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    • Hari 8


      29 Agustus 2019, Swiss ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Die Tage starten eigentlich alle gleich...Zwischen halb neun und neun kurzes "Guten Morgen" im Schlafzimmer und dann husch husch Gas geben im Wohnzimmer.
      Nach den üblichen "Wechselspielchen" zwischen Mama und Papa, initiiert durch den Zwerg, schaffen wir es recht zügig in den Tag und damit nach Ascona zu starten.
      Ascona ist ein nettes Schweizer Städtchen, ja, es liegt in der Schweiz, nicht in Italien und hat eine schöne Promenade zu bieten. Die Restaurants etwas teurer, aber eigentlich auch nur dem Seeblick und dem Gesamtpanorama angepasst.

      Nach guten 2-3 Stunden Promenade und Gässchen beschauen, geht es wieder in Richtung Italien. Ein kurzer Stopp zum Tanken inklusive, da ausnahmsweise mal etwas billiger in der Schweiz als sonst wo ist. Danach noch eine kurze Rundfahrt durchs Hinterland, Stopp bei Lidl, um Vorräte aufzufüllen und dann nach Hause.

      Abendessen in guter italienischer Manier mit Tortellini und dann noch den Zwerg fertig machen. Ab Heia, Mama und Papa Gloptap oder Laptop oder Glotze...Fernsehen halt...

      Morgen...wir schauen mal wie laut es die Nacht über in der Birreria gegenüber wird...
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    • Hari 126

      Stopover am Lago Maggiore

      8 September 2022, Swiss ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nach 2 Tagen Fieber und Erbrechen hat auch Tini nach sorgenvollen Tagen Magenschmerzen und wir fahren los an den letzten Ort in der Schweiz, den wir uns ansehen wollen. Wir fahren aber aufgrund unseres gemeinsamen Unwohlseins aber nur durch den Ort und dann auf einen Campingplatz am Lago Maggiore. Hier haben wir Platz für Thilda zum Krabbeln, sie findet fleißig Pilze und Mücken finden uns. Letzte Nacht in Italien hat es extrem geregnet, so auch hier, und alles ist noch recht feucht und mückenfreundlich gehalten.
      Thilda geht auf Entenjagd, da sich eine Frau Ente vor unserem Bus niedergelassen hat und freundlichst auf ihr Essen wartet. So sei es, die beiden teilen sich die Maiscracker, die wir seit 4 Monaten im Auto spazieren fahren 😊
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    • Hari 55

      Switzerland - just for an hour

      10 Mei 2023, Swiss

      10/5 Switzerland and back to Stresa
      We did our ‘Lake Maggiore Express’ tour today, a fairly full day leaving Stresa by train at 10.30 – we had the option of going at 9.30am but it was still a bit drizzly so hedged our bets. We got talking to an NZ couple from Kati Kati on the platform, I think they were on an eight week trip just going from place to place as the fancy took them, train for most of it, booking a couple of days ahead. Kept running into them later, nice to chat. It was only half an hour to Domodossola (the train speedo in the carriage got up to 140 kph), skirting the lake at first (great view of the three small islands we’d visited) then starting up into the mountains. We passed some enormous quarries, one with big stones tumbling down, and another on a few levels where the trucks etc were dwarfed.

      Domodossola – we had about an hour to wander round, the town square was a short walk away through little alleys and bigger streets, lots of nice shops if you had plenty of money to buy clothes. There was a tiny market in the square, just a few vegetable stalls and some clothes, nice and sunny with lovely old buildings and, of course, a church for me to go and look inside. A bit dark but some lovely stained glass, and very old, faded frescoes on the entrance walls.

      Then it was back on the train into our assigned seats, lucky to get window seats facing each other and the aisle seats were taken by a very pleasant couple from Manchester who had lived for three years in Christchurch and Auckland, he is an insurance assessor and was sent out at the time of the earthquakes in Christchurch, they really loved their time there, children did well, in fact they left the oldest one in Auckland working.

      This train trip was much slower, two hours, and it took us over 83 bridges and 31 tunnels (mostly short ones), some of the bridges were stone, old, on high arches, more like small viaducts I guess, and some were on a curve so you could look out and see the engine ahead of you. In some places the road ran parallel or down below, there were tiny villages perched up high with no visible roads going to them; you have to wonder if they’re like those ones you see on TV, houses sold for 50 Euro if someone will reno within a specified time. All seem to have a high church tower and all seem to be painted that soft browny creamy yellow colour with brown tiles.

