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    • Day 396

      Oxford Street und drumherum

      July 18 in England ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute durfte Bea mal ohne Aufsicht unterwegs sein. Da ihre Freundin zur Zeit auch in London ist, sind die beiden shoppen gegangen. Jörg und ich sind in der Zwischenzeit durch Mittagshitze und Richtung Soho und weiter zur Carnaby Street gezogen.
      Leider haben wir erst kurz bevor wir uns wieder mit Bea treffen wollten das Kaufhaus Liberty gefunden. Das Gebäude ist im Tudor Stil gehalten und äußerst edel. Ich kenne ein paar Menschen, die sich z.B. in der Stoffabteilung durchaus länger aufhalten könnten. (Natürlich mit mir zusammen!)
      Danach war uns allen viel zu heiß um noch irgendwas zu machen, außer zurück zum Campingplatz zu fahren und Eis zu essen.
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    • Day 15


      July 1 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Started the day waiting outside Fortitude Bakery, a London icon, especially their Beignets. It’s very popular and there’s a long line up to get these delicious chocolate custard cream filled buns. Delicious!

      Tom and I then when to the British Museum while the girls went shopping. The Museums main entrance is light filled and spectacular. Unfortunately we were there with thousands of school kids which made it difficult to see things, but it was still very interesting.

      Then it was off to Liberty. I’ve always wanted to go there, so I combined it with a visit to Trinny London as there is a counter in the store. Had a lovely hour having a mini facial and getting my makeup done! Liberty is a beautiful building and there was a Bridgeton display, as well as gorgeous fabrics and furniture. Everything is outrageously expensive, but what a place!

      After a quick pub meal we then went to see a performance of Cabaret. Tom and I loved it, but the girls weren’t as keen. Then there was a completely frustrating half an hour trying to find the tube station! Sometimes Google Maps is a big pain in the arse! We finally gave up and caught an Uber home.
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    • Day 3

      Out and about on a sunny London day

      April 29, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Who said London has poor weather?
      Today was glorious blue skies and pleasantly warm as we tackled a few significant points of interest.
      We left the apartment just after 8am to walk to St. Paul’s Cathedral for our first tour of the day. The architecture of the building is amazing and the audio tour was very informative. A real highlight (especially for Loss) was to hear the pipe organ being played while we were there.
      After seeing all the main features of the building, we then climbed right to the top of the dome for some great views across London. The narrow, winding staircase is definitively not for the claustrophobics!
      After this, we caught the tube to Queensway station then walked down through Kensington gardens to Kensington Palace. In the grounds is a memorial tribute to Princess Diana who lived there from the time of her wedding until her death 16 years later.
      As it happens to be a holiday weekend (and the weather was so nice - testified by the number of English out sunning themselves) we were only able to secure tickets for a tour of the palace itself at 4.30pm. This gave us a few hours to see some other things in the interim, so we walked /tubed back to Whitehall, and then toured the Churchill war rooms - the bunkers underneath Whitehall where Churchill and his war cabinet planned and executed WW2. The whole place is preserved exactly as it was in 1945 and gives a sense of the fortitude and conviction of Churchill and his nation of the time.
      As we were leaving Whitehall (hoping to go to number 10 Downing Street), we happened upon a changing of the guard.
      Alas, Downing Street is no longer accessible to the public - totally protected by police and steel fences - quite different to my last visit in 1974 when you could stand right by the door.
      We spent a little time down on the banks of the Thames (amid throngs of people, a large protest outside Whitehall and many shirtless British men who were finding the 19 degree temperatures way too warm to stay fully clothed), with some photo ops of the London Eye and Big Ben while we were there.
      It was then time to return to Kensington Palace for our 4.30pm tour. We walked then tubed to Paddington station first (mainly for the benefit of the grandchildren who love Paddington bear) - then another 20 minute walk saw us back at Kensington where we enjoyed a tour of the palace - not the section where Diana lived - but rather where Queen Victoria was born, lived and worked.
      After another walk / tube and walk, then a shopping diversion for some groceries - we returned ‘home’ at 7pm after clocking up 23,000 steps today.
      A great day all round, rounded off with Loss preparing another amazing meal in the kitchenette.
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    • Day 1

