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    • Day 18

      Last week

      May 5, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      All happened so quickly. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and then we already are on the train today.
      I would say it was a great last week and my feelings about the departure are mixed. On one eye I’m crying and on the other I’m laughing (It’s a Swiss saying hopefully it translates directly into English).
      On Sunday we were in the best exhibition I’ve ever went to. At the counter a nerdy clerk kindly gave us a student discount and on top of that a group discount too. So, basically, we got in for free. Inside it was heaven. Lots of ancient gaming consoles such as Nintendo’s, Gameboys, PlayStation and lots of more other old computers or gaming consoles. I played the very first Grand theft auto, Tetris and Mario. After about 6h of gaming and competing against each other in a big variety of games we left and ate dinner on the lawn in front of king’s college.
      Tuesday was a very weird school day. We had to solve different riddles. The first ones were so easy that I think the teacher took it straight out of the kindergarten. After school we went bowling in a very big bowling hall.
      On Wednesday we went punting. Punting is some kind of driving a boat without an engine. The chauffeur has a long stick and pushes the boat with it.
      Thursday was not special.
      And now I’ll make a giant announcement to my fans:
      I’ll be doing a live coverage of my travel back!!!
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    • Day 170


      October 26, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      I got to London on the 25th and met sara at the airport and we went and stayed with Geir and Fiona :))
      My first day there we met scout at Borough markets and got some lunch and ate by south bank which had very appetising chocolate coloured water🫡😍
      Then Didi (Geir and Fi’s daughter who is my age) was doing her Wednesday chapel choir service at her uni in Cambridge and so we went to watch. Really good acoustics because of some tall height and structure of something in the church.
      We wandered round Cambridge before that though and tried a funky flavoured ice cream place and got roasted potato which was quite good , miso and white chocolate which was also good and then milk and brownies too which was a bit basic but all up we did like it.
      We went into a record store and the oldest bookstore in Cambridge.
      Anyway chapel service was a very cool. Finally seeing Didi after 10 years was so nice and we went and had dinner in the big Cambridge dining hall with her and her friends ! She showed us around and her room and we weren’t allowed to walk on most of the grass.
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    • Day 23


      April 19, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      I should've gone to college here, this place is neat and apparently the students of this university are very well set up during their time here. Their housing is even subsidized! The city itself is very picturesque.Read more

    • Day 27

      Cambridge z grenkim priokusom

      August 10, 2022 in England ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      So napisali; Cambridge is bike friendly town, pa sva res parkirala ca 5km iz centra in z bajki v mesto! Kolesarske steze so! Univerzitetno mesto sva si predstavljala kot sprehod po zelenicah med mogočnimi stavbami collegov, naletela pa na posušeno travo (heat wave dela Angliji resne probleme), univerzitetne stavbe pa večinoma za verigami, mimo katerih te spustijo redkokje, pa še to, če plačaš vstopnino.
      Pa sva jo za uvod mahnila na reko, da probava "pooling". Čoln z v ravnim dnom potiskaš naprej s ca. 3m drogom 💪, enemu je šlo težje 🙈, eni pa lažje 🤣
      Potem čas za street lunch, preden greva v King's College. Itak da parkneva, prikleneva... Pojeva in ko se vrneva... Andrejevega bicikla ni! Gone! Stolen. V pol ure... Policajem izpred nosu 😭😡😈😱
      Sledi pogovor s policaji, pa izpolnjevanje formularjev... Jaz si vmes vseeno ogledam King's chapel.. Nora stvaritev! Strop kapele umetelno izklesan iz kamna, vitraži, dimenzije... Uau... Kaj več kot kapele nismo smeli obiskati...
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    • Day 79


