United Kingdom
Guildford District

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Guildford District
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    • Hari 40


      26 Jun 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      I just couldn't resist another day in London, so the Knights and I got up early and headed in by train to London for a day of being tourists.
      It was a day to wander around so Lucy & Issac could get a feel for London and for us all to attend the theater that evening to see "Austentious."
      Arriving in to Waterloo, we headed for the Thames and walked to Westminister Bridge and took in the view of the House of Commons, Big Ben (very accurate clock😉)and then onto Westminister Abbey(the queues!). We then wandered our way up to Buckingham Palace(shame they built so close to the road😆) to be in time for "the Changing of the Guard" which was spectacular with the Royal Hussars on horseback. Onwards to St James Park(my favourite park) and then to the Horseguards parade where we were privileged to see the Royal Hussars again. We then headed to "The Mall" ( the Mall had no shops😒) and visited the memorial to Sir Keith Park. Then we headed for Knightsbridge but on the way got waylaid at Fortnum & Masons and I had to show the Knights my old haunts( Rowleys, Three Crowns, The Shirt Shop) in Jermyn St, most posh ' chaps.
      On our way to Knightsbridge, we stumbled across a delightful free house (as pubs are called) and had a spot of lunch, awfully nice(as one says in London). Couldn't resist going to Berkerley Square to view a few car show rooms.
      Then, a quick jaunt across Hyde Park and in Harrods! OMG! only fools and horses would part with their money in Harrods! The price of everything was ridiculous. Who pays $1,000 for a pair of running shoes? and $180 for one pair of socks? Still, it was worth a look, especially the food hall where white Asparagus was a mere $20 a head, Gordon Bennet!( as Delboy would say).
      At this point, we all went our separate ways until we met up for the theatre in the early evening, just off Leicester Square.
      We saw Austentious, which was a comedy about Jane Austen. The actors did the whole play impromptu, and it was so clever. A good way to end our London day out.
      On collecting the car, we spotted a fox in the carpark and another crossing the road. Sadly, foxes are ostricused here as they are seen as pests. However, they are beautiful looking animals, and I have now seen one in the flesh.
      Tomorrow, I head to Heathrow to fly to the Colonies and back to reality. There is a saying, " One who grows tired of London grows tired of life." However, I would say; "one who grows tired of the Motherland, grows tired of life." In my mind, Britian is still great, and England will always be "the Motherland." Long may we have a connection to Great Britian!
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    • Hari 38

      The Gomshall Whisky Assoc meeting

      24 Jun 2023, England ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      A trip to see Gavin and Glenys would not be complete without a Whisky tasting session. As you may know, Gavin and I have started a Whisky still in NZ, and we bought some of our brew to England to partake in a " blind tasting." G& G invited their neighbour over, who is quite famous in the UK( more later) along with their British friends from Woking.. We had nibbles, etc, and then got down to the serious business of Whisky. Matt said a special Gallic ode for the proceedings and then judging began. To Gavin and I surprise, one of our brews won the competition .
      Their neighbour, Adam, is a local, and he is a landscape architect and does work for the Royal family. He regaled stories of his interactions with the family and the work he had done.
      Over the last few days, we have visited Abinger Hatch, Dorking, Peaslake, Godalming, and my ⁹favourite village, Shere. We walked the Pilgrims Way to Shere. The Pilfrims Way to a path stretching from Canterbury cathedral to Gloucester. The weather has been a real treat.
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    • Hari 36


      22 Jun 2023, England ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today just had to be another car day, didn't it, and this Colonial boy went to Mercedes-Benz World at Brooklands, Weybridge in Surrey. Being me, I couldn't resist a chance to go out on a race track and find out how good a Mercedes-Benz is.
      Driving a Mercedes-Benz AMG V8 at break-neck speed is phenomenal. I had an instructor with me, and not only did he get me to put the car through its paces, he put me through my paces as well. Learning to control a car at speed is amazing, and then experiencing aqua planing and simulated black ice and controlling it was difficult.
      Mercedes World is also a museum and research centre . I saw a Mercedes-Benz that were one off or out of reach of most NZers.
      After Mercedes World, I took Gavin & Glenys around Weybridge, where I lived in the 1980s for 4 years. Weybridge has changed little, still has a beautiful cricket green and choice shops. After our short tour, we went to Pyrford Lock for lunch at the Badger pub.
      We finished up the day at Dorking looking at antique & curio shops before arriving back in Gomshall for a well-earned G&T on the terrace. Another brilliant hot day in the land of hope & glory.
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    • Hari 27

      Touring Guildford

      27 September 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      After yesterday’s long journey, it was great to have an easy day with no travel. We have breakfast included at our hotel so that’s how we started the day. Afterwards we walked down the hill into town to find the tourist information office. It was not open yet so we went for cappuccinos at really nice, Italian coffee bar. Nearby we noticed a huge, final closing out sale with everything marked off by an additional 50%, at a department store. Had to check that out even though we really have no room to carry more. Still, I couldn’t resist buying a pair of Levis and a pair of shoes!

      The tourist information office was very helpful and we walked away with handfuls of maps and brochures. It also contained an art gallery inside the historic building so we decided to check that out. We then proceeded to follow “The Historic Trail” to see places of interest, old as well as new, around the heart of Guildford. We had a numbered map for a self-guided tour so that made it quite simple.

      Sights included Tungsgate Arch, built in 1818 and located on High Street, a pedestrian only street; Castle Square, the boundary of the medieval town; The Great Tower, built by the Normans in the early 12th Century; the remains of The Royal Palace, visited more than 100x by Henry III; Castle Arch, built in 1256 as the main entrance to Guildford Castle; Guildford Museum, with its display of artifacts and St. Mary’s Church, the only building in Guildford that dates from Saxon times.

