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    • Giorno 672


      26 marzo 2020, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Some pictures from our walk today. We have been lucky to have seen so much sun since we arrived here. Now that the daffodils are coming to the end of their flowering we are pleased to see the blossom appear on many of the trees. It has been so warm that many of the sheep and lambs have been hiding in the shade. We now have 3 different routes for our daily walk, all of which offer us beautiful scenes to take in. We feel very lucky in our current location, and just wish we could travel further afield to see other local places. For that we will have to wait a bit/lot longer!!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 769


      1 luglio 2020, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      A mixed bag of weather this week - our last week in this area for some time.
      On Saturday we cycled to Easby Abbey and joined Karen's family for a picnic before we walked along the old railway footpath into Richmond. K couldnot resist the bargains at Lidyl there, so we ended up laden down for the return journey.
      Sunday - a lazy day in the rain at the van was followed on Monday by a 15 mile cycle ride (each way) to a local fruit picking farm north of Northallerton. The ride took us through lovely countryside lanes - we cycled across the Swale river through Danby Wiske to the farm where we met up with Margaret and Donald. Blackcurrant picking was the order of the morning activity after which we returned to enjoy a BBQ at our site in the evening sunshine.
      Tuesday saw us do our long walk through the countryside and on Wednesday we cycled 15 miles south of our site to have a look at Ripon. We had been looking forward to visiting the city for some weeks but strong winds, rain or family outings had prevented us from doing so.
      We took a picnic and bought a hot drink in a cafe by the cathedral where we stopped for lunch.
      We did not find Ripon as charming as some of the other places we have visited. It is nice enough but we preferred Richmond, Leyburn and Masham of the places we have visited nearby.
      The ride to and from Ripon was delightful, again through beautiful countryside, on a quiet B road.
      Thursday was a site day as The Caravanman was returning to fix the fridge on the van - all now working perfectly.
      Alan's lap top developed a fault with the power connector on Friday - a quick walk into the village computer repair shop confirmed that it probably just needs a soldering job on a dry joint. Unfortunately they were unable to do the repair. Photos of our travel will have to wait until we get the repair done - hopefully in Linclon next week.
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    • Giorno 768


      30 giugno 2020, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We had a day trip to Redcar for morning coffee and lunch with Karen's folks. After which we parked up on the Coast Road and had a wander through the town. Much less frenzied than our previous visit last Wednesday.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 763


      25 giugno 2020, Inghilterra ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Thursday was so nice we sunbathed next to the van.
      We were visited by the Caravanman, who makes repairs on caravans and motorhomes. We are anxious to have work done on a couple of faults with the van - which are hopefully covered by the warranty issued when we bought Chloe this time last year. As the weather was so hot the Caravanman was unable to find the problem we have with the electric heater, so we will have to wait for cooler weather to find what is causing this. He diagnosed the fault with the fridge and went away to contact our insurance company to receive permission to carry out the repairs under warranty. He was clearly very busy, now that people are once again planning camping trips away and discovering problems with their vans. We need to get our repairs done before we venture south on 13th July.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 762


      24 giugno 2020, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      A fabulous day and one which we had planned to spend in Redcar.
      We enjoyed a couple of hours in late morning with Karen's parents in their garden. Nicola and Claire joined us for a socially distanced alfresco lunch which we enjoyed in glorious sunshine.
      The garden was looking lovely and colourful, and the blackberry flowers were a great draw for the bees.
      In the afternoon we had arranged to meet Karen's school friend Gill who had travelled up to Redcar from Manchester to visit family. Driving through Redcar it was clear that the place was buzzing, it was the hottest day of the year and the seafront was rammed. Pacittos ice cream and the new Gabrielle's ice cream shops each had queues of about 50 customers socially distanced spread out along the pavement. Lots of people on the beach and in the sea - never seen the place so busy.
      We had arranged to meet with Gill at the cafe on The Stray as we can usually park the van there - it was impossible, not a place to be seen, cars everywhere. A left K with Gill and set off to find a placeto park up - after an hour of looking at all known locations I gave up and, found a spot some distance away in Marske where I sat in the sun to read my book.
      Karen meanwhile enjoyed a nice walk with Gill along the beach catching up on everything.
      We returned to Bedale in late afternoon, bottle of fizz in the freezer to help calm A's frustrations.
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    • Giorno 761


      23 giugno 2020, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We planned a visit to Easby Abbey today - an old ruined monastery a mile south of Richmond. Before we left K enjoyed a quick maths refresher with Magnus whilst A baked the sourdough. Magnus was on top form and the sourdough turned out really well - not bad for a first effort using home grown starter. After speaking to our girls in Australia we set off to the Abbey in glorious sunshine.
      The Abbey was quite busy with families but we found a perch easily to enjoy our picnic. We then walked through the woods into Richmond - alongside the River Swale. Richmond really is located in a beautiful spot - the river runs through the town in a deep valley with the castle walls high up on the north side of the river. Many people were enjoying the green spaces alongside the river. We resisted the temptation to queue for an ice cream and returned to Easby by the disused railway route. A most enjoyable trip out.
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    • Giorno 758