      Caledonian Sleeper

      July 15 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Den ganzen Winter habe ich diesem Trail entgegen gefiebert, geplant, Gear erneuert und unzählige Videos geschaut. Und heute am frühen Morgen ist es dann soweit:
      Meine Reise startet gen Brüssel in einem zunächst leeren und superpünktlichen Zug, was sich in Köln aber schlagartig ändert.
      In Brüssel schlägt mir bereits um 9.30 warme Luft entgegen. Ich beschließe diesen Moment zu speichern wie Frederik die Farben, denn der Wetterbericht für Schottland verspricht weder Sonne noch warme Temperaturen dafür jede Menge Midges und Regen…
      Aber heute ist erstmal Sightseeing in Brüssel und London und danach eine luxuriöse Reise im Caledonian Sleeper angesagt. In London marschiere ich zudem zur Post um meine foodparcels für die einsamen Wegstrecken aufzugeben und kaufe Campinggas. Denn leider durfte ich im Tunnel kein Gas mit mir führen.
      Trotzdem ist diese Art der Anreise wesentlich cooler als das Fliegen und ich bin trotz platter Füße bereits im Urlaubsmodus. Ich durfte heute bereits 2 Grosstädte 2er Länder erleben, habe französisch gestammelt, über flämisch geschmunzelt und versucht den breiten Londoner Akzent zu verstehen. Nach soviel Abenteuer stürme ich zur Lounge in London Euston, die gerade am Öffnen ist, vorbei an einem „staunenden“ Stationsvorsteher, der „wow, all the way to Fort William“ ruft, als ich ihm mein Ticket vor die Nase halte. Da der Zug ausgebucht ist inklusive dem Teil, der bis Fort William fährt, wird er das heute Abend noch öfter rufen müssen…😂
      In der Lounge angekommen lasse ich mir als erstes ein großes flauschiges Handtuch geben und hüpfe unter die Dusche. Der Städtedreck muss ab, ab jetzt dürfen nur noch Moor, Moos und Torf an meine Haut😇 Na ja und wohl auch die unvermeidlichen Zecken, beißende Midges und Horseflies…
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    • Day 90

      Day 90: Nottingham to London.

      July 12 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      After a wonderful breakfast included in our stay, we hit the road to London. Our last leg of the trip. Went to Nottingham castle and met and chatted to two New Zealand women there on a touch footy trip. They were so cool. Our only other stop was in Cambridge at the university quarter. An amazing place but can see the separation money makes. Turned up at our share rental in London. Close to transport and Michelle our host was lovely. Took the car for its last run to the obligatory Abbey Road crossing and Lords where the upper crust were spilling out after New Zealand’s bollocksing of West Indies. Drove to Heathrow airport to return the car stopping at a terrific pub the Botwell Inn on the way for dinner. Pints for 2 quid! Then it was an hour and a half in two trains back to the apartment.Read more

    • Day 4

      Day 4: A day of Kings.

      September 15, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      The Tower of London was 1st up today. My favourite part was standing on the walls, touching the stones that the archers would have touched whilst defending the tower 800 years ago. My least favourite was The Crown Jewels - no photos allowed. We had lunch under a tree; egg and cress, sandwiches - so very British, and then met the Cambeys at Liverpool St Station for a train ride out to Windsor castle to visit with Charlie and Camilla...they must have forgotten we were coming because they weren't home. Not many photos from here because you weren't permitted to take any - but sooooo much history! The castle is HUGE, but strangely elegant - my favourite place so far. We walked past Queen Elizabeth's burial tomb, and stood on Henry the VIII's. The day was so hot we bought an icecream each that claimed they were made from milk from the Kings own cows, before heading into the village of Windsor for a pint at one pub and dinner and another pint at another pub. Trained it back home exhausted.Read more

