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Top 10 Travel Destinations Cheshire
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    • Day 12

      Walk Around Chester

      May 8, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today we walked around and explored Chester. I still love it here 😀😀

      We explored the Roman walls that were damaged in the English Civil War, saw the oldest racecourse in Britain, saw Chester Castle built by William the Conqueror in 1070 as his stronghold in the northwest of England, saw the Roman Amphitheatre from the late first century AD, walked down by the River Dee and across Queens Bridge, visited the Roman Gardens, explored ruins of St John the Baptist church, visited a church which is now a interactive experience called Sick To Death, a history of medicine, healings, cures and disease focussing on the history of Chester. It was absolutely fabulous!! Well worth the £7 😀😀 All this in 12° and raining on and off!!!Read more

    • Day 44

      Chester — City Center

      February 13 in England ⋅ 🌧 48 °F

      The video here is of a school trip I passed while they were in the middle of a history tour in the Roman Gardens. I just found it funny that the guide not only armed all of the students but he then went on to teach them how to use their weapons against their teachers. As for my own walking tours in Chester, one was excellent and the other was an exercise in patience and self control. The guide for the medieval tour had a vocal tic which caused him to repeat the final syllable of his sentence. tence. That would have been fine except he had no interest in showing us anything in Chester that related to the history he was sharing. ing. He just walked us around and told us a very detailed story of an important battle that took place in the city in 1403 without actually pointing out any sights. On the other hand, the Roman guide was phenomenal.Read more

    • Day 42


      February 11 in England ⋅ ☀️ 45 °F

      I noticed as I’ve traveled north it is getting harder to understand the locals. I’m in Cheshire now, in the city of Chester, and they are starting to sound like Beatles (I’m now a half hour south of Liverpool). Went over to the tourist office and signed up for a couple of walking tours for the next couple of days — one has a Roman theme and the other is medieval. I took a tour of Chester Cathedral today and then sat at a local cafe to map out a plan for the next two days.Read more

    • Day 31

      Chester- Canals

      January 7, 2020 in England ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      Stephen and Amanda said they would be game to take a narrow boat along the canals of England with me. These locks are one of the man-powered devices that would be a requirement of the trip. Something that will take a little planning to get done, but definitely doable.Read more

    • Day 14

      Semi 1 Live Final

      May 10, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Nik - After a sit down, bottle of water and two Nurofen (we're so old) we headed back to the Eurovillage.

      Tonight we explored the Ukraine area and tried some Ukrainian food. I had borscht and a creamy and savoury dish made from corn with mushrooms on top.

      Also shared a very yummy pizza.

      It was so cold. Even Suzie said it was cold so...you know is was extra cold. We're currently discussing what to do for semi two. Dress extra warm in the morning we will be too h
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    • Day 14

      A Day in North Wales

      May 10, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Suzie - Ahh Wales!! So good to see you again 😀😀😀 We booked a tour with BusyBus Tours to travel to this amazing country and it was fantastic!!

      We started off in the beautiful seaside village of Llandudno where we walked along the pier. It was the first time I had ever seen a pier with rides, shops and entertainment in real life!

      We then travelled to gorgeous Conwy, home of Conwy Castle built by Edward I to bolster his stronghold position in North Wales. We also had lunch at Fisherman's and I had my first fish and chips since I have been in the UK! It was delicious!! Conwy is surrounded by walls, making it a walled town, built again by Edward to keep the Welsh out and the invading English in. They were a bit hard to walk owing to their state and size. And it was very windy!

      We then travelled to the beautiful Snowdonia National Park which was absolutely stunning. Everywhere, mountains, beautiful waterfalls, nature and sheep!

      We then drove into the village of Betws-y-Coed which roughly translates to Chapel in the Forest where I had a delicious ice cream - Biscoffi in a waffle cone 😀 British people love Biscoffi and so do we!! I had wanted to visit this village ever since Michael Portillo visited during his 'Great British Railway Journeys' show which served as my inspiration for my last UK journey.

      From Betws-y-Coed, we travelled to the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct which had canal boats sailing across it into the village of Llangollen. We walked across the aqueduct and were rewarded with 360° views around the Trevor Basin.

      Then we drove back to Chester 💜 A beautiful fun day was had by all!! 😀😀😀😀
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    • Day 17

      Live Final@The British Music Experience

      May 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Nik - Not being unable to secure tickets to the live show, nor the Village stream, going to the British Music Experience showing (which was right next door to the village seemed like a good alternative. For starters ..we had seats...but also...we'd be surrounded by mucic memorabilia.

