Wat Pa Kham

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    • Dag 12

      Day 12

      17. februar, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C


      We woke up too early for my liking and Alfie didn't quite make it for his morning swim, but eventually we made it to breakfast and checked out. It was the day for the bus from Chiang Mai to Pai, infamous for its steep winding roads with 762 turns. When we booked our ticket it suggested we took motion sickness pills beforehand. We boarded at 9.30 into a small bus where our luggage was concerningly strapped to the roof. I quickly fell asleep on the way out of the city but not for long, as I wake up to my head being slammed into the side of the bus on the first hairpin turn. I guess the road had started. It was a beautiful road and would have been lovely to ride a scooter on, but that'll have to wait to tomorrow.

      I'm not sure if it was the motion sickness pills or I was super tired but I kept passing out before being woken from another slam of a hairpin turn. We stopped halfway where I grabbed an ice cream before heading back on the road to Pai. We ended up arriving an hour ahead of schedule so I guess our driver was cruising along. We hopped out the bus in Pai before we could check-in to our hostel but thought it was worth a shot anyways. We arrive and meet our host, Momo, who all the reviews had raved about. He allows us to check in early and we sort ourselves before heading out into Pai's main street (which for once was directly outside our hostel) and went for some lunch.

      After, we went on the hunt for renting a scooter. After realising that we were too late in the day to get any from the big companies that we were gonna get some from originally, we eventually found this small place with a very nice couple of people running it. They were fine renting to me as I said I had ridden before, which isn't technically a lie but isn't far off. My logic was an automatic would be easy enough - and I was right... only after taking slightly too long to turn the scooter on. Alfie however hadn't ridden before but one of the guys there (I think his name is Eddie) who was an 18 year old English teacher so, was generous enough to give Alfie a free lesson in an empty lot. What a dude.

      After the amazing lesson, Alfie hopped on the back of my scooter and we drove to "Two Huts" to watch the sunset over the mountains. It was as beautiful as it was touristy (which yes I know still includes me and Alfie). We drove back and meandered around the night market, looking at dry bags, a bookstore, and Jetboil brand backpacks??? We then grabbed some food - I went for a mystery meal but the ladies running the stall pointed and said spicy so I fucked around and found out. It wasn't too much that I would have started sweating but I was definitely not far off. We went via a 7-11 to grab some snacks then sat on some chairs at our hostel and ate. This was when we started properly chatting to Momo. He is hilarious and a lovely, giving guy. We were then joined by a German guy who kept telling me his name but I kept forgetting, and 2 English peeps and we sat around chatting and talking whilst Momo grabbed us some blueberry fried rice with sesame seeds and milk. Its hard to explain but apparently the people in the mountain make it once a year during Chinese New Year and we were lucky enough to try some. He then promised to cook some more up for me and Alfie to pack away tomorrow, as well as giving us melon and some soju, absolutely free of charge. He said he loves seeing people enjoy new food. What a fun guy.

      And with that, I had a shower and popped to bed.
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    • Dag 13

      Pai am Abend - alles Party

      18. januar, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Heute auch das erste Mal abends in Pai gewesen und es war definitiv nicht das letzte Mal. Leckere Garküche, Bars, Klamotten und Nippesstände. Jeder dritte Laden bietet Marihuana fein sortiert und aufgereiht wie in der Apotheke an. Auch Magic Mushrooms soll es hier geben. Wir kaufen nix, uns reicht schon, was so in der Luft liegt 🥴.Læs mere

    • Dag 12

      11.Tag: Pai

      10. august 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Heute kam Irmi spät aus dem Bett, das letzte Bier gestern muss schlecht gewesen sein!
      Unser Tag begann um halb 11 mit einem leckeren Frühstück in einem der tollen Lokale hier. Dann holten wir uns einen Roller für die Tage hier in Pai (2,50 € pro Tag 🤯). Wir fuhren durch die sattgrüne Gegend und schauten uns einiges an. Highlight war heute der Pai-Canyon und nach regnerischen Tagen das erste Mal wieder Sonnenschein☀️.
      Am späten Nachmittag sind wir in unseren Hotelpool gehüpft und jetzt zum Abendessen holten wir uns auf dem Nachtmarkt ein paar typische Leckereien.
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    • Dag 16