    • Day 2

      Day 2: Hit the Ground Running

      September 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      After a long, long, long, trip we touched down at Heathrow Airport at 6.10am....a full day ahead of us before we could sleep. Luckily our Air BnB host let us know we could have an early check-in, so we arrived at our 1st home at 9am, a gorgeous old 17th Century manor type house which use to belong to Wilkie Collins - author of The Woman in White - and a good friend of Charles Dickens. 4 quick showers later, we set out to explore Hyde Park and Kensington Palace, as they were just around the corner - I am sad to report that both could have benefited from a few hours of me and my mower! We found Harrods and went in for a look...and came out again very quickly with a delicious, but expensive bread stick. We jumped on the Hop on/Hop off bus to do a 3 hr lap of the tourist sites, but hopped off at the 2nd stop to have a pint (or 2) of beer - and Matt made a friend! Hopped back on the bus, but hopped back off to find a loo (due to the beer). We found a loo - in a pub - and had another pint, before Matt and I hopped back on to finish the circuit. After successfully working out the Tube system, we arrived home and hopped into bed - a full 48hrs after we woke in Mount Rankin to begin our trip.Read more

    • Day 22


      August 1, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Goedemorgen London!

      Vandaag ga ik de ultieme toerist uithangen! Ik ga de meest bekende sightseeing plekjes van London af.

      Mijn dag begint in de city of Westminster. Het een eigen plek in de stad London en er gebeuren hier voornamelijk overheids bezigheden.

      Vervolgens loop ik door. Ik verken de plek wat, koop een kopje koffie met als volgende stop de Big Ben.
      Onderweg naar de Big Ben spot ik langs het water de London Eye. Het volgende wat van het lijstje afgestreept kan worden.

      Bij iedere oversteek plaats staat er op de vloer beschreven welke kant je op moet kijken om te kijken of er geen auto’s aan komen.
      Dit blijft een ingewikkeld iets!

      De Big Ben is deze maand voor het eerst in 5 jaar volledig zichtbaar. De afgelopen jaren was deze namelijk onder constructie.

      In dit gebied zijn er veel bezienswaardigheden, alle foto’s tot de tower bridge zijn genomen binnen 15 minuten lopen gan de Big Ben.
      Helaas ga ik nergens naar binnen. De prijzen in London liggen namelijk aardig hoog voor de entree tickets.

      Vervolgens loop ik door naar de Tower Bridge.
      Op dit moment drink ik mijn tweede kopje koffie met dit mooie uitzicht.
      (Ik heb to-go koffie duidelijk gemist in Italië)

      Na het bezoek keer ik weer terug naar mijn hostel om mijn telefoon op te laden (power bank helaas vergeten in het hostel :( )
      Momenteel is het 17:00.

      Ik laadt mijn telefoon op en besluit vervolgens naar een park te gaan om hier rond te lopen.

      Vervolgens doe ik boodschappen en ga ik avondeten. Vanavond eet ik een soepje met een kaasstengel.

      De rest van de avond is een saaie avond aangezien het weer tijd voor een wasje is.
      In de droger vind ik €20,-.
      Ik zie het als een teken van het universum voor de €60 welke ik aan de straat artiest heb gegeven.

      Vandaag heb ik 25 duizend stappen gezet.
      Vreemd genoeg vind ik alles onder de 20 duizend stappen per dag weinig.

      Ik ga om 23:00 naar bed. Morgen ga ik naar Bath!
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    • Day 3

      Good Morning London!!!

      April 29, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      I'll be posting again soon, and I wanted to share some thoughts of these beautiful surroundings...as you know, I have been to the UK before and it's so wonderful to share the UK with someone I love 💜💜💜💜 I love it here 💜💜💜 London is one of my favourite cities in the world.

      We have been exploring this morning - from Bayswater we went to Notting Hill, Holland Park, North Kensington, and back to Bayswater 😀😀😀 A good 6km's 😀 We are going to go back to the hotel now and getting bags to take to Portabello Road markets!!

      There's such beauty at 5am when other people are asleep... promises of a new day; so peaceful
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    • Day 21

      "The City" walk part 2

      April 17, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      The walk continued :) The building with the green roof is the Australian "embassy," the interior of which was used for Gringotts in the Harry Potter movies. The timber-framed building is one of the few to have survived the fire.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Camden, London Borough of Camden, CMD, Camden kerület, ქემდენი

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