Blue Mosque

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    • Day 5

      Istanbul Day 1

      July 22 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Blue Mosque:
      After a long, deep sleep, the first visit made was the Blue Mosque, also known as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque.This Ottoman era historical imperial mosque remains functioning today . I was amazed by the majesty of its architectural splendor and the peaceful atmosphere.

      Basilica Cistern:
      The Basilica Cistern is the largest underground cistern of Byzantine Constantinople. Originally built for water storage, the cistern fell into disuse after the Ottoman conquest. Rediscovered in the 19th century, it underwent restoration and opened to the public. Among the 336 marble columns, arranged in 12 rows of 28 that upholds the cistern's structure, many were salvaged and repurposed from ancient Greek and Roman temples and ruins, adding a layer of historical richness to its architecture.

      Haga Sophia:
      A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Haga Sophia is a great architectural beauty and an important monument both for Byzantine and for Ottoman Empires. Once a church, later a mosque, it is now also a museum.

      Rules changed significantly in January 2024. The entrance is free for Turkish citizens, and for tourists, the entrance fee is 25 euros only for the upper gallery. Free prayer area entrance is available to Muslim tourists at Hagia Sophia only during prayer times.

      Dinner at Olden 1772.
      In 1772, the historical Muhsinzade Inn, restored in accordance with the original and was opened as a hotel under the name Han 1772. The courtyard part of the building now serves as a restaurant that will add value to Istanbul’s rising gastronomy.
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    • Day 7–8

      Heute fuhr die 18 bis nach Istanbul

      July 21, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Es wird die wohl anspruchsvollste Aufgabe auf dieser Rallye: 19h Zeit so viele Eindrücke wie möglich in einer 18 Mio. Metropole zu sammeln.

      Weil wir auch dringend eine Dusche und etwas mehr Komfort vertragen könnten, buchen wir ein Hotel mitten in der Altstadt, in den Gassen Istanbuls, inmitten von vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten.

      90 min sightseeing gabs gleich gratis aus dem eigenen Auto heraus. Unfreiwillig natürlich…
      Die Gassen sind schmal, der Bus ist 7 meter lang. Die locals kennen keinen Blinker, dafür die Hupe umso besser. Im Statdtverkehr Istanbuls braucht man starke Nerven und Sitzfleisch.

      Mal wieder zeigt sich die türkische Gastfreundlichkeit. Genau vor der Tür hat man uns bereits eine Parkbucht abgesperrt.

      Das Zimmer hat 16 grad als wir es betreten. Nur wiederwillig verlassen wir diese Oase um nun abzutauchen ins rege Treiben Istanbuls.

      Fazit: Eindrucksvolle, bunte Stadt mit fantastischem Baklava. Unbedingt einen 2. Besuch wert 😊
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    • Day 2

      Moschea Blu

      July 10, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      La Moschea Blu, ufficialmente conosciuta come la Moschea Sultanahmet, è un'imponente struttura situata nel quartiere omonimo di Istanbul. Costruita tra il 1609 e il 1616, è celebre per le sue piastrelle di ceramica blu che adornano gli interni, donandole un'atmosfera unica. I suoi sei minareti e la grande cupola principale si ergono maestosi nel panorama della città. La Moschea Blu è un esempio straordinario dell'architettura ottomana, con il suo cortile ampio e i portici che circondano la sala di preghiera principale. All'interno, l'ambiente è magnificamente decorato con piastrelle dipinte a mano, lampadari sospesi e tappeti.
      La moschea, ancora oggi un luogo di culto attivo, accoglie visitatori da tutto il mondo, che possono ammirarne la bellezza e la sacralità. Circondata da un cortile verde e rilassante, la Moschea Blu è un'icona di Istanbul e un'attrazione imperdibile per i suoi visitatori, che possono vivere un'esperienza indimenticabile immersi nella storia e nella cultura della città.
      Merita una visita sia in notturna che in diurna! In notturna per vederla completamente illuminata, durante il giorno per ammirare la luce colorata che entra dalle bellissime vetrate.
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    • Day 1

      Erste Eindrücke

      May 9 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Mit dem Taxi ging es für 45€ in die Innenstadt zu unserem Hotel. Schon jetzt war uns klar, diese Stadt ist riesig. Gleich nachdem wir eingecheckt und unser Zimmer in Augenschein genommen haben, ging es auf erste Erkundungstour.

      Zu unserem Glück war die Sultan Ahmed Moschee 🕌 noch geöffnet.
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    • Day 93

      Day 93: Blue (Sultan Ahmed ) Mosque

      March 7 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Just next to Hagia Sophia is the Blue Mosque. It is an Ottoman-era historical imperial mosque. It was constructed between 1609-1617 during the rule of Ahmed I. It is another giant mosque and it’s free entry.Read more

    • Day 1–5

      Day 1-3

      December 1, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      We flew with Turkish airlines from Rome to SAW. We arrived at 5:30 pm and took the subway (it is convenient to get the Istanbul card at the automatic machines for 70 liras).
      After a two-hour ride we arrived in Sultanahmet, where we were staying.
      On the second day we visited the Blue Mosque early in the morning. After that we visited the Aya Sophia mosque and
      In the early afternoon the cisterns (for a fee). After that we took a tour of the Bosphorus and then to the spice bazaar.
      On the third day we spent the morning visiting the topkapi palace (for a fee).
      In the afternoon we walked to the Galata tower and visited it (extra charge). Then, after dinner, we went back to the hotel.
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    • Day 77

      We arrived in ISTANBUL 🇹🇷🫶🏼

      December 4, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      The start of our 20+ day Turkey trip!! Stoked to be here 🫶🏼❤️ 🇹🇷

      After a very long and gruelling travel day from Budapest we arrived in Istanbul! Half asleep we wondered around the city, got money out and had our first taste of that Turkish kebab goodness. The needy day we visited the blue mosque, Hagia sophia, the grand bazar and the spice bazar. We enjoyed yet another beautiful kebab enjoyed every part of the hustle and bustle this city has to offer.

