Sri Lanka
Nuwara Wewa

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    • Day 13


      December 14, 2019 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute ging es zur Wiege des Buddhismus auf Sri Lankas.Wieder etliche Stufen hinauf um eine wunderschöne Stupa und einen herrlichen Ausblick zu genießen. Eine beeindruckende Statue sahen wir in der Nähe eines großen Stausees, die früher der König zu Tausenden anlegen ließ.Read more

    • Day 5


      January 9 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Weiter geht es in Richtung Norden, quer durchs Landesinnere. Heute erster Tag in Anuradhapura. Als erstes haben wir das wertvollste und heiligste für die Buddhisten in Sri Lanka besucht: Sri Maha Bodhi-der Bodhibaum. Rund um diesen Baum entstand eine komplette Tempelanlage...Read more

    • Day 44

      Anuradhapura, continuité de Jaffna

      May 3, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      A Anu, nous avions prévu de visiter le vaste ensemble bouddhique. Le ticket pour y accéder est très cher et nous nous ravisons . On tente donc de visiter les sites gratuits dont le musée archéologique. Arrivé devant celui ci, il est fermé.
      D'autres parts on nous apprend que le 6 mai le pays sera à nouveau bloqué pour protester contre le gouvernement ✊ . C'est à cette date que nous avions programmé notre safari a Wilpattu. Cette information combiné au prix excessif du d'entrée d'Anu et les jours passés à Jaffna nous motivent à partir au plus vite. 😅
      Le soir nous verrons tout de même de nombreux fidèles au pied de la dagoba de Ruvanvelisaya.
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    • Day 8


      February 7, 1994 in Sri Lanka

      Gleich in der Früh geht es weiter nach Anuradhapura. Hier gibt es nichts Heiligeres als den Sri Maha Bodhi, dem heiligen Bo-Baum. Dieser ist ein Ableger des Ficus religiosa, uter dem Gautama Buddha erleuchtet wurde.
      Die Thuparama Dagoba ist die älteste Dagoba des Landes. Auch hier findet man einen meditierenden Buddha.
      Hier befinden wir uns schon im Norden von Sri Lanka, weiter nördlich dürfen wir nicht fahren, da hier Krieg mit den Tamilen herrscht. Wir werden sogar von Soldaten mit Maschinengewehren im Bus kontrolliert.
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    • Day 4

      Mt. Lavinia - Anuradhapura

      December 11, 1989 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Den nächsten Dag ass et dunn lassgaangen mat eisem Roadtrip 🚗 duerch Sri Lanka. Mer sinn vun Mt. Lavinia Richtung Norden op Anuradhapura gaangen, dobäi hunn mer missen sëllegen Militärkontrollpunkten 🪖 passéieren.Read more

    • Day 5

      Anuradhapura 2

      December 12, 1989 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Den Sri Mahabodhi Bam ass fir Singahlesen eng Haaptattraktioun, en soll am 3. Joerhonnert virun Christus vun engem Ofleeër vun dem Bam ënnert dem den Gautama Buddha an Nordindien meditéiert huet geplanzt ginn sinn.Read more

    • Day 1


      March 25, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      A Journey Back in Time

      The alarm's gentle chime at 5 AM signaled the beginning of our long-awaited adventure. With a sense of eager anticipation, my husband and I prepared to depart from Kandy. The first rays of the sun had yet to grace the horizon as we boarded the bus at 6 AM, our excitement palpable in the crisp morning air. The journey ahead was to be a special one, a voyage through history and spirituality, shared only between us. As the bus rumbled to life, we exchanged smiles, knowing that the ancient city of Anuradhapura awaited, ready to unveil its wonders to our eager hearts.

      Around 9:30 AM, we arrived in Anuradhapura's new town, the vibrant energy of the city immediately enveloping us. Stepping off the bus, we were greeted by the lively hustle and bustle of this historic place. With a spring in our step, we decided to take a leisurely walk to our chosen hotel for the day. The journey on foot allowed us to soak in the sights and sounds of this new environment, immersing ourselves in the ambiance of Anuradhapura.

      The hotel, a sanctuary of comfort and elegance, welcomed us with open arms. The staff's warm hospitality made us feel instantly at home. From the moment we stepped through the doors, we knew this would be a stay to remember.

