Celtic Sea

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    • Jour 2

      Day 2 on Passage

      13 juillet 2021, Celtic Sea ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Today is a very different day to yesterday . It is overcast and there is no wind. From the early morning the sea swell has been gradually increasing and the conditions are rolly. This is a day that just has to be endured. Ruby and Colm feel seasick. Ronan and I are tired after several shifts of night watch. The rolling prevents anyone from getting proper sleep and never allows the children to forget their queasy tummies for too long. We get some distraction from ‘eye spy’ which is made very challenging when the item spied must be outside the boat. We are in a great big fishbowl with only sea and sky and yet there was plenty of spying to be done.
      Colm does some great helming before dinner.
      We go through two traffic separation schemes around the Scillies during day light without much to report. The larger Ushant Traffic Separation Zone is much busier and we are crossing it diagonally at night time.The north going lane is full of ships with one following quickly behind another so it is hard to find a gap long enough to cross. Ronan and I go on watch together and pick the best spot to cross at, which meant travelling down through
      the dead zone for a few miles.
      The AIS is incredibly useful as it gives all the details of each ship including the speed they are travelling at and how soon and how close you will come to it. We were going to come very close to one ship Torpo. Ronan made contact and Torpo agreed that we would pass in front of him. It is an exciting and nerve wracking experience and when we are safely out of the TSS Ronan is delighted to turn in after nearly 6 hours on watch.
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    • Jour 1

      First evening at sea

      12 juillet 2021, Celtic Sea ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We have embarked on a 48 hour passage from
      Cork to Brittany. We have lovely sunshine and are motor sailing. Several pods of common dolphins come bow-riding and bidding us farewell as we watched Ireland fade to our stern. It’s chilli con carne for dinner followed by a beautiful sunset over the gas rigs. When the night finally comes the sky is full of stars. Ruby is up on night watch with Ronan and then me. She points out some of the constellations as we have a uninterrupted view of what feels like the whole galaxy. Colm pops up later during the night watch and keeps Ronan company for a whileEn savoir plus

    • Jour 1–2

      The Voyage'

      8 juillet 2011, Celtic Sea ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Shortly after I bid Chris so-long at the International Ferry port I joined the ship. Having staggered up to my cabin (Deck 8, starboard side towards the bows) with all of my touring gear, save the bike and tent we set off for Spain.

      The scale of the ship warps the perception of speed, the vessel appears to lumber forward, but my GPS reports that we are making headway at around 30mph (very fast for a big ship). Stood out on the deck, near the bow of the ship, the wind is fierce (I was seriously worried it was going to blow my tripod and camera overboard) and I can better apprehend our speed of travel.

      By night fall my GPS showed our position as being in the English Channel, directly south of Exmouth and North of Perros-Guirec in France. The sky had become overcast, which was disappointing as I had hoped for a brilliant star-field, being so far out from shore (and hence light pollution).

      Although the stars weren't out, the lights of other vessels in the busy shipping lane of the English channel could be seen across the horizon. I was woken in the night by one particularly pronounced roll of the ship, but I've fortunately experienced no sea sickness or the like.

      By the time I rose, we had passed Brest and were off Nantes in the Bay-of-Biscay. Around noon I caught my first sight of wild dolphins, playing in the wake of the ship. A guide from the Orca association assured us that we were yet to enter prime Whale and dolphin spotting territory, which begins about 3 hours out from Bilbao, but I saw only a handful more (and none close enough to be properly photographed).

      The rest of the afternoon was occupied with watching for whale and dolphin and reading on the deck (Jules Verne's "Around the World in 80 days") and generally attempting the pretense of being rather more civilized than I consider my self to be.

      I've long been fond of slightly archaic modes of travel, and a day long sea voyage to Spain well into the era of jet travel would certainly seem to count.

      My impression of the cruise-ferry is that it is an elegant mode of travel; it allows a traveler to attain a state of repose beyond the reach of those traveling by air. It certainly suits me down to the ground. Two of my failings when it comes to holidaying are that I hate to wait and I'm not very good at just relaxing. The cruise ferry seems to be a good solution to this problem, as I'm making progress whilst relaxing.

      I've a cabin, there is a cafe', restaurant and bars, amongst other facilities, so the effect is like chilling in a hotel, but I'm actually making headway. The engines produce a gentle thrum. The swell causes a rocking of the ship, barely perceptible whist sat, but quite noticeable when walking the deck.

      The fittings in my cabbin make a quite, slightly forlorn creaking as the ship pitches, which I imagine to be not far off the sounds that the timbers of a sailing schooner, or man-of-war might have made were I making this voyage 200 years ago. Altogether I find it quite therapeutic, as it reminds me that I'm on my journey.

      The sea wall protecting the harbor at Bilbao are topped with wind turbines; they were my first close-up view of Spain seen from the porthole of my cabin on the Cap Finestre as I packed my gear.
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    • Jour 2

      Day at sea

      18 juin 2022, Celtic Sea ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Relaxing crossing, fleeting view of pod of dolphins, had a chat with the resident whale expert, potential viewing when we cross the continental shelf around 5pm.

    • Jour 17

      La Coruna nach Hamburg - 1. Seetag

      23 avril 2022, Celtic Sea ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Mein Vortrag „Wer nicht kämpft hat schon verloren“ war heute meine Priorität.
      Danach waren wir bei unserem Lektor.
      Das gemeinsame Abendessen mit meinem Schwesterherz, Kurt & Suse, Hans-Peter und Sissi und ihren Freunden runden unseren Abend dann ab.

