Río Cardeñadijo

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    • Dzień 22


      16 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Day 15 Burgos

      A rest day spent sightseeing.
      The Cathedral was first on the list and I simply cannot describe its architecture and beauty.
      Predominately Gothic in style and built by architects and master builders down through the centuries it stands in all its glory and is now a World Heritage Site. Onto the Museum of Human Evolution displaying the findings from archaeological sites and fossils helping us to understand the process of human evolution in Europe over the last million years was quite extraordinary.
      We finished the day with a visit to the Monastery of Santa Maria Real de las Huelgas a convent founded in the 12th Century as a spiritual retreat for ladies in high society. A retreat sounded rather tempting to us. A high stone wall protected the Cistercian Nuns and reminded us of their dedication and solitary life and still operating today.
      Having walked around this beautiful city we retired to the apartment to rest the legs (after 13km) and prepare for tomorrow and the start of the meseta.
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    • Dzień 2

      New beginning

      1 czerwca, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

      I got off to a rather rocky start on this trip. My phone would not work here and, after trying several potential solutions, I had to buy another phone. It took many hours to get it set up and apps downloaded. Two-part authentication is not always a good thing!

      I walked to Burgos the first day and stayed at the same campground as last year. This walk involved missing a turn, walking in a drainage ditch and along the shoulder of a major highway, climbing over guardrails, and then having to climb over a 5-foot fence. By the time I walked all over the city to various cellular shops, I ended up walking 17 miles that day!

      The next day, I went to Tarjados. I got a room at La Fábrica, a repurposed flour mill. It has a very popular restaurant and was packed when I arrived. But it was very quiet in the evening and I was able to get caught up on my sleep and de-stressed.

      I did an easy 6-mile walk to Tornillos today. I ran into Dan, whom I had met the first day, and walked most of the way with him. We walked past grain fields all day, which were beautiful, with the wind blowing across them. The town of Rabe de Las Calzadas had some great murals. Upon arrival in Tornillos, I stopped at the Meeting Point albergue (hostel) and secured a lower bunk. It's a very modern purpose-built place, not as interesting as the old renovated buildings. But it has all the amenities a pilgrim could want: reading lights and charging stations at every bunk, separate men's and women's bathrooms, and shelves for all your stuff. These small villages are very picturesque and sometimes quirky. I had lunch in a place showing nonstop music videos from the 60's and 70's: Aerosmith, AC/DC, David Bowie, George Thorogood.
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    • Dzień 18

      Day 17. Ages to Burgos

      1 czerwca, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 46 °F

      Had a restful night in Ages. I put my silicone in my ears and never heard a thing. We took a taxi to our Hotel Corona de Castilla Burgos. Room was not ready so we went to breakfast. Later we found the pharmacy for epsom salt. While Steve soaked his feet, I had a nap. Felt so good to get caught up on some rest. Afternoon was spent visiting the Cathedral de la Santa Maria Burgos. It is said to be 800,000 years old (1221). It had quite a bit of Gothic influence popular in its day. The first Bishop was from Paris and that was the leading style of the time. As it expanded one will find Baroque influences as well. In 1984 it was listed on the UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE LIST.
      We later enjoyed a nice salad with fried chicken and eggs and French fries.
      Steve has done well wearing his sandals and resting. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings. Grateful for a new city to explore, grateful for the downtime to heal and grateful to talk with my parents today
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    • Dzień 14

      Day 11- Ages to Burgos

      16 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      We traveled from Ages to Burgos today. It was about 14 miles.. As we were staying out of town, the owner of our hotel for the night drove us back to Ages at 7am for a very reasonable price. He was a very nice guy.

