Pumarejo de Tera

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    • Day 4

      Reisetag Spanien

      April 7, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Langsam werden die Stunden weniger, die bei Google Maps bis zum ersten Ziel in Portugal angezeigt werden. Wir haben es bis nach Spanien geschafft und brauchen morgen nur noch 3-4 Stunden bis zu unserem ersten Stopp in Portugal, wo wir auch nicht nur eine Nacht bleiben werden. Es geht dort in den Nationalpark Peneda Geres. Wir haben heute eigentlich hauptsächlich im Auto gesessen und eine entspannte Pause an einer Tankstelle gemacht. Nachmittags sind wir an unserem Stehplatz an einem Fluss angekommen und haben uns Kaffee Bzw Tee gekocht. Auch ein bisschen Sport wurde nach der langen Fahrt gemacht. Wir freuen uns, dass wir die langen Autofahrten jetzt erst mal geschafft haben und auf den Nationalpark. 😊Read more

    • Day 3

      Day 39 - Calzadilla de Terra - 12 km

      October 29, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Weather: 12 - 18 degrees. Cloudy with rain forecast later in the morning and afternoon
      Clothes: short sleeve merino shirt, light wind fleece, rain jacket, trekking pants.

      The scenery
      Todays walk was through small poplar plantations with beautiful autumn leaves, and past rich farm land - mainly flat and beside a slow river. The smell of the fallen leaves in the light rain was particularly special- reminding me of the Cotter River near Canberra. The rain so far has been very light and with the warm temperatures it is not a problem. The cold downpours of my nightmares haven’t eventuated.

      Today’s adventure.
      Because of my still healing knee I decided to just walk the 5 km along the road to the next town with a hotel. However I didn’t know that this town has archeological significance and I forgot it’s Saturday. So of course the hotel was ‘completo’ - full.
      Thinking I was only walking a short distance meant I went slowly and took a 5 minute break every 20 minutes - protecting my knee. So even though I couldn’t stay the night it was a great stop I would have otherwise bypassed. I had an excellent coffee and yummy pastry. Bueno.
      The next town was only another 5 km on so I continued slowly, enjoying every moment of the day. It made me realise that walking more slowly through the day benefits both body and mind.

      I am the only one in the albergue tonight. Often the albergues are locked or have a resident hospitalaro - but this one was open, with a box for donations and a self check in system. It’s on the first floor of a medical centre- but being Saturday the services downstairs are closed. There was a lovely welcoming feeling to just arrive and open the door.
      There is a small supermarket in town and a rather up-market Bar Blanco in the town across the river.
      I had chickpea soup, pork steaks and salad and flán for dessert (with the customary bottle of wine - I don’t drink it all) . Pork is pretty much a staple in Spain so always on the menu - but I think I am looking forward to a change.
      All the ‘boys’ have just arrived at the Bar and the cards are out. It’s a serious thing with a green felt cover on the table on which to play the cards. They must have finished lunch - I wonder what the women do.
      I’ll hang around here for a while and use the free wifi and then wander back to my albergue.
      I have enough food for a light snack tonight and breakfast tomorrow.
      I heard my next stop has an outstanding restaurant - it’s all about the food. 😂

      Buen Camino
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    • Day 4

      river tera

      July 29, 2014 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      One flea left so shower with lots of shampoo and washing again. We started at 6:30 after cup of coffee/tee. In was quite cold in the morning. From Santa Maria de Year nice trail through the woods along the river Tera.
      On the way we ate corn, blackberries and unripe apples.
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    Pumarejo de Tera, 49626

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