Beitou District

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    • Dag 1

      2 Liters of salty sweat

      6 september 2017, Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Lin took me hiking in Yangmingshan NP north of Taipei. I will never ever underestimate 32 degrees Celsius and 100% humidity again: take plenty of water with you.

    • Dag 2

      Day 2 - hospital observations begin

      3 juli 2018, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      So it's day two and it was just as busy as day one. Omg I'm so tired and my feet are so sore.
      The day started with a group of us heading to a local store that sells traditional Taiwanese breakfasts. We spent a good 15 with a translation app and a list of foods a buddy gave us and we think we figured out some of the menu and all decided to have rice and vegis but then somehow got to ordering and ended up with egg in pastry and an iced tea (which was probably a bit on the sweet side for me) but both were very nice. Then back to the dorms and got ready and headed off to the bus which took us to a private hospital - shin King Wu ho-su memorial hospital, where we are doing our observations. We were ushered into a meeting room and given a weekly itinerary, a pen and a Chinese newspaper. We had a welcome and learnt a little bit about the hospital and their values. I have learnt that they are very people orientated and have many staff to ensure that people are followed throughout their hospital experience and that as an 800 bed hospital they are considered small (I know right.. What!?). I also learnt that they don't have a level four because that is the number for death, so the levels skip the number four. everything in the hospital is a combination of Chinese and English, especially the patient diagnosis on the charts as they hand over diagnosis in English. It's so bilingual, I love it. After our quick intro and tour of the bottom floor. We broke up into two groups and had a tour of either the surgical ward or medical ward and then swapped. We started in the general surgical ward were they look after patients who have had abdominal, breast or thyroid surgeries. They explained that they have stretchers they put out next to each of the patients beds, where they have a family member stay with the patient and help them with everything they need like eating or getting up to go to the toilet. And each room only has a suction and oxygen port. They use portable monitoring equipment if the patient requires observations to be completed. They showed us the store room where they keep all of their drugs and equipment, and the new cloud computer system. Everything is barcode controlled. The patients IDs the staff IDs, even monitoring the monitors are scanned and then the cloud attaches the results to the patients file. They have an electronic whiteboard at the nurses station that had each of the beds on the screen with icons that say of they are contagious, gender, condition, if they have a DNR etc. And you just have to click the bed on the map and everything about the patient comes up and on their computer the entire patients file and all test results can be accessed. After the surgical ward we headed over to medicine where the ward structure is the same. Interesting they apparently don't have a specific in patient cancer care ward, so patients who are on cancer medications get put onto a general ward and their meds get put in a locked cupboard and the general ward nurses dispense them. After our ward tours we went to lunch. We walked down a side street near the hospital and we all stopped at different vendors to get some lunch. I had a scallion which is pretty much naan bread which an egg layer and corn. It was so tasty. Then we headed back to the hospital and had a tour of the Osce centre where students take their practical assessments. The rooms are proper examination rooms and a resus room but they have one way windows on one side so that the professor can stand on the outside and see and hear everything without the students being able to see them. They have twelve hurdle assessments they need to pass in this section. Then we had a tour of the cancer treatment prevention centre which is pretty much just an office and a consultation room. This is where cancer screening is undertaken and then if diagnosed the patient gets a case manager who looks after them for a minimum of 5 years regardless of if they go into remission or not. And they are provided with an oncologist. The support team just provides them with any assistance and provides regular assessments and check ups. After that we were done for the day and half the group headed back to the dorm while all of us parameds caught the train into the city and had an explore. We stopped at a few shops and spent some time in a winnie the pooh store where Nikki brought something for her sister and then we went to a 511 store where they boys brought some pants, a top and torches between them. It was mostly cloths and bags, which I was hoping for a little more gadgets and stuff but that's ok. And then we wandered and looked around on the way back to the train where we headed to some night markets to meet up with the rest of the group. The night markets were pretty cool. Absolutely huge and very similar to all Asian markets really. We all just wandered for ages and brought different foods and shared them around. Fried stinky tofu is ok but weird, pig blood cake is just like chewy weird texture grossness, vegetable dumplings are soo good, and spicy mushroom chunks are also super tasty. While there we came across a temple which was nice and traditional with people praying which I loved because it shows its functional in the community. And we all pulled a fortune stick but the fortunes are all in Chinese so I have no idea what mine says lol. Then we headed back to the dorms, showered and now I'm soo ready to sleep the screen is blurry. Night xoLäs mer