      20 giugno 2020, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      The return of good weather has been very welcome, so we have enjoyed ourselves once again in the beautiful countryside around us.
      On Saturday we rode into Richmond and had a look at the Saturday Market. The town was quite busy and the stalls were the same as those we visited in Leyburn the day before. We didn't linger too long before returning to base with the Saturday paper to look forward to.
      On Sunday and Monday we stayed local doing our usual walking routes. This time I took the camera to capture the numerous painted pebbles that one of the villagers has been moving about Crakehall over the lockdown period. Someone has obviously put a lot of thought and care into their work, and it brightens up our daily walks finding new exhibits each day.
      On Monday we had a bread fest - A made a fabulous loaf with a wholemeal and crunchy flour mixture and then prepared a sourdough mix leaving it to prove overnight.
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    • Giorno 743


      5 giugno 2020, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      The weather was very kind for the first part of the week, and we enjoyed our cycle rides and walks in the surrounding countryside once again. Farmers were cutting and bailing green barley (to use as winter feed for animals) prior to the forecast rain.
      We cycled to Bedale and on to Masham and took another walk alongside the river. The water level in the river was quite low - one duck had 15 ducklings following behind which was nice to see.
      The market square at Masham had all the bench seats turned over and taped off to stop motorcyclists from congregating and breaking the social distancing recommendations as had happened the weekend previous.
      Wednesday saw the weather change and we had overnight rain which was very welcome to the farming community surrounding us, the temperatures also dropped by 10 degrees.
      The field in front of us sprang back into life following the rain - the sheep and lambs are now enjoying the new grass shoots.
      We found some "crunchy grain" flour in a bakery at Leyburn and the resulting bread is fabulous - probably not good for the waistline. First attempt at sourdough was quite successful but there is room for improvement next try.
      Facetime and whatsapp calls to Australia and London continue to be a joy.
      It has been nice sharing Sophie and Samanth's birthdays with them on Facetime too.
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    • Giorno 736


      29 maggio 2020, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      After a very windy weekend there was much debris from broken trees on our country walk - nothing too substantial on the whole, but there were many broken branches and at Newton Le Willows a tree had snapped and fallen across the pathway.
      The week proceeded to get warmer as each day went on as the winds died away from their peak.
      On Monday we cycled to Leyburn then took a walk up The Shawl through the woods prior to descending into the village of Preston-under-Scar. The village was looking very colourful with spring flowers. The views on our walk were splendid.
      On Wednesday Alan went for a ride around the valleys and hills nearby whilst Karen did some patchwork at the van. The ride took me via Catterick around the back of Leyburn returning via Masham and Bedale, There were some strong breezes on the exposed hill tops and very still in the valleys.
      The Australian schools returned this week, but maths lessons for the girls in Australia continued - an excuse to have fun with Grannymac - and with Magus too. Magnus returns to school in Walthamstow next week.
      We enjoyed zoom calls with family and friends through the week.
      We cannot believe the weather we are experiencing - constant sunshine and blue skies. It's a bit like waking up each day on holiday in the Mediterranean - no complaints. We have set up sunbathing spots outside the van on the grassed area next to us. So peaceful here - all we hear is sheep bleating and birds tweeting. Not a single vehicle to be heard!
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    • Giorno 729


      22 maggio 2020, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      We have been spending some more time on our bikes, as well as doing our longer walks from our site in the past week - but still only one exercise period per day.
      On one of our walks we came across a pheasant hen with about 10 new chicks in tow, absolutely charming but we did not have our camera with us.
      We did a great ride towards Richmond to the north of us - passing past Catterick before turning westward - climbing up a long drag through Tunstall before plunging back down into the Valley to return via the Deer Park at Hunton.
      We also visited Masham (pronounced Massam in these parts) to the south of us via a hilly route above the valleys. The countryside lanes were quiet and the views beautiful. Masham was quiet with only a few people in the market square - that changed on Sunday when the motorbike boys turned up apparently disregarding the SD rules.
      On Tuesday when we returned the town was quiet and we enjoyed a coffee and tea in the town square - served through a window from a take away cafe.
      We travelled, on Wednesday, to Ripon to visit the supermarket for a major stock up practising social distancing in the aisles. Two full trolleys later we returned via the LPG station to our site where Chloe will remain for the next four weeks. We enjoyed a sunbathe in the glorious afternoon sun.
      On Thursday we cycled to Masham again, this time we took a picnic and locked our bikes up in the riverside carpark. We took a walk along the river bank pathway returning to Masham via the Marfield Wetlands and alongside The Black Sheep Brewery.
      The smell of hops stewing was evident around the brewery which was clearly going back into production. We wandered around to the Theakston Brewery to see what they were up to - at the visitor centre a sign stated "Old Peculiar straight out of the wood" we resolved to return to sample both breweries a bit further down the line. The Theakston Brewery is no longer owned by Scottish and Newcastle and their website is vague as to the current ownership although the Theakston family are involved after the buyout. The Black Sheep brewery is owned by a junior Theakston family member who started the brewery upon the sale to S and N in the 1980s.
      Myself and my school friends enjoyed many a good pint of Theakstons "Standard" in the middle house at Marske by the Sea in our youth.
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