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Cambridge District

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Top 10 rejsedestinationer Cambridge District
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    • Dag 4

      Chillen @ Cambridge

      14. juli 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Heute waren wir auf ganzer Linie erfolgreich! Zuerst im Linksfahren (Rahel macht das, als hätte sie nie was anderes gemacht 🤩), dann haben wir erfolgreich den weitgehend unbekannten Schilderwald entschlüsselt (ok, mit etwas Unterstützung von Freund ‚Navi‘), dann haben wir sogar die richtige Fahrspur erwischt um die Themse zu queren (eine Richtung via Tunnel, die andere via Brücke). Und dann haben wir den Camping in Cherry Hilton in Cambridge mit nur einem U-Turn gefunden und schlussendlich hat Rahels Charme bewirkt, dass wir nach der Mittagspause als erste Reinfahren & uns den Platz aussuchen durften - und das obwohl wir nicht reserviert hatten …. 😅 Und jetzt zeigen wir ‚auffälliges Campingverhalten‘ 😇 und Nayra macht auf ‚Happy Dog‘ 🥰Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Walk im Grünen

      14. juli 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nach der Erholung freuen wir uns auf die nächste Erkundigungstour - diesmal zu Fuss. In gäbiger Gehdinstanz gibts gleich verschiedene Pärke, unter anderem den Cherry Hinton Hall Park. Hier taumeln sich unglaublich viele Hunde (mit netten Besitzern), Yogis, Familien und Radler. Der Park ist teils sehr urtümlich und wild und es hüpfen auch hier - zur Freude von Nayra - wilde Hasen. Durch ein idyllisches Quartier mit Häuschen an Häuschen gereiht, führt unser Rückweg dann prompt am Robin Hood‘s Pub vorbei… na denn, Prost 😋 zurück im Camping darfs etwas Bodenständiges sein… unsere Wahl fällt auf: Raclette & Kartöffelchen 🥰🇨🇭, dazu stimmen wir uns mit der Begegnung FRA - BEL auf den Match von Sonntag ein 💪Læs mere

    • Dag 16

      Train to Cambridge

      20. september 2023, England ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Wednesday. Met by Anne and Tom at the station. Checked into Newnham College, a very interesting college history, a college with a focus on women.

      The college was founded in 1871 by a group organising Lectures for Ladies, members of which included philosopher Henry Sidgwick and suffragist campaigner Millicent Garrett Fawcett. It was the second women's college to be founded at Cambridge, following Girton College. The College celebrated its 150th anniversary[5] throughout 2021 and 2022.

      Walked around Cambridge, briefly visited the Fitzwilliam museum. Dinner at the Red Bull Newnham near the college. Got a little lost in the dark in the college grounds, thanks google.
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    • Dag 27

      Day 26 Cambridge

      26. august 2019, England ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Yesterday Oxford, today, Cambridge!! Yes we doubled down on our University sojourns and spent the day in Cambridge. It is about as far north east of London as Oxford is west of the Capital and just as easy to reach by train.

      Given that we took the hop on, hop off bus yesterday and to keep the comparisons fair we decided to do the same in Cambridge. For my money Oxford is slightly the grander of the two cities and Cambridge seems to have more of a chip on its shoulder about Oxford than vice versa. Cambridge is where a number of the royal family have gone and Prince Charles is less than fondly remembered as probably the dimmest person to ever attend (there are strict academic criteria to meet for everyone else) and they created a course specifically to enable him to pass out with a degree (although even that took a year longer than usual).

      The main tourist related activity that Cambridge does way better than Oxford is punting, so we waited till today to take a punt tour along the river Cam. You can do it yourself, but having watched people giving out a go yesterday we took the safe option and left it to the experts and took a trip with one the many firms offering guided punts. It’s only a about a kilometre each way and passes alongside three of the university’s most famous colleges (St Johns; Trinity and Kings). Whilst the colleges are a seperate entity from the university itself, every student must be a member of a college to study.

      Thankfully no transportation issues to report today and apart from managing the unseasonable temperatures (it was another hot day here with temps again in the early 30’s) the day was drama free. Less people around today as the bank holiday long weekend is over and just as we are about to end our holiday the high temps are due to end. Should drop down to a more comfortable mid 20’s tomorrow which is our departure day. We are not due to fly out until late in the evening so we have a day that we will spend shopping in Oxford Street/Covent Garden before collecting our bags for a 7 pm check in time at Heathrow.