    • Dag 19

      Day 19 - Day for the buddies

      20 juli 2018, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      With classes officially over we were free to do what ever we wanted today. So in true Aussie fashion we started with no plan and a sleep in. Then Sam and just being the only people up, headed out and went across to the traditional Taiwanese breaky place and got rice rolls for breaky. Then got back and walked up all the stairs because the power to the building had been turned off due to maintenance. Then after a couple of hours, lots of conversation and a couple of hiccups - we had a plan. First we got everyone up, even the party girls who had a big night last night and met downstairs at 10.30am. Wesley had made everyone individualised postcards. They are so cute. After he handed them out the group headed off to the MRT. We had the whole group minus 3, and like 7 buddies. It was such a good day. After a MRT transfer and a short walk we ended up at some cultural gardens. The gardens where really pretty and there were hit springs, a national library, and cultural centre. All free to explore. First we walked around the edge of the gardens and along the hot spring river, stopping at one point to test the temperature of the water, and went to the hot Springs. It was one little Lake that was bubbling it was so hot, you could see the steam and feel the heat radiating off the water. What was kinda cool was that at the far end on the other side of the walk way was a water fall, that you could feel the cold spray coming off. Totally not what I expected. It also had up on a little ledge a little prayer house and outdoor wood fire. That was well maintained and had incense burning. So clearly in use. Then we made a pit stop at the hot spring suvanier shop and then headed to lunch. On the way we passed the library which has a Lillie pond out the back and what beautiful architecture. Everyone had different ideas but most of us ended up at sushi express. I just followed the main group because I felt that would be easier. Then we headed to the cultural centre. It wasn't very big. But it showed that there are indigenous individuals and a little history to the country. Honestly, there really isn't much. For the most part it's like they never really existed before China took over and now they just exist the way they do. It was kinda nice to read that some people have close contact with the land and their beliefs and that there is that indigenous community. Then we headed back on the MRT. Most people got off at the uni stop but Sam, toni, Sara and sahama and I kept going and went to the supermarket. Sam, toni and I did an epic shop for our buddies goodbye party. We got doritoes and salsa, Tim Tam's, made fairy bread, got soft drink and got plates and cups. Then we headed back to the dorm. Sophie and toni made the fairy bread and ran out to get some fruit for the fruit platter. A bunch of the girls set up a picnic area on the grass out the front of the dorm and Sam and I ran around food street like headless chickens organising food, shocking vender with how much we were ordering. It was hectic and epic fun. First we stopped at the dumpling place and ordered $300 worth (they ate $6 each), then we found a vendor that does sweet potato chips (meant we didn't have to walk 15 mins to kfc so we could make chip buddies) that were amazing, then we went to the meat meal place and ordered two meals (with the help of a bilingual amazing bystander) and went to our regular fried rice place and go 6 fried rices and 2 noodles. I headed back with everything while Sam was waiting at the fried rice place and she arrived about 5-10mins after me. Everyone was outside, the girls had stolen the wooden seating boxes from the lounge rooms and taken them outside and two tables from by the front of the dorms and set up an awesome seating area with food in the middle. And everyone just ate, drank, listened to music, danced, chatted, played cards and had an amazing time. All of the food was gone except for the bread, and one and a bit rices. Everything else was demolished. And all of the buddies were laughing and having an amazing time and Wesley ran over and ate quickly on his lunch break from work. We taught them the nut bush and the macarina. All around we had the best night and everyone enjoyed it. When the bin man arrived we just collected everything and dumped it in the bin and the boys took all the boxes back up stairs and the tables back to the dorms for us which was awesome and we just sat around chatting and listening to music for ages. It was so good. A while bunch of them are upstairs atm, drinking and playing cards but I tapped out. It's midnight and I'm stuffed. I showered and now I'm hiding in bed, ready to crash. We fly home tomorrow night (11pm) I wonder what the day will bring? Night xoLäs mer

    • Dag 119


      18 december 2022, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Hier noch mal ein Wrap up der letzten Wochen ( siehe Fotos) 📸
      Die letzten Wochen sind wie im Fluge vergangen.

      Inzwischen neigt sich das Auslandssemester schon dem Ende zu. Bevor es jedoch zurück ins kalte Europa geht und das neue Semester in Mannheim startet, reise ich noch ein bisschen weitere durch East Asia.