      After a refreshing wash and a change of clothes, we were ready to embark on the next leg of our adventure. Opting for a bike rental, we envisioned the wind in our hair and the freedom of the open road. It was to be our trusty steed for exploring the ancient wonders that awaited us. With helmets secured and a sense of shared excitement, we set off, ready to make our own path through the rich history of Anuradhapura.

      Our first stop was the Dammachethiya Meditation Center. This remarkable place, though still under construction, exuded an aura of serenity and promise. Surrounded by nature's embrace, the center stood as a testament to the enduring pursuit of inner peace. We walked its grounds, feeling the energy and potential that permeated the air. It was a fitting start to our journey, a gentle reminder of the profound spiritual legacy that Anuradhapura held within its ancient walls.
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    • Day 1


      March 25, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      After our enriching visit to Abhayagiriya, we set out to satisfy our appetites with a hearty lunch, savoring the flavors of Sri Lankan cuisine. With renewed energy, we embarked on the next leg of our journey, eager to discover more of Anuradhapura's hidden treasures.

      Our next destination was Muragala, a site known for its ancient stone statues. As we approached, the imposing figures came into view, standing sentinel against the backdrop of time. The intricacy of the carvings and the sheer size of the statues left us in awe. They seemed to exude a sense of ancient wisdom, their weathered surfaces bearing witness to countless generations that had passed in their presence.

      The Sandakada Pahana, or moonstone, was our next stop. This beautifully carved semicircular stone greeted us with its intricate patterns, each ring telling a story of ancient cosmology and spiritual significance. The layers of symbolism in the moonstone spoke of a culture deeply connected to the natural world and the pursuit of enlightenment.

      As we stood before these ancient relics, we couldn't help but be humbled by the profound legacy they represented. The craftsmanship and artistry of those who had sculpted these stones spoke volumes about the dedication and skill of the ancient craftsmen.

      The day was beginning to wane, and as the sun cast long shadows over the ancient city, we felt a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to have walked in the footsteps of those who had come before us. Anuradhapura had revealed its treasures to us in all their splendor, and we carried with us the echoes of centuries past, etched into the very stones and statues that stood as guardians of history.

      With hearts full of reverence and wonder, we made our way back to our hotel, ready to rest and reflect on the extraordinary day of exploration that awaited us in the morrow. Anuradhapura had gifted us a profound journey through time, leaving an indelible mark on our souls.

      Samadhi Pilimaya: A Sanctuary of Inner Peace

      Our day of exploration in Anuradhapura culminated in a visit to the sacred Samadhi Pilimaya, a place of deep contemplation and spiritual resonance. As we approached this hallowed sanctuary, a sense of serenity enveloped us, inviting us to leave behind the cares of the world and immerse ourselves in a realm of inner peace.

      The stupa, though smaller in scale compared to some of the grandeur we had encountered earlier, exuded an aura of quiet majesty. Its white dome seemed to glow softly in the fading light of day, casting a gentle and inviting glow. The simplicity of its design was a testament to the purity of purpose that it represented.

      The surrounding courtyard, meticulously maintained, provided a sacred space for devotees to offer their prayers and reflections. Stone pathways led us around the stupa, inviting us to circumambulate in a ritual of reverence. The atmosphere was one of profound stillness, a sanctuary for the mind to find solace and tranquility.

      As we approached the stupa, we noticed the intricate stone carvings that adorned its base. Delicate lotus patterns and symbolic motifs spoke of a deeper spiritual language, inviting us to contemplate the profound teachings that lay at the heart of this sacred site.

      We sat in quiet contemplation, allowing the energy of Samadhi Pilimaya to wash over us. The sounds of nature, the rustling leaves and distant birdsong, seemed to harmonize with the stillness of the evening air. It was a place where time seemed to slow, allowing us to turn our gaze inward and connect with the deeper currents of our own consciousness.

      Samadhi Pilimaya was a sanctuary of inner peace, a space where the external world faded away, leaving only the quiet presence of the present moment. As we offered our own silent prayers, we felt a profound sense of gratitude for having been granted the opportunity to experience this sacred site.

      As the last rays of sunlight danced on the horizon, we left Samadhi Pilimaya with hearts full of reverence and a renewed sense of inner calm. It was a fitting conclusion to our day of exploration in Anuradhapura, a reminder that amidst the grandeur of ancient architecture, it is the inner sanctuary of the heart where true peace is found.
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