      Chiang Mai ➡️ Pai

      26. marts, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Quite sad to be leaving Chiang Mai today, it's such a cool city, I feel like I only scratched the surface, definitely my favourite stop so far. Plus I loved my hostel and met some really nice people. But unfortunately on to the next place, I know I can always come back and don't want to get stuck in places too long.
      After breakfast and packing up my bag, I went to a few second hand stores in hope of finding another pair of trousers. I'm not great at clothes shopping at the best of times but with the heat, a lack of concentration and such a huge selection of clothes with tiny sizing, I didn't succeed.
      I got picked up in a mini bus from my hostel and had a 3 hour drive to Pai. The roads for the second half of the journey were so windy as we drove up and down through the mountains, some of the corners were so sharp we were doing over 180° turns.
      I had purposely skipped lunch as I knew the journey would be winding and I didn't want to feel ill, so by the time I arrived in Pai I was STARVING. By some happy accident I walked in the opposite direction from where the minibus dropped us to where my hostel was, (poor sense of direction even with Google maps) but I came across a tiny Banh Mi (Vietnamese sandwich) stand. And omg was one of the biggest sandwiches I've ever had and was so damn delicious!
      I'm not sure what I'm doing in Pai for the next couple days. The place has a bit of bohemian feel to it, and because of it's location I think there's lots of nature things to explore.
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    • Dag 130


      3. november 2022, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Pai ist ein sehr süßes Hippidorf und da vor einem Monat Marihuana legalisiert wurde war der Duft in den Straßen sehr Pflanzlich 😄 hier wimmelt es von Backpackern, den man kann sich einfach einen Scooter Mieten und sich einen schönen Tag machen. Wir haben wundervolle Wasserfälle, tolle Landschaft mit herrlichen Aussichten und heiße Quellen mit bis zu 80 Grad Wassertemperatur gesehen. Da fragt man sich natürlich zurecht wer warme Quellen braucht bei 35 Grad außen Temperatur aber Sina und ich haben uns zu richtigen Frost Beulen entwickelt und erfrieren bei Temperaturen unter 30. Deshalb haben wir im Gebirge von Pai Abend auch immer lange Sachen an gehabt. Denn die Temperaturen sind jeden Abend unter 27! Grad gefallen. Sonnenuntergangen gesehen. Es gab jeden Abend streetfood auf dem Nacht Markt und tolle Bars. Wir haben Marie in unserem Homestay kennengelernt und viel Zeit mit ihr verbracht.Læs mere

    • Dag 27

      Sticky Waterfall and Pai

      12. januar 2022, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We left Doi Intanon national park and headed north west to stay a few days in Pai and enjoy the nature over there. As it was getting late when we left the mountains we stopped on the road just north of Chiang Mai and stayed in a Boutique Hotel we found for only £9 a night, ridiculously cheap for how nice it was

      On the way, we stopped at a very special waterfall, named 'Nam Tok Bua Tong' , but more famous for being sticky...strange right? Well, because of a minerals in the spring water which are very high in calcium a layer of calcium carbonate has coated the rocks in the water fall creating a unique structure which made the surface non slippery! That means that without problem we managed to climb up the waterfall! That was very fun 😊

      After that we drove on one of the windiest road in Thailand to arrive at Pai. A small town on a plateau up in the mountains, it has become a backpackers retreat, with great restaurants and bars. After some good dinner and drinks we headed out the next day to check out the hot springs, canyon and Bamboo bridge,the main attractions in Pai.
      The natural hot springs push up water from deep in the earth's core and hit 80° at their peak, hot enough to boil eggs, although that is specifically forbidden. There are a serious bathing pools that range from a more comfortable 40° down to around 25°. We had a good soak and felt very relaxed.
      The canyon, although I'm not sure it is actually a canyon based on the geological description of what a canyon is, was more of a steep ridge line but have great views of the surrounding mountain ranges.