      There were a lot of tiny vineyards as we got a bit higher, not a lot of growth on them but still showing some green leaves. Lower down we saw market gardens, paddocks ploughed in wide strips with grass in-between, a few tree nurseries, and what looked to be rows of berry bushes in one place. There were azaleas showing colour, houses with huge stacks of wood beside them, and in some places just little ruins of houses miles from anywhere.

      We had a great view back down to Domodossola from up high, then we were into the mountain trees, lots of high cliffs and a few waterfalls, high cloud fortunately as we’d had rain. It would be a very pretty trip in winter with snow all around.

      Going over the Swiss border wasn’t obvious, in fact we saw more chalet-style houses on the Italian side. We’d had to take our passports but they weren’t checked at any time on the trip, I think you just have to take them in case you get stuck in the other country (we had to take them when we went across to Malmo as well).

      It was drizzling a bit when we got to Locarno, not a great deal to see there in our 80 minute stop so we hopped on the little tourist train which was a really good idea as it took us away from the waterfront, much of the town slopes upwards, great views down to the lake. We passed through a few piazzas; the main town square we were told is turned into an ice skating rink in winter. The town apparently has only 16,000 population but it seemed bigger, lots of fairly high apartment buildings, quite big commercial buildings, a fairly big shopping area and lots of restaurants and accommodation as well as a fairly big marina on the lake and a very new-looking sports/aquatic centre.

      The last leg of the trip was on a ferry, two hours 20 min down the middle of the lake (which is actually long and narrow) down to Stresa. We snagged a table by a window and sat comfortably for the trip, had a snack and drink and watched the scenery on both sides. The lake seems to be built up with towns and strung-out houses, not much empty space to be seen, such a contrast to anything you would see lakeside in New Zealand. The ferry was on three levels, made a couple of stops before Stresa and we watched a big tour group stream off at one point, that ‘cleared the decks’ for sure.

      All in all it was a very enjoyable day, I’m pleased we were there at the right time to do that trip.

      We had dinner again at the pizza place, easy distance and a repeat of Wednesday’s meal so definitely no complaints. Got our packing up done and we were all set to move on to Lucca on Thursday.
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    • Hari 7

      7. Tag Lago Maggiore

      22 April 2023, Swiss ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Manu hat Körper und kränkelt ein wenig und so verbringen wir den Tag auf dem Campingplatz, vermutlich wird es der beste der Reise bleiben: Mit seinem eigenen Strand, unserem top Stellplatz, kostenlosen heißen Duschen und einer Poolarea lädt der auch wirklich zum Verweilen ein. Sogar einen Familienbereich gibt es, wo Ben ein ausgiebiges Bad nimmt.
      Das hat er auch zu seinem 6. Lebensmonat auch reichlich verdient!
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    • Hari 8

      8. Tag Lago Maggiore

      23 April 2023, Swiss ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Nach Körper gestern kam heute für Manu die "schlimmste Nacht" dazu, jeder male sich bitte Horrorszenarien auf Campingplätzen selbst aus. Zum Glück haben wir den Abreisetag um einen Tag verschoben. Die gewonnene Zeit nutzen wir, um das WoMo für morgen startklar zu machen.
      Und wir konnten trotzdem Locarno besuchen und Ben entdeckt dort seine Liebe zu Pizza.
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    • 2:1

      1 Juli 2023, Swiss ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Und dann doch wieder anders. Kaum war der ersten Berg überwunden und die Grenze zur Schweiz überfahren, war die Idee geboren, doch wieder umzuplanen. Statt die restlichen 60 Kilometer mit Berg nach Locarno zu nehmen, nun lieber um den nächsten Berg rum. Das bedeutete zwar nur rund 300 Höhenmeter und keine stundenlange Schieberei, aber dafür weitere 100 Kilometer bis nach Locarno. Wie so oft ging die Abstimmung 2:1 aus, wobei mein Protest relativ leise ausfiel. Hauptsache kein Bus oder Bahn…..Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 4

      Guten Morgen aus Agarone!