      Ich freue mich schon darauf Vietnam und Thailand zu entdecken. Dieses mal geht es aber weiter auf Polarsteps. Die App ist definitive besser geeignet zum mitreisen .😉✈🗺
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    • Dag 1

      And so it begins

      2 juli 2018, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      And so the adventure began with an 11pm flight from Brisbane international to Taipei where we will be spending three weeks at the national Taipei university of nursing and health sciences. We are going to be learning about natural medicines, health systems in Taiwan and doing hospital observations which is going to be so exciting!
      After a sleepless night on the plane where I watched the greatest showman, and red sparrow we arrived at 6.10am local time, got through customs (in like an hr!) and then got picked up in arrivals by four of our buddies with a big yellow sign saying 'welcome QUT students', and then we took a group picture with a massive TV screen on the wall.. So Weird. From the airport we were on a bus making our way through the centre of Taipei. The humidity and heat is exactly what I expected, but the old buildings and huge amounts of greenery were not. My immediate thought was Thailand VS Borneo, odd ... But very cool. The bus took us to our dorms where we got our room mates and dropped off our stuff. In my room is Nikki, Emily and sahama. From there we walked around to every bank in the city so that people could get cash out and then caught to the train two stops down and we went to the supermarket. Which is kinda like woolies, kmart and a bottle-o combined, interesting place with some fascinating objects lol. Then we jumped back on the train back to our near uni stop and had some lunch at a little store. I had chicken and noodles. It was ok, not much flavour but by this point I was starving, so it tasted awesome. From there we went to three different phone stores and ended up getting a sim card. $50 Australian for calls and unlimited 4G so I should be sweet for the trip now, especially because the dorms don't like my wifi log ins so I can't get access. After that was sorted we headed over to our first class, which was an introduction of Health in Taiwan. The teacher skipped over it pretty quick and we went across the road to the health building where they showed up a section of their lobby where you can go your own health checks, weight, height, bmi, muscle mass, BP, spo2, temp, grip strength and endurance. Which is very cool. Apparently anyone can come in and use their travel card (which we had to buy for the train) to complete your own check up. Something to the locals, especially the older population does regularly. Apparently in schools here this full complete health check is done every semester while registering for the classes, even in primary school. Then we had a chat about how they are implementing programs for the older population. The area has been divided into divisions and each group of 50 houses has one social working/health person that looks after that region and makes sure that the people get access to the facilities that they need. From what I understand, they don't have nursing homes everywhere like they do back home, and try to keep people people as healthy and independent as possible for as long as possible. With free vaccinations for kids, and vaccination being a pre-requisit for school admission and classes for older people to encourage exercise and on how to prepare healthy meals and maintain proper nutrition. They also have a little museum of the history of health in Taiwan with old blood machines and pharmaceutical equipment. But everything is on Chinese so we couldn't actually read anything lol.
      Once finished at the health centre we went next door to the fire station. They have a large number of stations across each of the different devisions of Taiwan. And this one in Taipei is the largest with the most number of different speciality trucks. The station wasn't very big in size the trucks were parked close together and all squished in. They have a main dispatch call centre (119) and then the numbers get transferred to the different stations. The jobs they get called to the most are traffic accidents and snake catching. They have a number of venomous snakes in the area which they put in old 20L water containers and take to the animal sanctuary. They also have the ambulance run out of the same station. The ambulances are soo different then back home and their scope of practice is limited compared to us. They have no drugs or monitoring equipment. They literally just put people of the metal stretcher and drive them to the hospital. They do have cannulation equipment but they apparently very rarely every time. One cool thing is that they have a mechanical CPR machine. After we spent time going through all the kits and equipment, and one of the girls, Sam got dressed up in a full fire fighter gear we went back to the uni and up into the conference room. We got a copy of the week's itinerary, learnt some Chinese words and played snap using Chinese words that we wrote on card. After that we went back to the dorms and had a little down time before a bunch of girls went out and found some dinner. We walked around and checked out the streets and some of the food stalls and ended up eating hot pots. I had a chicken curry pot which they prepare and bring to the table and place them on a hot plate and you wait for it to cook. There were so many different things in the pot that I have no idea what I was eating, but it was pretty good. Then we headed back to the dorm, stopping at the 7-eleven on the way. I brought some tea to have in the dorm because we have hot and cold water. And then it was back to the dorm to shower and pass out. It's been a really long day but not too bad for a first day. Night xo
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    Beitou District, Beitou, 北投區

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