more remote with fewer albergues and limited/ no wifi. I'm mentally ready for the long up and down hills. I just hope my feet will hold up!
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    • Giorno 29


      29 settembre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Eine große Stadt mit etwa 215000 Einwohnern. Die Stadt hat zwei Gesichter, ein Teil ist wie Städte halt so sind und dann ist man doch überrascht von der tollen Altstadt mit ihren Sidrerias. Darunter "Tierra Astur" mit ihrem tollen Ambiente aus Holz und den grünen Flaschen des Cider (Apfelwein 6%) und ihren landestypischen Bioprodukten (Fleisch, Käse, Gemüse).Leggi altro

    • Giorno 1

      Catedral de Oviedo - O Início

      2 settembre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Não foi o início madrugador planeado, mas foi o possível!
      Um grupo de peregrinos espanhóis na Catedral, uma peregrina canadiana à saída (que ainda fez uns kms connosco hoje!), estava dado o pontapé de saída!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 18


      15 settembre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Yesterday we took the bus to Oviedo to start the Camino Primitivo which is the original Camino first done by King Alphonso II in 814AD. It is considered the most difficult Camino as it is the most mountainous but we are hoping this will suit our feet better than pounding hot tarmac. We are staying in an apartment near the cathedral square and as usual we seem to have picked a date when there is partying in the streets all night. The 14th Sept is when Oviedo venerates it’s holy relic, a piece of blood stained clothed purported to be from Christ’s shroud. As it has been carbon dated to the 6th century I am a bit sceptical 🤨
      It is not usually on display but we were able to see it when we toured the Cathedral as it’s a special week.
      This afternoon I am resting my feet and hoping for the best!
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    • Giorno 2

      Turismo en Oviedo 🏫🗿🌬️

      6 aprile 2023, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Hace un día genial para pasear y recorremos tranquilamente el centro viendo las numerosas esculturas que hay en todas partes. Las más significativa es sin duda la de la Calle Pelayo: Culis monumentalibus 🗿

      Hemos intentado quedar con la Tita Enri y el Tito Carlos pero están en Almería, por lo que pasamos la tarde nosotros dos.

      Vamos a ver el Parque San Francisco, que está precioso con las coloridas flores, que son fruto del inicio de la primavera 🌹

      En él encontramos una pequeña estatua de Mafalda (su inauguración fue en el año 2014 y pudo asistir Quino, su creador, ya que ese mismo año 2014 fue galardonado con el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de Comunicación y Humanidades) 📸
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    • Giorno 1

      Oviedo Cathedral

      7 giugno 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Staying in Oviedo overnight and catching the early train to Leon which is the start point of the San Salvadore. The San Salvadore Camino leads the pilgrim from the Camio France, which goes to Santiago Cathedral, to see the remains of Saint James, instead to see the cloth (sudarium) that is claimed to have covered the head of the dead Christ, which is in Oviedo Cathedral. There is an old saying; "who goes to Santiago and not to the Saviour, visits the servant and forgets the master".Leggi altro

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