      Hans-Peter Breunig zu diesem Tag:
      „Er hält eine Stunde lang einen Motivations-Vortrag über sein Leben. Ok, einen großen Teil kenne ich schon, denn ich durfte ja ein Buch über ihn schreiben. Das dreistellige Theater ist sehr gut gefüllt, als Alex auf die Bühne schwebt - die Technik machts möglich. Alex erzählt über seine schier unglaublichen Erfolge als Ringer, begeistert mit Videos über seine Tanzauftritte bei Lets dance, erschüttert die Zuhörer über den harten Kampf seiner Rückkehr zum Sportler mach drei Schlaganfällen - und bringt mich aus der Fassung, weil er das Buch "weltmeisterlich" nennt, über mich und die Entstehung seiner Geschichte spricht und sich vor allen Leuten bedankt. Mir schießen die Tränen in die Augen, weil so etwas mit Geld nicht zu bezahlen ist.
      Nachdem ich meine Rührung verdaut habe, schmeckt das Mittagessen wieder gut.
      Und am Abend wird es wieder klasse: denn dann sind wir wieder zu Acht beim Abendessen.
      Einfach schön...“
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    • Jour 2

      Days at Sea

      29 mars 2022, Celtic Sea ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      The first two days of the trip were spent at sea, and I spent most of the final-proofing my new book in the room. The ship is HUGE - 3660 berths apparently, certainly the biggest ship we've been on. The buffet on the uppermost decks runs half the length of the ship and there are three formal dining rooms. The first night at sea was formal night, so we dressed up for dinner but the entertainment didn't appeal to us so we had a drink and a game of crib before returning to the room to read. The second night was smart casual, and again we dined and played some crib. We briefly stopped by the jazz bar on the ship before grabbing some popcorn and returning to the room.En savoir plus

    • Jour 1


      17 septembre 2019, Celtic Sea ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      337 Miles travelled today. 2 boats and 5 trains. Two tired bunnies are retiring for the night. We hope to see some whales tomorrow but here's a picture of our view this evening.

    • Jour 7

      Tag 7

      12 juillet 2019, Celtic Sea ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Heute zum ersten Hauptziel der Reise.
      Der westlichste Punkt des Festlandes von Frankreich. Etwa 3500 km weiter westlich ist Neufundland in Kanada. Dank des Golfstrom gibt es hier Palmen und Bananenstauden im Garten.
      Am späten Nachmittag ging es noch fur 3 Stunden auf Wanderung zur nähergelegenen Halbinsel Kermorvan mit seinem Leuchtturm. Leider haben wir Deutschen auch unsere "Funktionsarchitektur" (Bunker) hinterlassen.
      Das tollste war jedoch die Erkundung eine alte Burgruine auf einer Insel die nur bei Ebbe erreichbar ist. Das Highlight der Reise bisher.
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    • Jour 2

      Day 1 - At Sea

      30 octobre 2018, Celtic Sea ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Our suite, 1001, is simply magnificent. Huge living and bedroom area with a good size bathroom. The balcony is massive with table, chairs and loungers. Complementary litre bottles of whisky and gin supplemented with champagne, fresh fruit and canapés.
      1st night was very calm but we both struggled to sleep. Up at 7.30 weather cold but sunny and had breakfast in the Avon restaurant. Very restrained and we both had muesli. Good chat with an elderly couple and then did a speedy 1 mile walk around the deck - 4 laps.
      10.00am to the gym. Ran for 20 mins and 10 mins on bike, J did 10 mins on bike and some Pilates.
      Quick shower and then to Neptune lounge for a talk about Bletchley Park. The start of a series of talks by Bob Horner ex Navy and GCHQ. Very informative.
      Up to The Marquee bar for drink and read before lunch.
      Weather has turned overcast and still quite cold, sea still calm.
      Lunch in Avon, buffet, salad for both of us.
      Went to talk at 2.00pm about flatter tums but was really about acid and alkaline levels. Absolutely fascinating. Don't drink coffee, coke, artificial sweeteners all very acidic. Booked to have our BCA - body composition analysis, done tomorrow at 12.00pm.
      3.00pm talk about Gran Canaria and Las Palmas.
      Sea turned to a swell and then the sickness kick in. J felt sick but wasn't, I was sick several times. No dinner , watch Die Hard film and sleep at 10.00pm.
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    • Jour 2

      Breakfast Now?

      6 novembre 2017, Celtic Sea ⋅ 🌙 52 °F

      We've just been served breakfast at 1:44 in the morning. The local time is really a little past 6:00 AM so I guess that Delta is trying to help us get used to the time difference between Paris and New York but it's just so hard to eat a meal at this hour. I don't have to worry about eating though. The food was awful. Even worse than that herb chicken that we were served before. Delta's breakfast was a cheese biscuit that was very dry, apple butter, a slice of Monterey Jack cheese and unflavored yogurt. I ate everything but the yogurt. Not because I enjoyed it but because I was so hungry. Kathy ate nothing. She didn't like anything that was served. Hopefully we'll get something good to eat when we land in Paris.En savoir plus

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Celtic Sea, Keltų jūra, Mar Celtico, Mer celtique, Кельтское море, Кельтське море


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