      We extended our stay here for 3 more days and look forward to what we will discover next.
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    • Day 50

      Sultan Ahmet Mosque

      October 23, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Aka Blue Mosque 💙

      Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are the three Abrahamic religions, all based on a belief in one God, guidance revealed to prophets, including Jesus, holy scripture, and resurrection.

      If only commonality was our focus...
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    • Day 15

      The Blue Mosque

      October 13, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Imagine yourself as a young sultan in charge of an empire spanning parts of three continents—Asia, Europe, and Africa—your ancestors brought together through conquests. You are 13 years old and are enthroned in the capital city, Istanbul. You are confronted with the legacy of great rulers before you such as Suleiman the Magnificent and Mehmet the Conqueror. And yet, you are neither a renowned warrior nor an able administrator. How do you leave your mark on the fabric of the city that your forebears coveted and conquered? You commission one of the finest mosques in the heart of the imperial city.

      The Sultan Ahmet Mosque, popularly known as the Blue Mosque, was completed in 1617 just prior to the untimely death of its then 27-year-old eponymous patron, Sultan Ahmet I. The mosque dominates Istanbul’s majestic skyline with its elegant composition of ascending domes and six slender soaring minarets. Although considered one of the last classical Ottoman structures, the incorporation of new architectural and decorative elements in the mosque’s building program and its symbolic placement at the imperial center of the city point to a departure from the classical tradition innovated under the famous 16th-century master architect, Mimar Sinan.
      20,000 Iznik tiles rise from the mid-sections of the mosque and dazzle the visitor with their brilliant blue, green, and turquoise hues. The shade Torquise was coined here by the French due to it's shade of blue. Faded now apparently, we couldn't get in.

      The cheekiness of 6 minarets.
      Such a display was previously only preserved for the Prophet’s mosque in Mecca and the sultan was criticized for thinking a bit too highly of himself
      According to the most obvious urban legend, this whole issue was the result of a misunderstanding between the sultan and his architect. The sultan supposedly had asked to have altın minare (minarets in gold) and the architect understood altı minare (which means six minarets). A second, less plausible legend is that the architect decided that gold minarets were too expensive and therefore decided to make six of them.

      Whatever the true story behind the six minarets is, the sultan overcame the problem by paying for a seventh minaret at the mosque in Mecca.
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    • Day 50

      The Blue Mosque, Istanbul

      September 30, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      The Blue Mosque in Istanbul, also known by its official name, the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Turkish: Sultan Ahmet Camii), is an Ottoman-era historical imperial mosque located in Istanbul, Turkey. It was constructed between 1609 and 1617 during the rule of Ahmed I and remains a functioning mosque today. It also attracts a large number of tourists and is one of the most iconic and popular monuments of Ottoman architecture.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Sultan Ahmed Mosque, Blaue Moschee, Blue Mosque, Meuseujid Sultan Ahmad, Sultan Ahmet-moskee, جامع السلطان أحمد, Sultan Əhməd məscidi, Солтанәхмәт мәсете, Султан Ахмед джамия, সুলতান আহমেদ মসজিদ, Džamija sultana Ahmeda, Mesquita blava, مزگەوتی سوڵتان ئەحمەد, Mešita sultána Ahmeda, Mosg Glas, Den Blå Moske, Μπλε Τζαμί, Blua moskeo, Mezquita del Sultán Ahmed, Meskita Urdina, مسجد سلطان احمد, Sulttaani Ahmedin moskeija, Mosquée bleue, Mesquita Azul, Džamija sultana Ahmeta, המסגד הכחול, सुल्तान अहमद मस्जिद, Ahmedija, Ahmed szultán mecsetje, Կապույտ մզկիթ, Masjid Sultan Ahmed, Moschea Blu, スルタンアフメト・モスク, Masjid Biru, სულთან აჰმედის მეჩეთი, Сұлтанахмет мешіті, 술탄 아흐메트 모스크, Meschita Sultani Achmetis, Sultono Ahmedo mečetė, Sultāna Ahmeda mošeja, Султан Ахмедова џамија, സുൽത്താൻ അഹ്മദ് മസ്ജിദ്, सुल्तान अहमद मशीद, Симсӹ мечеть, Sultan Ahmetmoskee, Sultan Ahmed-moskeen, Błękitny Meczet, سلطان احمد مسجد, د سلطان احمد جومات, Moscheea Albastră din Istanbul, Голубая мечеть, Umusigiti wa Sultanahmet, Modrá mešita, Modra mošeja, Sultan Ahmedova džamija, Blå moskén, Msikiti wa Sultan Ahmed, มัสยิดสุลต่านอาเหม็ด, Sultan Ahmet Camii, Солтан Әхмәт мәчете, Султанахмет мечеть, سۇلتان ئاخمەت جامىي, Блакитна мечеть, Ahmadiya masjidi, Nhà thờ Hồi giáo Sultan Ahmed, Moske Sultan Ahmed, 蘇丹艾哈邁德清真寺

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