      26 Mei 2023, Swiss ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Ein super Blick aus dem Bett auf die umliegenden Berge und ein sehr gutes Frühstück sollten die Motivation für den 4ten Tag entsprechend steigern. Heute eher eine flache Etappe, wunderschön am Lago Maggiore entlang, Grenzübertritt nach Italien und dann ins Flachland. Mal schauen wie sich das so anfühlt!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 3

      Angekommen, Tag 3

      25 Mei 2023, Swiss ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nachdem wir noch unsere Bergankunft hinter uns gebracht und das Wohnmobil doch noch hier abstellen konnten, gab es erst mal die obligatorischen 2 Weizenbiere und das Zielfoto. Und ein sehr gutes Abendessen!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 799

      Lake Maggiore, Italian Switzerland

      13 Agustus 2019, Swiss ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      During our time in Portugal, we became friends with Remo, a keen motorbiker who lives in the county of Ticino, the Italian part of Switzerland. He kindly invited us to visit him during our time there and we are so glad that we did.

      The journey there took us over the Simplon Pass, into Italy, back into Switzerland and then along the twisty lakeside road to just beyond Locarno.

      While making our way up hairpin bends to Remo's apartment overlooking Lake Maggiore, we quickly understood why he recommended that we leave the motorhome and trailer in storage! The views over the lake from his balcony were breathtaking with undulating hills and mountains dotted with small villages that shone like diamonds at night. We felt like celebrities!

      Out on the bike, we spent a day doing a circular route which took us up hairpin bends and over the famous Saint Bernard Pass (not to be confused with the Great St. Bernard Pass that we had done previously) and then back via the Lukmanier Pass. Once again we were mesmerised by the scenery of lush greenery, high mountains, waterfalls, lakes and houses, whose balconies were dripping with colourful flowers.

      Together with Remo, he introduced us to the two valleys behind Locarno - the Valle Maggia where granite villages cling to steep hillsides and waterfalls cascade down to the Maggia River below and the Val Verzasca where the Verzasca River has carved a deep 26km gorge through the mountains and is home to Corippo, Switzerlands smallest hamlet of just 13 people. The granite-built and thick slate roofs of the houses that dot the valleys are like taking a step back in time. Today some are still lived in and many are holiday homes.

      We stopped at the 220m-high Verzasca Dam and watched the brave (or crazy) bungee jump for their adrenaline shot trying to emulate the opening sequence of the James Bond film 'Goldeneye' that was filmed there.

      Unique to Ticino are 'Grotti', rustic inns or restaurants, that are open from around April to October serving traditional Swiss - Italian dishes, usually cooked in open kitchens with wood fires. They tend to each have their own specialities, of say, polenta, and we tried a couple for lunch during our stay. We were not disappointed as we dined al fresco in natural surroundings.

      We had planned on seeing more of this beautiful country and ticking off some more of the famous mountain paths on the bike but, by the end of our week, it seemed as though the great weather we had enjoyed so far was starting to break. Time to head south.

      We cannot thank our friends Michelle, Shaun and Remo enough for their hospitality and for introducing us to Switzerland. There is still so much more to explore that we shall definitely be back.
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    • Hari 123

      Wunderschöner Lago Maggiore

      1 Maret 2021, Swiss ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Mein kleiner Traum wird wahr, einmal den viel besungenen Lago Maggiore zu sehen! Juhu🙌 da sind wir!😁

      Uns zieht dieser See förmlich in seinen Bann.....dieser bezaubernde Lago Maggiore liegt eingebettet in der umliegenden Bergwelt, deren Gipfel sich teilweise noch schneebedeckt im Bergsee wiederspiegeln!
      Wir stehen auf dem Campingplatz Rivabella direkt am See! preislich akzeptabel 😅

      Uns begegnen hier sehr mutige Enten, die mit einem Hüpf ins Wohnmobil flattern, um uns ein Stückchen Keks abzuluchsen!
      Prima, Abendbrot schon drin 🤭🤣

      Am nächsten Tag geht es mal wieder mit den Räder los, das Umland erkunden und rauf zur Staumauer "Diga di Verzasca"! Wo die Anfangsszenen vom James Bond Film "GoldenEys"gedreht wurde 😄 ist schon echt gigantisch hoch und beeindruckend! Da mit dem Bungeeseil runter, Horror!🤯

      Das Wetter ist frühlingshaft.....richtig mollig warm, so genießen wir den Abend mit einem Glas Wein 🍷 am Ufer des See! Wo ein Dudelsackspieler uns eine musikalische Einlage seines Könnens bietet. Eine romantische Stimmung mit Gänsehaut😎
      Und wir sagen für heute......Gute Nacht 😴 schlaft schön!
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