United Kingdom
Bloomsbury Square

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    • Day 3

      British Museum

      October 14 in England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute Nachmittag waren wir im British Museum. Es ist wirklich sehr groß und sehr stark besucht. In dem Raum mit den Mumien und in den Räumen des antiken Griechenlands kann man sich kaum bewegen. Wir konnten uns auch nicht alles anschauen, weil es viel zu viel für einen Besuch ist. Wir konnten aber einige sehr bekannte (geklaute) Kunstwerke bewundern, wie beispielsweise den Rosetta Stein, die Portland Vase, den Hoa Hakananai'a, Shiva Nataraja (Lord of the Dance) oder die mexikanische doppelköpfige Schlange.Read more

    • Day 4

      Mrs. Nesbit has Afternoon Tea

      August 29, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Day 3:
      The big ticket item today was to do something I have never done before - go to an afternoon tea. Now, I was a little hesitant about this. I usually think of afternoon tea as something someone of the flowered hat and white gloved gender does. And, for the most part, that is true. But, I was relieved to find out that occasionally men participated in these events with their wives. I wouldn't have to go as Mrs. Nesbit, after all. We went big and booked tea at Fortum and Mason. This is the place the queen would go to and was suitably named the Jubilee Tea Room. There were men there, but mostly women. I expected those little finger snacks would leave me hungry, but no. They left me filled and not hungry for the rest of the day. The smoked trout sandwich and scones were the best items. A strong Irish breakfast tea blend was my choice. Kim got the Queen Anne blend. A mix of the raspberry jam, lemon curd, and clotted cream made the best flavor for the scones. As a guy, I noted that the clotted cream had the look and texture of a fine spackle for patching nail holes in walls. As a dad, I declared that the lemon curd had the consistency of pureed peach baby food - both of which are quite tasty.

      Before going to the tea, we visited a crosswalk on Abbey Road. Yes, that famous album cover of the Beatles by the same name. We trotted across as numerous people took pictures of us. A word of advice. One needs to move quickly. Drivers here don't like to stop for pedestrians. I did, however, learn that it is illegal and generally frowned upon to run people down with a car. That was somewhat comforting, sort of.

      After the tea, Adam and I went to the British Museum, and the girls went back to the AbnB. We would meet them later. There is so much that could be said about the museum. Best in the world. There are so many significant artifacts from around the world. While there are constant requests and demands from some of the countries to have items returned, there is also good reason to keep them at the museum. At least here, anyone from any country can see these treasures free of charge and appreciate the history and culture of the country from which it came. That is significant. Speaking of significance, the Rosetta Stone is, in my opinion, the number 1 artifact in the museum and was wonderful to see.

      Lastly, we undergrounded over to Westminster to see Big Ben and walk along the Thames. On the previous trip, Big Ben was covered with scaffolding. It's all shiny and new looking now.

      Tomorrow, we travel to Edinburgh, Scotland.
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    • Day 10

      The British Museum (Pt. 1)

      September 17 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Egypt, Iraq and Greece have so much rich history…and you have to come to London to see it! #Empire

      Leaving the thorny subject of Imperialism behind, the British museum was an amazing trip. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves thoughRead more

    • Day 5

      British Museum

      May 17 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      I woke up, said goodbye to Sarah, packed my bags, and headed for the airport. It was a sad goodbye but we have already planned for another trip with Kaz and Coz back in Aus hopefully at the end of the year, so there is always that to look forward to. Travelling on my own, without a sim card was a bit of a challenge but it was kind of fun I'm a way. Back to my roots of when I was first beginning my travels. But, against the odds, I shook the rust and made it to the airport safe and sound. I caught a quick flight to London and after a couple of trains I arrived at the British museum. I dropped my bag off next door, where I was staying and headed across to begin the exploration. World famous for its ability to reflect the UKs dominance over much of the world during the colonial period, it holds (stolen) artefacts from every corner of the globe. And that is not an exaggeration, there isn't a single country that I could list that didn't have some culturally significant artefact advertised inside. The moment I entered, I was overwhelmed. You could spend days in here. I only had a few sections I was really interested in so I could kind of speed through. But, with that being said it still took me over 4 hours. The highlight for me was the Rosetta stone. But there was sections on ancient Europe, Egypt, the Middle East, Australia, language, Greece, Rome, The Aztecs (and other SA empires), North America, Japan, Korea, China, medicine, astronomy, currency, and literally hundreds more. It would take you weeks to avidly read and observe each section inside. Each site had hundreds if not thousands of artefacts. My summary of the above items does not even begin to describe how each Empire and civilisation is in some way portrayed here. Their British Empire was truly enormous. Interestingly, I saw many artefacts from many sites I had been to in Turkey, Tunisia, Italy, Peru, and so on. This was cool and depressing, knowing how complete these sites would be with the original artefacts. Ephesus being the big one. So many amazing statues stolen from their original locations that fragment and fracture the beauty and impression that the sites has on you. I already loved Ephesus but cant help but think about how much more amazing it would be with these artefacts still there. It took many many hours until I was finally done, and made desperate for a feed and a drink after all the standing and walking. I hadn't eaten and barely drank any water all day. So, I found an Asian restaurant and spent a pretty penny filling myself up there. I went back to the hostel and laid down until it was a reasonable time to sleep. It was a big day and I was eager to rest as much as I could.Read more