      Our walk started in the dark and for the first time, I was actually cold as it was 58 and windy. The terrain is mostly flat except for this one section with a steep up then a steep down. The steep up went great, the steep down…. Well that was really tough on my knee.
      After that I decided to use the ace bandage I had bought a few days ago and it helped a bit . As the day progressed it was hurting a bit more so I kept adjusting the wrapping to find what would work the best.
      So during one of my wrap sessions a man from another pilgrim group , we had been passing them or them us for the last several days, came over to me and pointed at my knee and then his knee. He had a knee brace on . He does not speak English so I smiled and said yes we both have a knee issue. He took off his pack and rummaged thru it and found an extra knee brace he had and handed it to me! I mean how great is that!
      I put it on and it was a bit big for me but that combined with the ace bandage got me to Burgos. Just a great example of pilgrims on the path together.
      As we were nearing Burgos, CJ mentioned that there was a hospital .25 miles from where we were and he had read a post that it was relatively inexpensive in Spain. He went on to advise that his was the last big city we would be in for awhile and perhaps it was time to find out if something was really wrong with the knee. When did kids get so smart:)
      I walked into the ER, used google translate to communicate my problem. 150 euro price. I sat in the waiting room for 30 minutes and they asked me to come back. Using google translate talked with the doctor. He played around with the knee for a bit and sent me for an X-ray. He walked me to the X-ray center. I sat there for 5 minutes. They came out and said that they need 2 X-rays and the second one would cost more as my fee allowed for one. I said fine. They did the X-rays.
      I was sent back to the doctor in the ER. By the time I got there he had already reviewed the X-ray and said everything is fine it is just inflammation. Gave me a prescription for an anti inflammatory drug, a cream and said get a sports knee brace. He did mention something about rest as well:) I was done in 45 minutes. Went back to the desk to asked how much I owed for the X-ray……13 euro…

      Went to the pharmacy and handed the front desk person my prescription. She walked into the back and came out with the drugs and cream. I used google translate to ask for a knee brace. She came out and measured my knee then walked over to where the braces were , selected the right size, price for all three…29.50 euros…..
      I think they have health care nailed in Spain!!!

      So rest will be rest of today then all day tomorrow then hopefully back on the trail. Will do a bit of sightseeing with CJ tomorrow as he has become a fan of the old churches and Burgos has a very large cathedral.

      Not many pictures today as I was a bit fixated on the knee today

      The Camino sure did provide today. What a wonderful experience!
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    • Dzień 15

      Day 12- Rest in Burgos

      17 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      This is our first rest day. Was kind of ancy this morning as I was at a cafe and watching pilgrims start their day but now have settled into the day and enjoying the rest and getting used to the knee brace and letting the meds do their thing. CJ and I toured the cathedral and I have a few pics from that. Will spend the rest of the day relaxing as our hotel room is right across from the cathedral and we have a terrace that makes people watching enjoyable. It has been raining a bit and the pilgrims are beginning to arrive in the city. They are a bit soggy:)
      Tomorrow we will start the second third of the journey !
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    • Dzień 20

      Day 17 Burgos to Hornillos del Camino

      7 października 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌙 52 °F

      We left Burgos just as it was turning light. We came across a very " blingy" mosaic Pilgrim. We are now venturing into a region known as the Maseta....rolling hills and long flat stretches with sparse villages. We walked past a lot of murals in Tardajos and stopped there for brunch. The highlight of the day though was stopping at Ermita de Nuestra Senora de Monasterio, a very small church in the village of Rabe de Las Calzadas. We were given a small medallion around our necks then blessed and hugged by the sweetest little nun...It brought tears to my eyes. We ended the day in a place called Hornillos del Camino, where the owner of a small hostel/hotel picked us up and took us 2.6 k to the village of Isar. Accommodations on the Maseta are harder to come by because the distances are longer and albergues fewer. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 21–22

      Body complete, mind next

      26 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      We ended our 18k walk yesterday at Atapuerco, and due to a mix-up at the Albergue where we reserved dorm beds, we were able to get a small private room at another hostel. Lucky us! Two little beds and a little bathroom in the little town. We met up with our friend glennis from New Zealand and Cheryl and had dinner of bar pizza and wine that the only place open in town. All of the pilgrims were dining there and happily resting after a long walk through the forest and fields.

      Today we are staying in Burgos which marks the first 3rd of the Camino completed. This part is body, and the next we move into the mind as we enter the long walk across the famous mind blowing Mesetta.

      Today I took a zero kilometer day by taxi with my friend from New Zealand Glenys. We went to brunch and toured the famous cathedral museum. Trina made it to our lush hotel after her 20k walk today, and now we are going to go find a place to eat some yummy food in this big city before we head out tomorrow for a long stretch of long days with very few breaks.