      July 23, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Gestern regnete es unaufhörlich bis in die Nacht hinein. Das nutzten wir und machten Kilometer bis kurz vor Cambridge, das wir heute bei erfreulich besserem Wetter besuchen. Unsere Erkundung beginnt auf dem Wasser in einem Boot, vorangetrieben von einem "Punter", einem jungen Mann, der mittels einer 5 m langen Alustange durch den/die? (ganz einfach: "the"!) Cam stakt und dabei sehr viel erklärt. Leider reicht unser Englisch wieder für max. 5 % "verstanden", aber die Fahrt ist ein voller Genuss. Viele der Brücken und Gebäude hätten wir sonst nicht sehen können, da sie sich innerhalb der großen College-Grundstücke befinden. Diese Holzbrücke, erfahren wir, gehört zum Queens College, wird Mathematikerbrücke genannt und galt bei ihrer Erbauung im Jahr 1747 als ein Wunderwerk, konnte sie durch ihre ingenieurstechnisch durchdachte Konstruktion doch Lasten tragen, unter denen herkömmliche Holzbrücken längst nachgegeben hätten.
      Wie man sich eine altehrwürdige englische Universitätsstadt auch in der Fantasie ausmalen mag, Cambridge übertrifft die Vorstellung bei Weitem! Mitten im Zentrum reiht sich ein College an das Andere, deren Architektur Würde und Elitestatus verkörpern, woran zu erkennen ist, dass diese Stadt ihren Ursprung eindeutig in der Wissenschaft hat. In der gotischen Kapelle (Chapel) des Kings College (gegründet von König Heinrich d. VI. im Jahr 1414) zieht es unseren Blick automatisch nach oben, zum Wahrzeichen der Stadt, der größten Fächergewölbedecke der Welt. Und vom Turm der St. Mary's Church (beim Treppensteigen schön anzusehen die 12 Glocken und darunter die Seile zum Läuten) genießen wir den Blick auf dieses Gebäude und mindestens 5 weitere hoch angesagte Schulen wie das Trinity- oder das St. John's College. Jedes College verfügt über große grüne Innenhöfe und prunkvolle Hallen. Als wir vor dem prächtigen Eingangstor des St. Johns College stehen, fühlen wir uns fast wie in Hogwarts und wären nicht überrascht, in der Tür Sir Dumbledore zu begegnen.
      Ebenfalls in der Innenstadt stoßen wir auf die Round Church. Sie ist eine der wenig erhaltenen Rundkirchen Englands und mit ihrem Alter (erbaut 1130) das zweitälteste Gebäude Cambridges. Immer wieder zuckt die Hand zum Handy, weil sich ein neues Fotomotiv zeigt und der Graureiher scheint sich besonders gerne zu zeigen. Wir haben beim Paddeln immer erlebt, dass diese Tiere bereits bei Annäherung unter 50 m fluchtartig das Weite suchen. Er steht aber hier und lässt sich von Menschenscharen mit babylonischem Sprachgewirr fotografieren. Oder kann er gar nicht weg, gehört er vielleicht zur "Letzten Generation"?
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    • Day 18

      Last week in Cambridge

      May 5, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      After videocalling my family, I was a little homesick. But I also wanted to enjoy my last days here in Cambridge. On Monday, we had school until 5 o clock, because they booked us lessons for our arrival day, when we logically can't go to school. That was also the reason, we were the only students who had school on friday afternoons. On Tuesday we sneaked in the Kings College, which should be closed for tourists like us. This is a big campus with beautiful buildings. We saw a group of little kids with suits and cylinders. All of them had to follow a teacher. This moment reminded me on Harry Potter, especially as on of them took his cilynder of and looked exactly like Draco Malfoy. On wednesday I we wanted to go playing pool, as every evening. But after waiting over 1h and 15min on my bus to go home, I realised that I wont be able to go to the city again. Because my busride takes 30 minutes. At this day, we went punting. We saw many bridges and heard many stories about the universitys we were floating by. Aftrr playing pool on our last evening in Cambridge, I spent my last pounds in the biggest grocery store I've ever been in. There was more than a ca ten meter long shelf only with chips. But with less vegetables than in the migros.Read more

    • Day 21

      Day 5 Cambridge

      May 6 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Today we decided to go to the Botanical Gardens. It was a cloudy morning, but quite warm. It was about a 20 minutes walk from here, and the Google maps told us the best way to go, so we obediently followed instructions. The gardens were quite extensive, and we didn’t attempt to cover the whole area, but we had a very enjoyable walk around. There was a lovely water area, with lots of ducks and other water birds. Wok was sitting on a bench having a rest, when a man nearby asked him if he could identify an unusual bird swimming past. Wok said he didn’t have a clue, and the fellow said he thought he might have been one of those bird-watcher people because of the hat he was wearing. He was obviously not only ignorant of bird species, he also didn’t know what twitchers looked like, because Wok was wearing his Virgin Airways bucket hat that he’s had for years.