      Photos attached show... The Cambridge version of the bridge of sighs from our punt... (sigh, I’m over the bloody bridge of sighs, I’ve seen Venice’s original and in the past two days, replicas of it in both Oxford and Cambridge); St Johns College Chapel; the mechanical bridge; our train to Cambridge; Trinity College; a Cambridge Street with random construction worker in the foreground...; the river Cam; Kings College; the punting station on the river Cam.
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    • Dag 4


      26. april 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      The 26th we went to cambridge it was the best day. We had a visit to a university, it's so beautiful inside the school! After the visit, the teachers gave us some free time. We bought caps with my friends and we met Belgians with this cap, they were nice. We went punting apart from the group, I loved it. During the return trip, we sang even if we didn't sing very well, it was a good memory.Læs mere

    • Dag 20

      Ein Tag Cambridge

      15. september 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Sofort bessere vibes als on Oxford gespürt, rumgelaufen, colleges bestaunt, Crêpes gegessen in ‚crêpeaffair‘, das history of science museum besucht, das department for biochemistry angeschaut, ‚nur auf ein Bier in den brewdog-pub‘ und dann dort versackt, durch Biere durch probiert, ein brewdog-Kölsch geschenkt bekommen weil ich aus Köln komme, lecker gegessen, ‚früh ins Bett, weil wir ja morgen früh los müssen‘ und dann zu wach/aufgeregt gewesen, um schlafen zu können…Læs mere

    • Dag 254

      Spaziergang in Cambridge

      3. oktober 2023, England ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Liegt ja quasi auf dem Weg 🙄😅
      Ich Treff Ena, meine alte zukünftige Kollegin gleich auf dem Weg, beim umsteigen in Hitchin (und winke einmal rüber nach Rosebank zu den Goodman’s, die leider nicht zuhause sind heute 👋🏻). Sie kommt von Heathrow, ich von Stanstead. Und hab so knappe 2 Stunden Zeit für einen Nachmittagsspaziergang in der Sonne. Einmal in die Stadt, vorbei an Kings- und Queens College, der Zeiger losen Uhr, am Kanal entlang zurück, noch nen Kaffee, vorbei an “Little Petra” und schon geht’s weiter!Læs mere

    • Dag 30

      Day 29 Cambridge, UK

      5. januar, England ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Wow! We have probably found our second most favourite place of the trip. After a reasonably easy and straightforward trip from Nottingham to Cambridge, we parked up to find the most beautiful city, full of history and character. The flat is perfect and walking distance to town. In one day we managed to tick off several of the 21 things recommended to be done in Cambridge. First off we stopped for brunch at Fitzbillies - a delicious and much needed sandwich/ sausage roll. We then wandered the streets, stoppping at Great St Mary’s Church to climb the 150 steps on the tower for a great view over Cambridge. We then carried on past many ornate and beautiful buildings including King’s College Chapel. There were several other churches and many gorgeous buildings, all of which were later identified and explained on our one and a half hour Hop On Hop Off bus tour around Cambridge. We were amazed at how big the city is and how the university is the absolute heart of the city with many colleges spread all around. By now it was neatly dark and very cold as we were in the open topped top storey of the bus. We got off the bus and settled into The Mitre pub for some warmth, a drink and then an early dinner. We decided then to walk around the corner to find Jack’s Gelato for a delicious ice cream for dessert. We walked it off as we made our way in darkness back through town, down some back streets and then to our flat. We can’t wait to explore further tomorrow.Læs mere

    • Dag 3

      day trip to Cambridge

      24. juli 2023, England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Bei einem Tagesausflug in Cambridge kamen wir gar nicht aus dem Staunen heraus, so viele alte, wunderschöne Gebäude. Und ein kleiner Fluss mit wunderschönen Brücken erinnerte und an Venedig, da auch hier Gondelfahrer unterwegs sind.Læs mere

    • Dag 2–3

      Petit détour, direction Cambridge

      30. juli 2023, England ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Direction Cambridge, malgré qu'on va faire le tour de l`île dans l'autre sens... la date d'un évènement plus tard dans le voyage nous oblige à modifier notre trajet. Tranquille en cette première journée de voyage. La nuit en avion et les 4 heures de route ont frappé fort (repos tôt pour mieux repartir demain matin). Ça commence bien, on fait sauter les fusibles!!! Un mini ventilateur, la lumière au plafond et un chargeur de cellulaire... c'en était trop!!! 🤔Læs mere

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