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    • Day 38

      Isenfluh day 7

      July 3, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Daddy and brendolyn did a huge canyon swing and their was also a net thing across the river that was fun to walk on and then we found some dresses at a dress shop played some games saw a super cute old castle anddddddddd went to bed
      Ps. You can tell when ever I'm trying to catch up on Journaling like this one was super short lol 😆
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    • Day 29

      Faulhornweg go First

      September 2, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      The back half of our hike was a little interesting as the clouds started to roll in. It was mainly downhill and once we reached the end destination, there was a cliff walk! Literally walking around the cliff and standing out on a point overlooking the valley! Amazing! And then...the thunder started, it began to rain, and it was perfect timing to take the funicular back. What an amazing hike, would recommend to anyone! If you look closely in one of our selfies, our hair is so staticey because of the thunder and lightning. Also fun fact: I touched an electric fence by accident!! Got a ZAPRead more

    • Day 27

      What Goes Up Must Come Down

      August 2, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Our descent was a lot quicker than the trip up, but just as breath-taking. After a 20 minute journey on the funicular we reached the cable car station and jumped onto the cable car which took us down to the village of Grindelwald. From here we took a 2 hour coach trip back to Lucerne where our day finished with gelati to refuel us for our walk back to our hotel.Read more

    • Day 7

      Hike Wengen to Lauterbrunnen

      September 17, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      We’re learning that an”easy” hike in Swiss terms is about as much as we can do!

      Today , we took the gondola to Mannlichen, caught the cable car to Wengen (4,200 feet) and hiked from Wengen to Lauterbrunnen.

      It’s a relatively short, (3k) hike on a very steep downhill trail (15% incline) that’s a challenge for knees, hips, and toes. The elevation drops 535m! Took us 2 hours with stops for water and photos.

      The reward is a beautiful view of the Lauterbrunnen Valley, complete with waterfalls.
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    • Day 29

      29. Grindelwald

      March 4 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

      Today we woke up very early to check the sledge report .We were very lucky that they were able to sort the sledge runs after the storm yesterday. The weather was cloudy, but the sledge runs were open ! We took Maddy on a walk and packed our lunch. We then got on the free bus from the campsite which takes you to the train station. Upon arriving we ordered the tickets and nearly had a heart attack when they annouced it was £40 return. Grindelwald was only a 25 minute drive away, but we bought the train tickets anyway as it was easier than going back to the van (and putting it into drive mode) and driving there.

      When we arrived, it felt like we were in Skiing heaven, not much snow on the lower slopes, but there was still a hive of activity of Skiiers and Snowboarders around the area. We rented 2 sledges and then headed to get the bus, enroute we double checked our plan of sledging the 'longest sledge run in Europe' and the lady explained that snow wasn't as much on lower slopes so we could only do 1 run before it got dark, after a quick discussion we came to conclusion this was probably a blessing as we didn't want to hike up a mountain in the clouds anyway.

      Instead we bought a hiking and sledge pass, which gave us unlimited rides up and down on the open sledge runs. We brought the tickets for £55 each and headed up. It took us about 25 mins to reach the top from the bottom and we had some nice views along the way, despite being cloudy. We got to the top and did our first run, it was seriously quick and pretty much uncontrollable, so we knew we had to get some skills to get a clean and fast run without becoming casualties. After 3 runs, we were getting the feel and how to lean into corners to accelerate down.

      This is when it became so much fun, we were drifting corners and blasting through the snow at lighting speed. I am convinced at times we were doing over 30mph, it went really fast. We were able to get over 10-15 runs in during the day and it became clearer as the day went on which was a bonus. It was so much fun.

      We managed to film alot on the Go Pro and the only downside was losing a hat (we think on the gondola). After all the buzz we got the gondola down and had some great views.

      We got back to the van and took Maddy out and then enjoyed a fondue (typically Swiss) and had a lovely chilli. It was funny finding the many bruises from the mad day.

      We were both exhausted so after watching about an hour of the sledge footage we went to bed as we had to be up and out of the campsite by 10.

      What a great day! Highlight of the trip so far!
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    • Day 6

      Moving Mountains

      September 19, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      I wonder if people who have grown up in this area ever look up and don't see the mountains. They are big, imposing, solid and enduring but maybe eventually the brain just accepts their presence and moves on. It would be a shame if the sense of awe and wonder I feel when confronted by their silent, immense presence were to diminish.

      We are catching the boat to Interlaken this morning which doesn't leave until 10:25 and with breakfast finished before 9, we are sitting on our balcony enjoying some down time before hitting the road. Maybe too much down time, as my mind has turned to toilet signage. I grew up to recognise the symbols for gender specific toilets as a wide legged stance for Gents and a filled-in triangle skirt for Ladies. The Swiss, it seems, take a much more imaginative approach to announcing their facilities and we have negotiated kings and queens, top hats and tiaras, cubism and in one establishment, a bow tie and a pink lacy bow nailed to the respective doors. Enough with the musing, though and back to the trip.

      After a short boat trip from the hotel into the centre of Interlaken and a very pleasant coffee in Interlaken watching paragliders coming into land, we are heading for Grindelwald. The route is once again spectacular, threading up a narrow, winding valley, near vertical in places with trees clinging to the rock face in seeming defiance of gravity. Around the next bend and the wall was replaced by a narrow strip of green sloping meadow, dotted with the wide eaves of typically Swiss wooden chalets. The only animals in sight were goats, presumably of the mountain variety, but every now and then, the sound of cow bells filtered through the open window. And as we climbed slowly upwards, the occasional glimpses of snowy mountain peaks hinted at the spectacle to come.