    • Day 9

      Tag 9/10 London

      April 9, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Früh am Morgen kamen wir am Flughafen in London an, mit der ÖV fuhren in das Zentrum der Stadt. Dort schauten wir viele Sehenswürdigkeiten an unteranderem wie Tower Bridge an, das Frühstück liessen wir an diesem Tag aus und gingen dafür etwas besser essen. Am Nachmittag bezogen wir unser Hotel. Wir verbrachten der Rest des Tages im Hotel und gingen am Abend noch ein Restaurant und assen dort.

      Am 10. Tag unserer Reise besuchten wir den Tower of London, davor gingen wir jedoch noch ein paar Sandwiches kaufen. Um 15:00 verliessen wir den Tower of London und wir liefen zurück zu unserem Hotel. Am Abend besuchten wir noch eine ausgezeichnete Pizzeria.

      Hotel: https://tinyurl.com/5n8cthma

      Flug: 162 Fr.
      ÖV: 24 Fr.
      Essen: 96 Fr.
      Tower of London: 74 Fr.

      Total: 356 Fr.
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    • Day 3

      British Museum

      November 24, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Il British Museum ospita una collezione incredibile di oltre 8 milioni di oggetti provenienti da tutti i continenti e da tutte le epoche, che raccontano la storia dell'umanità e delle sue civiltà. Potrete ammirare reperti egizi, greci, romani, cinesi, indiani e molto altro, tra cui la famosa Stele di Rosetta, il Partenone di Atene e la Mummia di Katebet. Il museo è aperto tutti i giorni dalle 10:00 alle 17:30 ed è gratuito
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    • Day 66

      British Museum & St Paul's Cathedral

      June 6 in England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Ended up being a very busy day today, so splitting this into two parts.

      First up we jumped back on the tube, headed for the British Museum. The plan here was to visit the China exhibits to see the accident relics which were "liberated" when Europe invaded China. Unfortunately this area of the museum was closed due to maintenance for dates which almost perfectly match the time we're in London... Grr. We had a sneak peak through a window at this great big stone carving and there was a famous china cup on display which recently sold at auction for 36 million USD...

      We wandered through the rest of the museum, checking out ancient Egyptian mummies, Assyrian some carvings, and other cool artifacts. But the most interesting item on display was definitely the Rosetta Stone.

      After we were done with the British Museum, we made our way over to St Paul's Cathedral. Entry was a bit on the pricey side, but it did come with a free audio guide which made the experience much more interesting. After admiring the architecture and artwork on the ground floor, we climbed up through the galleries to the top of the dome. Nathan's fear of heights kicked in at the first gallery (whispering gallery) but he soldiered on and made it right to the top. The views out over London were pretty epic.

      After we got our feet back on solid ground, we were a little bit cheeky and asked one of the staff if we could have a peek at the staircase which was included in Harry Potter. Usually this area is not open to the public, but because we asked nicely we were fortunate to be shown around.

      Done with St Paul's, we wandered off to check out some more of London's famous landmarks.
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    • Day 27

      British Museum

      July 6, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      This morning we took a trip to the British Museum.

      It would probably be a great place, if it wasn't for all those other pesky tourists who were visiting at the same time. So many people.

      Also not the best place to take little kids who have already been to too many museums on this trip.

      Lots of artefacts to see, but we rushed through fairly quickly.

      We can tick it off the list, but it will not be in our top ten favorite destinations on this trip.
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    • Day 4

      London City

      August 5 in England ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Nach dem Besuch im Filmstudio sind wir noch etwas durch die Stadt. 🚉🏙️

      Bin auf morgen gespannt, da geben wir uns die volle Touri-Dröhnung. 🤣

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