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Top 10 Travel Destinations Shropshire
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    • Day 8

      Unterwegs in "Bourton on the water "🌊

      May 14, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Da habe ich doch sooo viel Sonne zu Euch geschickt, dass es jetzt am Abend bei uns auch regnet. Aber wir stehen auf einem "Campingplatz" mitten im Feld, ohne WLAN, ohne Strom, dafür mit einer schönen Aussicht, viel Ruhe und wie gesagt, schönem gemütlichen Landregen 🥰 .
      Aber erst einmal an alle Muttis: ich hoffe, ihr seid heute so richtig verwöhnt worden 💐🎶🎁🥂🍾🧡.
      Mein Morgen begann mit einem schon fertigen Frühstück und sogar frischen Blümchen. Da schmeckt die 1. Tasse Kaffee ☕ gleich noch mal so gut 🤠👍. Unsere Kinder erreichten uns, Tim von daheim und Lara aus Slowenien, pünktlich am Nachmittag zu den ersten scones und clottet cream 😋👌. Weit in der Welt verstreut und doch macht die Technik den Kontakt zum Glück möglich 🧡❤.
      Da unsere "Englandetappe" nach 1 Woche erst einmal langsam zu Ende geht, hatten wir heute auch als grobe Zielrichtung LIVERPOOL angesteuert, haben aber am frühen Nachmittag erst einmal einen Stop und eine Fahrraftour durch Bourton on the Water gemacht.
      Bourton-on-the-Water ist ein Dorf in der Grafschaft Gloucestershire im Cotswolds Gebiet. Es liegt in einem weiten flachen Tal innerhalb einem sogenannten Gebiet von außergewöhnlicher Naturschönheit. So schreibt es der Reiseführer und mittlerweile leben ca. 4000 Einwohner in der Gemeinde. Davon schienen heute mindestens 50 Prozent unterwegs gewesen zu sein 🙈🙈🙈. Trotzdem haben wir schöne Plätzchen bei unserer Radtour gefunden.
      Allerdings ist das Fahrrad nicht das bevorzugte Fortbewegungsmittel der Engländer. Leichte Irritationen waren beim einen oder anderen zu erkennen und ich glaube, sie fanden German People auf Rädern ein bißchen crazy 🤷‍♀️?!?
      Unserer Entdeckungsfreude tat das keinen Abbruch. Wir entdeckten unter anderem eine kleine Kirche, die eine bezaubernde Atmosphäre hatte und wohl gleichzeitig als Gemeindezentrum dient.
      Das war sehr angenehm und so fuhren wir auch im Geiste 😇gestärkt weiter, und jetzt nach einem ruhigen Abend machen uns bettfein 👋😋🌈
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    • Day 102

      A murder!

      December 14, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      This morning we said farewell to our beautiful gatehouse, and headed towards Derby.

      We wandered around Derby shopping mall for a while, stopping for a Popeyes lunch (which we loved in Hawaii, Phill believes it to be as good here too).

      We then checked into our accommodation at Risley Hall which is a Manor house. Apparently this Manor has a big secret, it was the site of a murder!

      Atleast that was the premise of our dinner, thanks to Tony and Michelle we are staying the night here solving a murder mystery over a 3 course meal!

      The food was good, and although 2 murders were committed the evening was high in spirits. We helped the local detective, we decided it was infact not Jack the Ripper, it was Lady Alexandra! And out of 40 people Phill and I received the Super Sleuth award! So thanks Michelle for slipping them a 20 and making us win!

      Steps: 13.5k
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    • Day 100

      Day 100!

      December 12, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      We said good morning to Mr. Horton and his coffees before heading out of Birmingham and driving to my favorite town in the UK so far; Ludlow.

      Ludlow has been described by many as one of the prettiest towns at Christmas due to its tudor age buildings, markets and varying range of stores. And we both agreed it was our favourite small town so far! (in the UK)

      After checking out at least 8 op-shops we decided to leave Ludlow and we headed to Bridgnorth.

      Here we checked out 5 more op-shops and enjoyed a wander through the town before picking up some food supplies at the supermarket and made our way down a flooded single lane road to our castle gatehouse!

