United Kingdom
Kensington Palace

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  • Day 219

    Zurück in Europa

    November 11, 2024 in England ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

    Gestern am Nachmittag stiegen wir nach kurzer Verwirrung, da es plötzlich hiess unser Flug geht eine Stunde früher in unser Flugzeug. Und nach einem eher sehr mühsamen und unentspannten Flug landeten wir schliesslich heute Morgen früh nach 14 Stunden Flug in London.
    Da die Stadt gerade erst erwachte fuhren wir ins Hotel um unser Gepäck abzuladen, dann kam auch schon Debi an die uns besuchte. Erstmal natürlich ein English Breakfast und dann schlenderten wir etwas die Oxford Street entlang da wir noch einige warme Kleider benötigten. Leckeres Zmittag in der Bäckerei und ansonsten passierte nicht mehr viel. Wir waren nach über 24h mit fast gar keinem Schlaf richtig erschöpft. Einchecken duschen und ab ins Pub🙃
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  • Day 3

    Kensington Palace, second Diana stop

    August 12, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    We finally arrived at Kensington Palace, where Béatrice was eager to meet Diana's soul...
    We could see a very interesting show Crown and Couture, with gorgeous dresses and jewels used mostly for key TV and art events. We cannot show here all the pics we took, so again something we shall share afterwards.
    We could also visit Victoria's apartments, and understand that she, along with her "Georgian" predecessors (kings George I, II, III and IV), was the true soul of the place, though later inhabited by Diana also.
    And, again by bus, we went back home through the very pleasant Chelsea neighborhood to get back to our place and have a well-deserved rest after 10 km of walking during that day.
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  • Day 7


    October 5, 2024 in England ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Nach der Besichtigung von oben sind wir weiter nach Kensington gefahren und haben uns dort dann den Kensington Palace angesehen der heute ja der Wohnsitz von William und Kate ist. Auf dem Rückweg sind wir dann noch zur Royal Alberthall gegangen leider war heute keine Führung mehr so das wir dann noch was kleines gegessen hatten bevor es zurück zum Hotel geht.Read more

  • Day 1

    Hyde Park

    October 6, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Nachdem wir um 07:50 Uhr Ortszeit angekommen waren, ging es für uns vom Flughafen Heathrow mit der U-Bahn zur South Kensington Haltestelle.
    Ein paar Minuten Fußmarsch und einer unerwarteten extrem scharfen "Chicken Roll" später, erreichten wir den Hyde Park.

    Der Kensington Palast war nicht so spektakulär, dafür hat uns aber die Größe vom Park fasziniert. Die Geräusche der Metropole gingen unter und es herrschte eine trügerische Stille. Der Park war überhaupt nicht überlaufen und es schien, als würde der Park von den Einheimischen mehr genutzt werden, als von den Touristen. Wir haben uns schon gefreut "Schön, wie wenig Touristen hier sind. Scheint die perfekte Zeit zu sein, um nach London zu reisen!"

    Tja! Wenn da nicht die vielen großen Sehenswürdigkeiten wären, die diese Stadt so ausmachen.
    Wir haben uns gefühlt wie auf einem Festival.
    Dazu mehr im nächsten Post 😊

    Zurück zum Hyde Park.

    Es gab viele kleine Ansehnlichkeiten, die den Park ausmachten. Statuen wie zum Beispiel Peter Pan oder das Lady Diane Memorial machten den Park besonders. Für einen Moment dachten wir auch, dass Emma Watson auf einer Bank saß. Als wir vorbeiliefen, sah sie ihr zum verwechseln ähnlich. War sie es oder war sie es nicht? Das ist hier die Frage! 🤔

    Nach einer kleinen Stärkung im Park an einem Café, ging es weiter Richtung Buckingham Palast!
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  • Day 11

    Kensington (London)

    May 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    After leaving Winchester it was back to London where we walked around Kensington and Hyde Park before heading off on the Tube to see ABBA in the purpose built arena at Pudding Mill Lane (what a great name!).Read more

  • Day 15

    Victoria Collection, Kensington Palace

    July 5, 2018 in England ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    We really enjoy watching the Victoria show on TV so this was of special interest. Victoria was born and grew up in Kensington Palace. At that time it was out in the countryside. We saw the room she came to and held the meeting with all the important people of the country. This within hours of unexpectedly becoming Queen at the age of 18 .Read more