      Some pilgrims choose to skip this next phase because apparently the endless fields are relentless because of the monotony and for miles and miles with no services and no shade. We are going to give it a go and have already secured our bookings across the Mesetta until Sunday. Fingers crossed there's no going back now!
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    • Dzień 21–22

      Villafranca to Atapuerca

      26 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      We left our bunk bed dorm camp in belorado and took a quick taxi to Villa Franca to begin our 18 km walk on Sunday. We started out directly going uphill, luckily this day was going to be mostly a walk through the forest, providing shade after walking for 2 days through fields and sunshine.

      There were several small villages scattered along the walk after the long stretch through the woods, and then more fields.

      As we move further along the Camino we are starting to recognize fellow Pilgrims, quickly able to identify them from their country, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Italy, Israel, Canada, USA, and a large contingency from Ireland! Its fun to talk with each other in many languages while taking a break at the much anticipated bar in each passing village.
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    • Dzień 16

      Day 17. Rest Day in Burgos

      15 maja 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Instead of going for a long walk today, I played the role of tourist. A rest day allowed for the exploration of Burgos, once the capital of old Castile for almost 500 years and home of El Cid, a great Spanish warrior and hero during the 11th century.
      The most prominent structure in Burgos is the cathedral, built in 1221, but not completed until 1567. I did a tour of the cathedral, and as on person commented on in addition to its beauty “this place is a city in itself, with roads everywhere.” It’s that big. It’s known for its spectacular architecture, unique art collection, including paintings, tombs and stained-glass windows. I spent three hours there. I had hoped to see some museums, but they were closed on Mondays.
      I’m going to keep this one short because the photos speak much better than any words I could wield together.
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    • Dzień 15

      Day 16. Burgos

      14 maja 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      I had a heavy walking day ahead of me, so I opted for a 6:30 am start. Also, we were expecting rain, forecasted to start at about 10:00 am, so I wanted to get as far as I could before the showers began. For the first 5-6 kms, the terrain was muddy, with a thick, sticky texture that made walking difficult causing a lot of slip-sliding. And the people I met along the way had stayed in the same hotel I was in.
      Once I passed them, I met nobody for the next hour which was very unusual. After that the only person I met was an elderly French man who suddenly popped out of the woods about 50 feet ahead of me. He shared with me that he owned 6 film/sound editing studios in Paris and Biarritz and it was now a family business. He is planning to do the whole Camino at a 12 km/day pace and 15 minutes later I found out why - he had a prostate issue causing a sudden need to pee, so off he went into the woods again. I don’t know what’s going to happen when there’s no woods.
      I continued to the first village, about 12 km from where I started this morning, and there was nothing open, so I continued, but still hardly anybody on the trail. After going through another small village and seeing nobody along the way, I started paying close attention to the signage. We have three ways of assuring we’re on track: yellow arrows, Camino shell, and following other pilgrims. Since there were no pilgrims, I had to pay close attention to the other two. At one point I had not seen another pilgrim for over an hour, but following the arrows led me to path that ended with a T-junction to a busy highway, with no arrow indicating if I should go right or left. Since going right would have had returning to where I came from, I turned left, continuing on a busy highway, but there were no arrows for at least half a km, so I stopped and backtracked feeling I may have taken a wrong turn. One km back, I met two Spaniards , Raphael and Louise (likely misspelled but that’s how he pronounced it) who assured me I was on the right track. Raphael only spoke Spanish, but Louise conversed a little in French. I stayed with them for about 5 kms but difficult for me to maintain their pace.
      The problem with this section is that there are few villages, and Lon stretches without accommodations. I’ve heard of some pilgrims taking a taxi to Burgos to get accommodations, then rehiring a taxi to return them to the same spot the following day. Because of the expense, I’m sure many just stay in Burgos.
      As I got closer to Burgos, I did meet a few more pilgrims, but there was one area where road construction had us pretty close to fast moving vehicles for half a km. Also, we did have to wear raincoats, but only for an hour.
      Overall, I did the 36 km (and a little extra) reaching my hotel by 3:45. Sore feet, but no blisters. The hard part was at the end. I had reached Burgos by km 32, and hoped I was close to my hotel, but Burgos is a big city- took me one and one-half hrs to get there
      Tomorrow I have a free day in Burgos.
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