Chiltern District

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    • Jour 1

      1 day to go..

      9 janvier 2017, Angleterre ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

      Hello friends! This is my attempt at blogging my solo trip around South America. If anything it will give me something to do in the evenings if I end up friendless and alone. I also plan on buying a backup Moleskine notebook so that I can sit moodily in coffee shops, sipping a cortado and writing about how I have found myself.

      My emotions currently are excited mixed with scared which I guess is pretty normal! I have a pre-trip 'maybe it would be nice just to stay at home and watch reruns of the Bake Off' feeling. However, I've had this feeling before so I know it will pass and I will have an awesome time.

      I've planned this within an inch of my life and have made five lists which basically repeat themselves in various different coloured pens. I've done a trial bag pack. I had a dream I left my passport at home, and a dream that I was at the wrong airport. I've downloaded the couchsurfers app and have already received five messages from people offering to meet, one from someone who sounds lovely and a different one with a tinge of sexual harassment. I've said goodbye to Tom and written an itinerary in an excel spreadsheet (don't worry all you wisened travelers out there, it's flexible!).

      Its super exciting but also AAAAAHHH!! South America is pretty far away and my Spanish is limited. I know I will be really proud of myself for doing this scary thing.
      En savoir plus

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    Chiltern District


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