      After all this touring, we had worked up a pretty good thirst and appetite for a British pub meal. We chose the historic “Three Pigeons Pub” on High Street. We ended our day with a stroll along the Wey River before walking back to the hotel.
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    • Hari 34

      Gomshall Gomshall - all aboard!

      20 Jun 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Sadly, I had to leave Mersea Island and say goodbye to my friends, Alan & Shirley. We will meet again someday somewhere, don't know when..........look after yourselves.
      I had a very smooth trip into Waterloo, and there saw sights I hadn't seen since my days in the 80s. Top hats and tails are still the standard of dress for the races, and aplenty there were in Waterloo along with women's hats of all shapes and sizes. Tally ho ol' chaps!
      I got lunch at Waterloo and chatted briefly to a lady who thought NZ was paradise. Now I'm on board the train to Gomshall via Guilford.
      Arrived at Gomshall to be greeted by Gavin and Glenys. It was super to see them. The cottage is just beautiful, built around 200 yrs ago, and British to the core.
      Tonight, we dined at the new refurbished "Gomshall Mill" and had a great meal and classy French wine.
      Home now to relax for the evening..

      Wednesday in Gomshall and Gavin had me assembling garden furniture and helping out in the garden. We took some time out to lunch at Abinger Hatch pub, where to my delight, I had trout for lunch. We also took the opportunity to visit the local farm shop where I bought some unusual tomatoes and some delightful pickle.
      In the afternoon, Gavin went out to get more garden furniture, and I went for a short stroll in Gomshall. To my amazement , I came across an elderly couple who owned a 1932 3 wheeler Morgan V2. Being me, I got talking to them. They told me they had done 300,000 miles in their three wheeler, having driven it through Russia, Europe, and the UK. What a delight to see an absolute classic. They also owned a 1929 Morgan Racer that they raced at the Goodwood Festival of Speed.
      On my return from my walk, Glenys was looking after a friend's 3-year-old daughter, and we were watching trout in the stream at the back of the cottage. I managed to net a native lobster, which also habitat the stream.
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    • Hari 39


      25 Jun 2023, England ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Today, Sunday, I decided to walk to the next village from Gomshall, called Abinger Hammer, all of 1.2km away. I had tea and cake at the Abinger Tearooms and read the Sunday Telegraph. Coincidently, I had tea at the same tearooms in 1985. Jolly, nice it was. Abinger Hammer is known for a quaint clock tower.
      Today has been "rather close," as they say in Britian, with the temperature reaching 29c. This must be global warming, I hear you say. Nope, it ain't! These temperatures in an English summer were occurring in the 1980s when I lived here. History also shows Britian experienced very high temperatures in Roman times.
      Walking in the Surrey Hills and between villages is so enjoyable and easy. These villages were created in a time of limited transport, so close proximity of villages and dwellings were important for contact and trading.
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    • Hari 26

      Innsbruck, Austria to Guildford, England

      26 September 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Well, it was a marathon, but it all went as planned and we made it to England last night. It was a 15 hr journey:

      6 am - start walking to the Innsbruck train station
      6:10 - board train to Kufstein
      7:02 - board train to Munich
      8:28 - board train to Stuttgart
      10:52 - board train to Paris
      14:05 - walk from Paris East train station to Paris North
      17:13 - buy London transit tickets and catch metro to London, St. Pancras International
      18:32 - arrive and walk to King’s Cross St. Pancras metro station
      18:36 - catch metro to Victoria stop and walk to Victoria Station
      18:41 - catch Southern train to Claphorn Junction
      18:52 - catch Southwestern Railway train to Guildford
      19:26 - arrive in Guildford and walk to hotel
      19:50 - arrive at destination

      By the time we arrived at the hotel we were pretty tired out. The icing on the cake was the final walk from the Guildford train station to the hotel. It was basically all up hill. I was really happy that the hotel has a fridge full of cold drinks in the lobby and you can help yourself. I picked a 1/2 l bottle of a locally brewed beer. As soon as we got to our room, after hauling our luggage up two flights of stairs, I had nice hot shower and enjoyed that 🍺!
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    • Hari 2

      Kurzer Stopp

      28 Jun 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Der erste kurze Stopp um eine kleine Mütze Schlaf zu bekommen, war tatsächlich an der gleichen Raststätte wie letztes Jahr auf dem Weg nach Schottland. Immerhin waren die Augen heute morgen etwas weiter auf, so dass ich hier noch den Minitümpel mit Bella entdeckt habe 😊Baca lagi

    • Hari 2

      Spot du soir

      8 Julai 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      En débarquant, difficile dans les premières minutes de s'habituer à la conduite à gauche mais demain sans fatigue, ca devrait mieux ce passer.

      Petit breakfast anglais pour recharger les batteries mais même Laly est calé...

      On continue notre avancé vers Londres, où on découvre une petite foret au calme avant la capitale. Petite ballade pour faciliter la digestion et couchage des troupes tôt...
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    • Hari 4–6

      Train delays

      17 November 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      After a quick lunch at the same place we ate yesterday, we headed to nearby Waterloo Station to catch our train.

      Unfortunately, when we checked the board, it listed our train as cancelled. Well that's never a good sign. We were told that we needed to board a different train to Basingstoke and then when we got there our original train would now be departing from Basingstoke.

      Soon we were on our (slow) way to Basingstoke. I took advantage of the delay to do some research on quaint English villages. Russell took the opportunity to have a nap.
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