      The music experience venue wasn't as big as I thought but it was still an awesome viewing and we had a great night.

      As for the results....bit disappointed and in some cases puzzled. Austria's song, Who The Hell Is Edgar was absolutely rocking in the arena. Every time the crowd went off dancing and singing. But they didn't do too well in the scoring. Germany's song, Blood and Glitter should have done better too, though I agree the staging could have been better. (It needed dragons.)

      And as for Tattoo (by Loreen) winning for Sweden...I think it might have been rigged that way so that the contest goes to Sweden for the 50th anniversary of ABBA winning Eurovision back in 1974. I really think the results were stacked.

      If the responses from the audience were anything to go by...Käärija (from Finland) should have been our winner. He is my winner anyway.

      And well done to Australia's Voyager coming in 9th. We actually were the outright winners of Semi 2....however I should also note for historical accuracy that the second semi was by far the weaker of the two. (But hey, a win in a win. 🤷)

      And now the Eurovision part of our trip is officially over.

      Please send hugs because the PED (Post Eurovision Depression) has already kicked in. 😭🇬🇧🇺🇦
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    • Day 11

      Queens Hotel, Chester

      May 7, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Suzie - This is our hotel for the next 8 nights and it's so beautiful that I think it needs it's own Penguins entry!!

      Built in 1860 to take advantage of the burgeoning new rail transport, it has provided accommodation for rail travellers since then as it's directly opposite Chester train station. It apparently has resident ghosts!

      There are precious works of art in every corner together with historical memorabilia. The hotel is a work of art itself. Our room is twice the size of my bedroom at home and after our poky hotel room in London, it's a welcome change!!

      Nik - Our room in Chester is certainly bigger than where we were in London. The space is welcome. And the shower is warmer too. (Though I would like it hotter again.) It's a great space, right across the road from the train station and only a 5 minute walk into the centre of Chester.

      We're across the road from a pub too. The might be a good thing if we want to go for a drink, we don't have far to stumble home. Then again, it might get noisy if we want to sleep. At any rate, we are quite comfortable.
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    • Day 47

      Deganwy > Cuddington - 110km

      May 14 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Après avoir avalé un porridge un peu différent ce matin (notre nouveau petit-déjeuner préféré), nous voilà parti à nouveau en longeant la côte pour le début de cette étape. L'objectif est de se rapprocher du début de la Great North Trail, la trace qui traverse l'Angleterre et l'Écosse.
      La matinée peut se résumer à une succession de mobile-home collés au front de mer, mais sans la vue à cause de digues de protection : ces campings ne font pas rêver !
      Nous traversons également des villes où tout est fait pour le divertissement : des sortes de mini-fêtes foraines, des salles de jeux immenses... Les anglais ont l'air d'aimer ça !
      On rentre ensuite un peu plus dans les terres, en traversant des campagnes d'un vert éclatant, et quelques zones un peu moins reluisantes.
      On décide de faire un détour par Chester, histoire d'avoir quelque chose à raconter sur ce carnet de voyage : le sort nous le rend bien, Bastien crève, encore de son pneu arrière !
      Il pense que la chambre à air installée par le garage à Cherbourg devrait normalement se réparer toute seule (elle a un liquide à l'intérieur qui est censé colmater les petites crevaisons), donc il regonfle juste pour finir la journée jusqu'à chez nos hôtes Warmshower.

      C'est donc Julia et Forbes, les parents de la personne que nous avons contactée qui nous accueille (elle est en étude à Londres), c'est une grande première pour eux ! Et ils mettent les petits plats dans les grands, avec un super repas après cette journée ! Les anglais ont quand même le sens de l'accueil, il faut le dire.
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    • Day 12

      LEJOG Day 12 - Wrockwardine to Crewe

      September 11, 2022 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Easiest day so far. Lots of gentle hills with some excellent downhill coasting. Very relaxing. We passed through Shropshire and are now in Cheshire (must try some local cheese).

      The back roads took us through mostly arable farm land - we could identify canola, sweet corn, sugarcane ?? but a lot of fields were ploughed ready for new planting.

      Distance: 65 km. 480m Ascent
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Cheshire West and Chester, Cheshire, CHW, Западный Чешир и Честер, Західний Чешир і Честер

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