  • Diana: 25 years on…

    June 15, 2022 in England ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    It is always a reflective time when I visit Kensington Palace. Sure, I love all the history, particularly related to Queen Victoria and Princess Margaret who both lived here. But, obviously my biggest reflection is Diana. Everybody remembers where they were when they heard the news. I was living in London that year and remember feeling devastated as I travelled around France and Spain at that moment in time. I watched the funeral in Spain and the normally busy streets were completely void of people. It was eerie. Such a waste… Such an outpouring of grief. Can’t believe that it is 25 years this year. I couldn’t wait to get back to London. I lined up to sign the book of condolence at Kensington Palace and I saw the amazing floral tributes in front of Kensington Palace. They were as high as me and as far as you could see…💐🌹🌺🌸🌼

    Today all I had to do was walk out of my hotel room and cross the road to be at the palace. How fantastic is that? ❤️👑 I have visited and toured the palace many times but I get just as excited 😆 when I am doing it again. Today is no different! Last visit I saw Diana‘s dresses 👗 exhibition and this time the exhibition is ‘…life through the Royal lens…’📸

    And, what an exhibition it is! So many wonderful photographs… some never before seen. Queen Victoria started the photographic craze mid 1850’s with her reign. There is one photograph that shows her face smudged. Queen Victoria did this to the negative because she did not approve of the way she looked. It was with her children and they all are untouched. I simply devoured all the information around the photography and how it completely changed the public perception of the Royal family… as expected, the Queen calls all the shots when ever she has a photography session.✊🏻👑

    There was another story about Queen Mary crying for three days when she was to marry William. But, it became a true love story because William would not leave her side for weeks, even setting up a bed right next to her when she was sick and eventually died of smallpox.😢

    I am now standing in a quiet alcove admiring the serenity of Diana‘s statue. You are no longer allowed to walk around in the sunken garden which I was at first disappointed about, but then I spoke to the gardener who explained that a sunken garden is supposed to be appreciated from a distance, as a whole… It made complete sense and made it much more serene and respectful ❤️❤️❤️🪴🌸🌹🌳🙏

    This was indeed another highlight of this trip! There were not too many people so you had to complete silence to just admire and reflect. Beautiful moment 😢❤️🌹

    PS: I went a little bit crazy in the gift shop! Whoops! Rule Britannia! 🤪👑 🇬🇧 🇬🇧
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  • Day 15

    The Great London Cycle

    August 13, 2017 in England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Saturday was the Great London Walk and today has been the Great London Cycle. We cycled from Elephant and Castle to Soho, via Lambert Bridge. From there, we cycled through Hyde Park to Kensington Palace. Then returned back to Elephant and Castle after viewing the dismounting ceremony of the Queen's Life Guard, via Waterloo Bridge. Apparently, the ceremony has come about because Queen Victoria found the guard drinking and and gambling, so as a punishment a check was put in place at 4pm each day for 100 years. Even though the 100 year punishment has ended, Queen Elizabeth II has continued the practice and established it as a tradition.

    More than 25 kilometres were traversed today, equating to a lot of pedalling. Needless to say, Jason doesn't want to see another bicycle for a long time.
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  • Day 5

    Kensington Palast V

    October 30, 2016 in England ⋅ 🌫 11 °C

    Wir sind dann durch die einzelnen Räume gegangen.

    Irgendwie habe ich für meine Verhältnisse wenig Fotos gemacht, aber an dem Tag hatte ich auch irgendwie schlechte Laune da meine Füße so wehtaten durch einige Blasen.Read more

  • Day 15

    Kensington Palace, London, England

    July 5, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Kensington Palace is the current home of Prince William and Catherine, Prince Harry and Megan and a few other Royals. It was the palace we had the most access to plus it was just up the street from our hotel. The first State Rooms we toured belonged to William and Mary (see pictures below). We then toured the display of Diana's clothing (see separate footprint) and then went through the section on Victoria (see separate footprint as well).Read more

You might also know this place by the following names:

Kensington Palace, Kensington-paleis, قصر كنسينغتون, Кенсінгтонскі палац, Кенсингтън, Palau de Kensington, Kensingtonský palác, Palacio de Kensington, Kensingtoni palee, Kensington jauregia, کاخ کنزینگتون, Kensingtonin palatsi, Palais de Kensington, Pálás Kensington, ארמון קנזינגטון, Քենսինգթոնյան պալատ, Istana Kensington, ケンジントン宮殿, 켄징턴 궁전, Кензингтонска палата, Pałac Kensington, Palácio de Kensington, Palatul Kensington, Кенсингтонский дворец, Кенсингтонска палата, พระราชวังเค็นซิงตัน, Кенсінгтонський палац, 肯辛顿宫

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