      We finished the day with a walk along a raised Bamboo bridge across the rice fields to a forest temple. As it is dry season the rice fields had not yet been planned so the scenary was yellowing fields rather than the lush green we had expected but it was still a delightful walk and we stumbled across a secluded waterfall set onsite a cave which was very calm and serene. .
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    • Dag 2.306

      Going to hell

      22. marts 2022, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      It's a sad day today as I say goodbye to my little brother Aaron. He's such a nice guy with a great outlook and having spent the time in the Jungle with him has made me appreciate his being so much more. Our paths have crossed a few times on this trip but I do believe this will be our last goodbye. As I'm walking back to my bungalow I bump into Mimi and she asks if I want to join her for a coffee which is really unusual as its normally a beer. Her and Claire are going up to chill at Valhalla this afternoon and have offered me to head out with them so I rent a bike and follow them up even if it is at a slower pace. DIts a really cool place and the pool table has a new cloth on, and I really enjoy my afternoon game, even with a loss. Claire has been wanting to shave her head for over a year and when fish starts shaving his it triggers a knock on effect. She really suits it but I know that feeling of initial shock before the feeling of liberation especially with the humidity out here. It looks like its going to be a good sunset, so a little further down the road is two huts which is another place i havent been yet. Its beautiful even if theres no sunset to be had.My bite is really giving me grief so I don't drink this afternoon and get an early night to get up early for the clinic in the morning.Læs mere

    • Dag 2.297

      Off Road

      13. marts 2022, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Omg I need to get to Chang Mai to stop this every day drinking. I've partied more in the North than I did in the South and its time to have a break for a few days.In the morning i share a last coffee with Romain as he leaves today. I also received a call from my friends Ged Darryl and Jon in Singapore, i shared such good time's with them and love the fact weve stayed in touch Ip and Golf have offered to take me out again today and Daisy and Satya are going to join us so I will get to ride the Atv 4x4. He picks us all up in the truck and we head to his house so everyone can meet. We ride down through the river and spend a good few hours just exploring the area before returning to the river and joining the other Thai families that just sit in the river bathing. We are the only foreigners here and even though I have my bikini on it seems totally inappropriate to start stripping off. I sit in the river in my shorts and t shirt and love the fact the kids play so happily. On the banks of the river are little bamboo chairs and tables but they have carried them into the river to sit on. By the time we have got there there are none left but within 20 minutes a guy turns upwith fold up chairs and table and we're soon sitting as comfortably as everyone else. In the evening we share a few beers but I have an early night as just feel I'm constantly topping up the hangover.Læs mere

    • Dag 29

      Boomelicious Breakfast and Coffee House

      1. november 2016, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      We had a nice relaxing day yesterday did some sight seeing around Pai. Found an amazing breakfast and coffee place to peruse our next chapter online and make some plans. The food here is amazing and suits our tummies well. We stopped by a bookstore and I purchased a neat little card/coin trick book to try and impress Beth with some sleight of hand action. Today we ride back to Chaing Mai to tackle some admin and prep for our flight to Kathmandu tomorrow morning.Læs mere

    • Dag 8

      Fürimmer Linda

      27. april 2023, Thailand ⋅ 🌧 32 °C

      Unser zweiter Tag in Pai haben wir in einem süßen Café von einem jungen Mann und seinem Sohn gestartet, am Rande von der Stadt. Dort machten wir Bekanntschaft mit nem Stuttgarter, nach nem langen Schwätzchen machten wir uns mit dem Roller auf die Stadt zu erkunden. Bei einem Spaziergang auf Bambusbrücken lernten wir dann drei Deutsche Mädels kennen und verabredeten uns mit ihnen für den Abend. Wir trafen uns mit zwei von ihnen bei dem Weißen Buddha wieder und schauten uns den Sonnenuntergang an. Da wir den Tag über nicht so viel gegessen hatten, hatten wir umso mehr Heißhunger auf die Baahn mi‘s. So düsten wir in die Stadt und aßen dieses leckere Ding. Gesättigt und Glücklich ging es dann ab in ein zwei Bars wo wir mehrere Leute wiedertrafen und neue kennenlernten. Unter ihnen einer der sich gegen Lindas Instagram ihren Namen tätowierten wollte, da wir dachten dass er uns verarscht, waren wir umso geschockter als wir mit ihm und seinen Freunden (die wir aus Bangkok kannten) in einem Tattoo Studio standen und Linda seine Hand hielt während er sich den Namen tätowieren lies. Unglaubwürdig fuhren wir heim und mussten erstmal darauf klarkommen, was passiert ist. Verrücktester Tag und fürimmer linda auf ihm verewigt!Læs mere

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    Wat Pa Kham, วัดป่าขาม

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