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    • Día 2

      London at last!

      10 de mayo, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Two very tired travellers eventually arrived at their spacious apartment in Kensington after a chauffeur driven ride in a black Mercedes. Accomodation is wonderful.2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 80sqmetres. Our home for 15 nights. Walk out door of building and 15 metres is Waitrose supermarket!Leer más

    • Día 11


      13 de mayo de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      After leaving Winchester it was back to London where we walked around Kensington and Hyde Park before heading off on the Tube to see ABBA in the purpose built arena at Pudding Mill Lane (what a great name!).Leer más

    • Día 14

      Hello London

      18 de agosto de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Nous passons une dernière matinée dans cette ville attachante en visitant l'université de Glasgow, dans son pur style victorien, tout en arcades, tourelles et grandes fenêtres. Puis c'est au tour du Art Galery Museum de nous ouvrir ses portes sur des oeuvres racontant notamment l'histoire du pays. Nous découvrons également le courant architectural et décoratif des Macintosh qui s'inscrit dans l'art moderne du début du 19ème.
      La journée se poursuit dans le train pour Londres où nous rejoignons notre auberge de jeunesse à Holland Park à l'ouest de la capitale ; encore une ancienne bâtisse dans le style jacobéen.
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    • Día 1

      Hyde Park

      6 de octubre de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Nachdem wir um 07:50 Uhr Ortszeit angekommen waren, ging es für uns vom Flughafen Heathrow mit der U-Bahn zur South Kensington Haltestelle.
      Ein paar Minuten Fußmarsch und einer unerwarteten extrem scharfen "Chicken Roll" später, erreichten wir den Hyde Park.

      Der Kensington Palast war nicht so spektakulär, dafür hat uns aber die Größe vom Park fasziniert. Die Geräusche der Metropole gingen unter und es herrschte eine trügerische Stille. Der Park war überhaupt nicht überlaufen und es schien, als würde der Park von den Einheimischen mehr genutzt werden, als von den Touristen. Wir haben uns schon gefreut "Schön, wie wenig Touristen hier sind. Scheint die perfekte Zeit zu sein, um nach London zu reisen!"

      Tja! Wenn da nicht die vielen großen Sehenswürdigkeiten wären, die diese Stadt so ausmachen.
      Wir haben uns gefühlt wie auf einem Festival.
      Dazu mehr im nächsten Post 😊

      Zurück zum Hyde Park.

      Es gab viele kleine Ansehnlichkeiten, die den Park ausmachten. Statuen wie zum Beispiel Peter Pan oder das Lady Diane Memorial machten den Park besonders. Für einen Moment dachten wir auch, dass Emma Watson auf einer Bank saß. Als wir vorbeiliefen, sah sie ihr zum verwechseln ähnlich. War sie es oder war sie es nicht? Das ist hier die Frage! 🤔

      Nach einer kleinen Stärkung im Park an einem Café, ging es weiter Richtung Buckingham Palast!
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    • Día 16

      Lucy, Dicky and some Clever Design

      14 de abril de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      After a big day yesterday testing our wands, we needed a quieter day. We had a slow start to the morning before heading in to Westminster to poke around. Tom and Sarah were very keen to head to the Churchill War Rooms, while I took the younger boys down to the river. We walked passed Big Ben and agreed that it was quite big. We strolled through St James' Park towards Buckingham Palace. We were fortunate enough to see a horse brigade and platoon of the Queen's Guard practicing their marching up and down the Mall. We spied Buckingham Palace, admired the bloody big gates, and headed for the pub.

      Sarah and Tom had escaped the apartment early and lined up to see Churchills War Rooms, something Sarah had missed when we were living in London and swore she wasn't missing out this time. The entrance fee into this museum came with an audio device and gave you extra information about Churchills time during WWII and his life prior and after. They both thought it was great to get an inside look into how Churchill and his team operated during the war...and also agreed it was nice to get the chance to take their time without the sounds from Jack & Fred 'are we finished yet!'

      Sarah and Tom joined us for lunch, where Sarah finally got to have fish ’n’ chips with mushy peas before we headed to the Design Museum to meet Lucy, Dicky, Trix and Fabs. It was a cool little museum, highlighting the importance of design in our everyday lives. After a slightly shy start, the kids were soon getting along very well. We left the museum and headed around the back to Holland Park. Rowan trained here many moons ago for the Wildcats, so it was cool to come back and kick a footy with the kids. Dicky's frisbee got a solid workout and, as would become routine for the trip, Jack and Cam found some local kids to kick a football with. Fred and Fabs hit it off famously, creating their own little world, and for a good time kept each other thoroughly entertained. Zoe also came and met us again, and it was lovely to introduce her to Lucy, Dicky and the kids.

      It was great to chat to Lucy and Dicky and hear about their lives which are quickly about to change with Lucy due in a few months.

      We said our goodbyes and hope that we get to see Trix, Fabs and the little nugget in the not-too-distant future down in Australia. The boys really enjoyed their time together.

      Zoe came back to our place for dinner. We all love spending as much time as we can with her…in two days we are leaving London bound for warmer shores.
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    • Día 59


      8 de junio de 2018, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Feeling much more rested today! Catch up on E-mail and "life" in the AM. I have not done any shopping for 2 months and have a list of things I want to get here in London. So need to start on that today or, as usual, I will be shopping at the airport.