      There were also extensive glass houses with noticeably different climatic areas inside. We were surprised to find them open, as on the gardens website it said they were closed. There were lots of orchids, which made a beautiful display, and they were the most spectacular. But of course other rooms were of equal interest in their own right.

      I was surprised and quite proud, as though I was personally responsible, to see a Wollomi pine specimen growing. It was labelled as endemic to NSW, but I thought they could have given it a lot more interest if they’d told the full story.

      There was also a nice place to eat, and it was while we were there, under a big umbrella, that we noticed a few spits of rain. We decided it would be prudent to make for home, and the weather held beautifully for us until we were the warm and safe, before a nice heavy fall of rain came down. I confess I didn’t hear it, because I’d nodded off while reading, but Wok told me about it!

      Tomorrow we plan to take a train trip to a nearby village, called Ely.
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    • Day 37

      Taking a punt on the gravity of Evensong

      June 2, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We’ve become evensong junkies. Today we actually organised our afternoon around it so there’s really no denying it.

      After some more calls and messages home this morning, we packed up and emerged into a beautiful morning in York. It was a shame that we would spend the next few hours driving to Cambridge, but that’s just the luck of the draw.
      Arriving at our accommodation around 1.30pm, we filled in half an hour buying some groceries and lunch to return at 2.15 to activate the self checkin process which wasn’t available until then.
      We unpacked, recaffeinated and then caught the bus into the Cambridge university area.
      Once again, our downloaded audio guide allowed us to tour around the points of interest at our own pace.
      Observing the place where Francis Crick is memorialised for solving the mysteries of the DNA double helix and seeing where Sir Isaac Newton lived, worked and wrote his theses on mathematics and philosophy was especially interesting. The apple tree outside his window was not where he had the lightbulb moment about gravity- it was at a country estate. However, some of THAT apple tree has been grafted on to this tree outside his window.
      We continued following the audio guide, until it was time to head back to the Kings College Chapel for 5.30 evensong, which allowed us to see the majestic building and avoided having to pay for a tour tomorrow.
      The organ playing was a little disappointing this time, but the singing by the male Kings Choir - much of it a Cappella - was amazing, as indeed is the architecture of the famed ‘fan’ ceiling.
      As it was such a beautiful evening, we decided we should also do a punt ride on the river which runs through many of the colleges. We sat in the afternoon sun by the riverside and waited for our 6.45pm slot.
      The punting experience was excellent- a far cry from our river cruise last night.
      Our knowledgeable skipper (poler?) Ethan described all the relevant details of the colleges we passed such as where Steven Hawking lived and worked, the rooms where Prince Charles stayed when he studied here etc.

      We walked back to our bus station in the rapidly cooling evening, bought some groceries for dinner at the local supermarket, and got back in the door at 8.45pm. Loss is now cooking up a storm as I finish this…..
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    • Day 4

      Cambridge, a dream for every student

      June 7, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      The famous university of Cambridge and its multiple colleges shape the city centre. Wherever you go, you find churches, huge memorial and assembly halls, libraries, dining halls and student dorms. Just sometimes you find shady tunnels that turn into a sauna in summer...
      If you want to spend a fortune, you can also take a boat ride throughout the city (it is called punting).
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    • Day 5

      Cambridge Colleges Walk

      July 15, 2022 in England ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Ausgiebige Sightseeingtour durchs College Quartier.. wir wissen jetzt: Es gibt unglaublich viele davon und sie sind fast Mauer an Mauer, eins eindrücklicher als das nächste… Wow! Zum Abschluss geniessen wir einen Afternoon Tea im Fitzbillies 😋😋😍😍Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Cambridge, Grantanbrycg, كامبريدج, Kembric, Горад Кембрыдж, Кеймбридж, ক্যামব্রিজ, Caergrawnt, Κέμπριτζ, Kembriĝo, کمبریج, Kiam-khiâu, קיימברידג', Քեմբրիջ, CBG, ケンブリッジ, კემბრიჯი, ಕೇಂಬ್ರಿಜ್, 케임브리지, Cantabrigia, Kembridžas, Kembridža, കേംബ്രിഡ്ജ്, केंब्रिज, ကိန်းဘရစ်ချ်မြို့, کیمبرج, Кембридж, Кембриџ, Кембриҷ, เคมบริดจ์, Kambrij, 劍橋

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