      Sitting having lunch in the sunshine under the watchful eye of the Eiger it is near impossible to find words to describe the majesty of the vista in front of us and I wish you were here to see it for yourself. Pushed up by the colliding of tectonic plates and ravaged by glaciers, the Alps are a testament to the beauty of our fragile planet. Grindelwald itself is like other Swiss towns we have visited, a picturesque village of ancient wooden buildings, expanded by tourism and concrete. But given the backdrop, it maintains a certain charm.

      There are many webcams set up throughout the region allowing you to double check the cloud cover and potential views before making the trip into a particular area, unless of course you have booked in advance and feel that having paid the ferryman, you have to travel up into the clouds to see what clouds look like from the inside. We had planned to take the cog railway from Grindelwald to Kleine Scheidegg, which reportedly offers the best view of the Jungfrau mountain range, but the webcam showed the view to be obscured by clouds so we opted instead for a glass of vino and a cold beer in a local bar in Grindelwald. Despite the bustle of the passers by and the delicate sound of thunder echoing across the valley announcing the passing of an airplane or two, the overwhelming emotion was one of contentment and peace. And so there we stayed until the cloud began to roll down the slopes of the mountain and we decided it was time to head back for the train.

      Today there was nothing particularly interesting to report, so instead I have includd the titles of 6 Pink Floyd albums and a nod to Rocky in the narrative. Possibly more for my entertainment than for yours.
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    • Day 45

      Grindelwald, day 2

      May 5 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Arrived back at the hostel after visiting the Reichenbach Falls. Discovered that the Mexicans had left my dorm and been replaced by Johanna and Therese who are on their gap year inter-railing. They are from Drammen(?) in Norway. After an hour or two together we felt like old friends. Boosted by the fact that Therese was wearing a Liverpool top (Johanna had gone for Barca Messi)!! We went for dinner at the cow restaurant. I had veal Bratwurst. They had pork steak (T) and Wienerschnitzel (J). Had a great evening hanging out. We met up for breakfast the following morning as well before I departed. I do hope we will meet again, perhaps even on their inter-rail tour - although their tour is the most organised ever! so a detour to meet so to me might not be possible.

      I feel very grateful. I’ve met up with some lovely people over the past few weeks, some of whom have been kind enough to offer me accommodation, others who have said they will go climbing with me and others who I hope I will be friends with for a long time. Travelling alone can be challenging and occasionally lonely but this has made it so worthwhile.
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    • Day 18

      Interlaken (Day 5) - Grindelwald

      August 23, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      What we did:
      - Slept in after a glorious nights sleep and wonderful to wake up in the mountains! Nice coffee in town before making the trek towards Grindelwald
      - Grindelwald was easier to get to from our old airbnb so a bit of extra train travel to get over there but oh well!
      - Walked through Grindelwald before taking the 25 minute gondola (super long but picturesque Mountain Views) up to the top of First Mountain.
      - Solid two hour round trip hike to lake Bachalpsee capped by the “First Cliff Walk”. Cliff walk is single file grated floor/glass railing walk over the valley floor. Trent did okay heights wise given the railings and how many tourists there were.
      - First day of the trip where we really saw a large group of Disney World-esque tourists that kind of took us out of it. Everywhere else shocked us by how uncrowded it was so we were bound to get this at some point. Not our favorite hike but still solid.
      - Had a nice pizza dinner back in Wengen with an awesome night cap at a patio bar with live music and views of the mountain/cobblestone streets. Great cap to the Jungfrau region!
      - Read in the hotel and called Mom/Helen to plan for Amalfi!

      What we ate:
      - Coop grocery breakfast bars and pretzel bun sandwiches (this place rocks).
      - Salad and pizza dinner at Ristorante de Sina. Sticking strong to no alcoholic drinks at dinner - thriving on the big bottles of sparkling water!

      Fun Facts:
      - For friends/family wanting to do this trip, we recommend the first two days stay in Grindelwald (do canyoning, the First hike and Panorama/Eigen trails) and then transfer to three days staying in Wengen/Lauterbrunnen area (paragliding, North Face walk. Murren/Gimmelwald)
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    • Day 5

      Train from Luzern to Grindelwald

      September 15, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      We traveled through Interlaken to the alpine town of Grindelwald. Swiss trains are famously punctual but ours ran into technical difficulties and we were stopped for an hour outside Interlaken.

      We had some beautiful scenery along the way, including Lake Brienz.Read more

    • Day 5

      Grindelwald First

      September 15, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      Grindelwald is like a storybook illustration. All around us are views of Eiger Northface, and Jungfrau. Our hotel is an old traditional Inn, run by the same family since 1899. The Hotel Gletschergarten window boxes are full of flowers. Our room is small but recently remodeled and has amazing views.

      Although the train was a little late, we still had time to check-in to the hotel in Grindelwald and walk to the gondola up to First. It was spectacular and breathtaking to walk out onto the Cliff Walk.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Grindelwald, جريندلفالد, Гринделвалд, گریندلوالد, גרינדלוולד, ZHJ, グリンデルワルト, Гриндельвальд, گراینڈلوالڈ, 3818, 格林德瓦

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