
Liège-Guillemins railway station, modern architecture's greatest achievement? I'd probably say so. Light, clean, slick, non-bulky, open, fresh - so many adjectives. It makes a statement, but isn'tEn savoir plus
Liège-Guillemins railway station, modern architecture's greatest achievement? I'd probably say so. Light, clean, slick, non-bulky, open, fresh - so many adjectives. It makes a statement, but isn'tEn savoir plus
The best pub in the world!
The Belgians like their cream with a little bit of coffee. And,of course, a little waffle.
Liege, arguably Belgium's most working class city, sits straddles the Mass (or La Meuse in French) and is Wallonia's largest city. It feels quite remote, surrounded as it is by the hill's of theEn savoir plus
Bergisch Gladbach, a medium sized town just a few miles east of Cologne, is not to be confused with Mönchengladbach. Gladbach, gladbach, gladbach. Many people often use the name gladbach as shortEn savoir plus
Britain is obsessed with the Second World War. 'For a thousand years, men will still say, this was their finest hour,' so wrote Churchill. Well, men have been saying it for the past 70 years and willEn savoir plus
So I was at first surprised to find out that there is a Stalingrad in Paris. And again, surprised to find out there is a Moscou in Ghent. Moscou, a neighbourhood in Ghent, was named so because of theEn savoir plus