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  • Day 174

    Cervantes & the Pinnacles

    August 15, 2022 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Ready to make our way to the big smoke, we headed south stopping in Lancelin for a bit of fishing and lunch from the infamous Lobster Shack. Andy and Millie were lucky enough to spot a young sea lion cub hunting for fish near the jetty, while I went around town for a walk with Ella. We then stopped at the Pinnacles but unfortunately, we didn’t get a chance to look around for very long. The park was closing and the clouds thickened but this also made it a bit more fun for us and we ran amongst the fantastical shapes talking about what they reminded us of. The mustard yellow colour and dark grey clouds made us feel like we were on a different planet! Such a unique and interesting place, I’d like to go back one day.

    We hit Perth at dark, stopping for some suburban Thai food (missed the flavours!), feeling strange about being under the bright street lights, noise and traffic again. A quick set up in Big4 Midland and a late bedtime, without much of a plan for the coming days.
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