      Our accommodation for the next 2 nights is an Elizabethan gatehouse. Which is very cool! We have a video showing off our latest digs, but it's too long for Penguins, so we'll have to share it separately...

      We made ourselves some spaghetti and meatballs and enjoyed it in our dining room before winding down with some TV.

      Step count: 16.4k
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    • Day 31

      The Mount - Charles Darwin’s birth place

      May 23 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      On my way to Yorkshire I stopped by The Mount in Shrewsbury to have a look at Charles Darwin’s birth place. When I got there I found out that it was privately owned and used for offices. There was a plaque on the outside wall so as I was getting out to take a photo this man came out very purposefully. I thought I was in for a telling off but it turned out he was I think the house museum project manager John Hughes. He told me there was no formal tours or entry. When I told him I had studied Charles Darwin he offered to take me around. 2 1/2hrs later I had been through the house, grounds, got all the inside info, and seen photographs that had only recently this year been found. I was stoked to say the least.Read more

    • Day 14


      May 29 in Wales ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Auf dem Weg nach Hay in Wye haben wir ein Schaf gerettet. Es lag auf dem Rücken und wäre ohne die Hilfe meiner Frau nicht mehr hochgekommen... Beste Frau ever

      Unten sehen wir da gerettete Schafe wieder vereint mit dem KleinenRead more

    • Day 33


      June 4, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      After leaving Chester, we drove through the Shropshire Hills in the Welsh County of Shropshire. This area was full of even more rolling green hills and countryside.

      We then stopped at Ludlow, which
      has the reputation of being the "loveliest town in Britain". It borders Wales and England and is on the River Teme.

      The town features Tudor buildings and has pubs dating from the 1300's.

      The Norman invaders started building Ludlow Castle in 1095. Much of it is now in ruins.

      It is a very pretty place and it's castle, houses and shops are almost quintessentially English (and Welsh).
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    • Day 101

      When sickness strikes

      December 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      This morning Bec awoke with a head cold, while we didn't plan to do much today other than lounge about in our gatehouse, but we were going to explore the grounds, which we did a little.

      Along with all of the other buildings there is St Michael's Church, which is a 12th century Norman church. While we weren't able to go in, it still looked really cool!

      Once the wind picked up, we got Bec back inside and lit a fire. Eventually we made another (smaller) charcuterie board and just relaxed in the warmth.

      Step count: 5.4k
      (Though I didn't have my watch on for a while, so it was probably a bit higher)
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    • Day 3


      June 7 in England ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Ironbridge is a small town in the West Midlands region of England, famous for being the home of the first cast iron bridge in the world. The bridge was completed in 1781 by Abraham Darby III, grandson of Abraham Darby, who perfected the smelting of iron with coke. The bridge is viewed as a symbol of the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.Read more

    • Day 3

      The Dingle and Lyth Hill

      April 16 in England ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Was gibt es Schöneres als nach dem Unterricht Zeit in the Dingle zu verbringen 😍.
      Am späten Nachmittag ging es dann gut 10 Minuten mit dem Auto zum Lyth Hill,ein toller Ausflug mit Gilly und Luna,bei bestem Wetter.Read more

    • Day 2

      Erster Tag in Shrewsbury

      April 15 in England ⋅ 🌬 6 °C

      Um 8:30 Uhr begann mein erster Tag an der Severnvale Academy...obwohl, da es bereits mein dritter Sprachkursus ist,war es fast wie "nach Hause " kommen. Wie schön bekannte Gesichter zu sehen: Ed, Charlie, Laurence, Jill.. Natürlich durfte der erste Gang Richtung Quarry vor Unterrichtsbeginn nicht fehlen 😍. Derzeit gibt es viele Studenten an der Academy, die Lunchtime haben wir in einer kleinen Gruppe verbracht. Um 15:15 Uhr war Unterrichtsschluss...ist doch anstrengend und ich muss mich wieder daran gewöhnen. Übrigens wurde ich zwar mit Regen und Wind geweckt, es gab aber auch noch viel Sonnenschein. In 30 Minuten Fußweg zu Gilly und Luna konnte ich gut Frischluft tanken. Eine Gassi- Runde darf auch hier nicht fehlen 😅Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Shropshire, SHR, OSP

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