      A warm sunny day in London, the city sparkles. First off to go to the National Theater (for those of you who like theater this is the theater in London that does the filming of one of their performances that show in our movie houses) for tickets for Saturday. The National always has new/innovative and unusual remakes of old standards. They do more drama than musicals. Saw Angels in America here last year, this year it will be Julie. A old drama that I had not heard of before and it just opened last week. The gal who plays the lead was Princess Margaret in series The Crown - Vanessa Kirby. Will let you know.

      Then a wonderful lunch at one of my favorite London places - Wagamama. An upscale noodles place and they now have a location on the busy Southbank area of the Thames near the National and the Royal Festival Hall. Duck Ramen in the wonderful London sunshine. All is right with the world. On my way back to the tube, I went past the box office of a play I had been looking at, new, called the Moderate Soprano. I went in and, as luck would have it, they have a matinee on Saturdays, so bought a ticket. So double header tomorrow.

      Then off to Harrods for my annual trip around the store. The store is always changing and I continue to be amazed to understand how so many people really "shop" there. Harrods's defines upscale shopping for me. I just look for the Harrods gift store, get my mug and little things for friends that might appreciate the sentiment. A real treat today as I was walking by one of the many restaurants - an Italian and Pizzeria - and a chef (at least he was all dressed in white with a bakers hat) was singing Italian opera!! What fun! Did not get my camera out in time.

      Home for a "feet up" and change for the evening's outing. Tonight is the Harold Pinter drama - Consent. Had never seen and it was excellent. Acting was terrific and the rape subject is timely with the #metoo focus. An interesting way to approach a legal issue through the life of 3 couples. Would highly recommend.

      Miles: 7.5
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    • Día 15

      Victoria Collection, Kensington Palace

      5 de julio de 2018, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We really enjoy watching the Victoria show on TV so this was of special interest. Victoria was born and grew up in Kensington Palace. At that time it was out in the countryside. We saw the room she came to and held the meeting with all the important people of the country. This within hours of unexpectedly becoming Queen at the age of 18 .Leer más

    • Día 58


      7 de junio de 2018, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      Up to get organized for London. Did not even unpack last night, fell into bed. Spent AM time cleaning up and doing some theater planning. Have a list of plays I would like to see, have 5 days and plan on 5 or 6 plays. Off to "downtown" and the discount ticket kiosk. Got tickets for Dream Girls tonight and then went to the box office for Consent - a Harold Pinter drama - for tomorrow night. Got my Oyster (transportation card) for the week, walked around the usual hordes of tourists in the Piccadilly Circus area. Back to flat to get groceries at the Waitross (supermarket) right across the street.

      Lunch and some more planning time and out late afternoon for a walk in Holland Park with an entrance right across the street. Had been here last year in April and it was so beautiful with all the tulips in bloom. This year, all of the latest planting (I think they were iris) were gone and they are getting ready to replant the next annual. Some roses still left in the Rose Garden but not a lot there either. So not as pretty this year but still a huge park and so much more to see and do. Lots of babies in carriages, toddlers - some terrific kids playgrounds - and, as always in London, heard part of a rehearsal for their Opera in the Park series, and lots of people just out enjoying one of the fantastic London parks.

      I checked out the Kyoto Garden, a Japanese park within Holland Park. It is still very beautiful and comes up as one of the 5 best parks in London. Back to figure out the washing machine and out for the theater. Dream Girls was good, not great. I marvel at how many good singers there are in the world. This musical has a lot of them. The lead was terrific and one of the fellows (their manager for those of you who have seen the play) was also excellent. Walked around for a bit after the show to see the usual mobbed night life in this area (the West End theater district) of London at 11PM at night. Always fun - for just a little while.

      Miles: 7.5
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    • Día 17

      Day 16. London

      10 de julio de 2019, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Relaxing morning.
      Train & bus to Kensington palace. Nice residence (lots of princess Diana focus) & gardens.
      Lunch & walk around in Hyde park inc pic with English premier league cup & footage inside main arena - check out squirrel man.
      Quick pic of Albert hall (no time to go inside).
      Afternoon tea at harrods - great experience.
      Back on train
      Home for dinner
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    • Día 15

      The Great London Cycle

      13 de agosto de 2017, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Saturday was the Great London Walk and today has been the Great London Cycle. We cycled from Elephant and Castle to Soho, via Lambert Bridge. From there, we cycled through Hyde Park to Kensington Palace. Then returned back to Elephant and Castle after viewing the dismounting ceremony of the Queen's Life Guard, via Waterloo Bridge. Apparently, the ceremony has come about because Queen Victoria found the guard drinking and and gambling, so as a punishment a check was put in place at 4pm each day for 100 years. Even though the 100 year punishment has ended, Queen Elizabeth II has continued the practice and established it as a tradition.

      More than 25 kilometres were traversed today, equating to a lot of pedalling. Needless to say, Jason doesn't want to see another bicycle for a long time.
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Kensington, Kensinqton, Кенсінгтон, Кенсингтън, کنزینگتون, קנזינגטון, केंसिंग्टन, ケンジントン, 켄징턴, Кенсингтон, 肯星頓, 肯辛顿

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